The Effect of an Obesity Control Program on Body Composition and Blood Lipid Level among Middle-aged Obese Women in a Health Center
Jeoung Ha Sim, Dae Gyu Go, Young Ju Yoo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(2):201-210. Published online June 30, 2007
The Purpose of this study was to examine an obesity control program using dietary consult and physical exercise among middle-aged obese women in a health center. METHOD This study used a pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 63 middle-aged women with over BMI 25(Kg/m2) or %BF 28 who participated in the obesity control program for 12 weeks. RESULTS After the program for 12 weeks, BMI(p= .02) and TC(p= .00) decreased significantly compared with those before the program. CONCLUSION Obesity control programs in health centers can decrease the degree of obesity in middle-aged obese women. Therefore health centers should develop strategies for their members' continuous participation in such an obesity control program.