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Aeran Joo 2 Articles
The Effects of an Internet Addiction Prevention Program on Middle School Students
Aeran Joo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(2):207-214.   Published online June 30, 2009
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of an Internet addiction prevention program on middle school students' stress and Internet addiction.
This research adopted the non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design, and was conducted with 40 middle school students who were selected through convenient sampling and assigned to an experimental group or a control group. Data were collected from September 5, 2007 to September 27, 2007, and analyzed using the SPSS/WIN program by frequency, chi2-test, Fisher's exact test, and t-test.
The results of the experiment supported the hypothesis that the experimental group would have lower stress scores and Internet addiction scores than the control group.
After 8 sessions of the Internet addiction prevention program, it was found the program was effective to reduce stress and Internet addiction.
The Relation between Farmers' Syndrome and Quality of Life of Residents in Suburban Area
In Hyae Park, Aeran Joo, Youn Kyoung Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(3):495-505.   Published online September 30, 2008
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This study was conducted to identify the relation between farmers' syndrome and the quality of life of residents in suburban areas.
A total of 994 subjects were selected through simple random sampling. Data were collected from June 25 to August 31, 2007. Data analysis included frequency, chi2-test, Fisher's exact test, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan test, and Pearson's correlation coefficient using SPSS Win 12.0.
1. Analysis of farmers' syndrome showed that there were statistically significant differences according to age, gender, education, living with, family conversation, health security, monthly income, occupation, general health status, systolic blood pressure, and sleeping time. 2. Analysis of the quality of life showed that there were statistically significant differences according to age, education, religion, family conversation, health security, monthly income, occupation, and sleeping time. 3. Farmers' syndrome was in a significantly negative correlation with quality of life.
Considering the results above, we need to develop nursing interventions for decreasing hypertension, high blood sugar, and farmers' syndrome of residents in suburban area.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing