A Study on thd Knowledge, Attitude and the Preventive Behavior of Noise of Workers Exposed to the Harmful Noise
Su Ja Kwon, Eun Hee Kim, Tae Kyung Kim, Hee Young Jung
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(1):59-67. Published online March 31, 2005
- No abstract available.
A Study on the Correlation among Family Functioning, Self-concept and Health Promotion Behavior of Elementary School Students
Su Ja Kwon, Eun Hee Kim, Tae Kyung Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(4):608-617. Published online December 31, 2004
This study was to investigate family functioning, self-concept and health promotion behavior of elementary school students and to find out the correlation among these variables. METHOD The subjects were 277 students who participated voluntarily in the questionnaire. The instrument used in this study was family APGAR, self-concept and health promotion behavior tool. The data were collected from May 18th to 21st, 2004 with a self-administered questionnaire, using frequency, percentage, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression with SPSS 10.0 win. RESULTS 1) The mean score of health promotion behavior by general characteristics was significant in educational status of mother (F=5.352, p=0.005), living standard (F=9.646, p=0.000) and perceived health status (F=8.349, p=0.000). 2) The mean score of family functioning was 3.57 (5 point scale), self-concept was 3.47 (5 point scale) and health promotion behavior was 3.67 (5 point scale). 3) In the relationship between family functioning and self-concept was correlated (r=.547), family functioning and health promotion behavior was correlated (r=.518) and self-concept and health promotion behavior was correlated (r=.670). 4) The most influencing variable was self-concept, accounting for 43% in stepwise multiple regression. A combination of self-concept, family functioning and perceived health status explained 47% of the variance for health promoting behavior. CONCLUSION Considering the results above, we can recognize that there are close relations among the family functioning, self-concept and health promotion behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to elevate the level of self-concept and family functioning in order to get health promotion behavior of the elementary school students.
A study on the Knowledge and Attitudes of Abortion in 3 Junior College's Freshmen
Eun Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(2):313-332. Published online December 31, 1996
- This study was conducted to grasp the condition of freshman's knowledge and attitudes on abortion and to offer the basic materials to prevent abortion in family planning and health promotion. The objects were comprised of 290 who volunteered from 3 Junior colleges. The material of this study was by questionaire(chronbach alpha=.8589, .8959) suited to the purpose of this research which has been made through studying references. All the questionaires were collected immediately without explanation. The data was collected from the 29th of April to the 17th of May in 1996. Analysis of the data was done utilizing SPSS program for percentage, mean+/-standard deviation and ANOVA.
The results are as follows: 1. General features of the objects of study. Mean age was 20.47, mean of brothers and sisters was 2.93. Those who had no experience in abortion with her mother was 59.0%, and the middle social level was the highest (95.5%).
2. The conditions of attitudes about abortion. 5 points were given to "very affirming" and, 1 point was given to "strong denial" the total average was 4.00, and the range was 4.83~2.99.
3. The condition of knowledge about abortion. 5 point were given to "very affirming" and, 1 point was given to "strong denial", the total average was 2.75, the range was 3.65~2.18. Also knowledge of abortion was 6.2 points. Knowledge of medical and therapeutic abortion was 9.4 points. Knowledge of the physical complications of abortion was 3.4 points.
4. Correlation between general features and attitude variables. Age groups may have a higher affirmative attitude score in abortion(F=8.097, p<.000). The having 2 sisters group may have a low attitude towards abortion(F=10.34l, p<.000). Experience in abortion with mother group may have a lower affirmative score concerning abortion (t=8.925, p<.000).
5. Correlation between general features and knowledge variables. Age groups may have a higher knowledge score in abortion (F=10.829, p<.000). The having brothers group may have more high knowledge in abortion(F=2.534, p<.050). The 22~23 years group may have higher knowledge in abortion (F=3.075, p<.028). The having more than 2 sisters group have more higher knowledge in abortion(F=5.605, p<.004). The having more the 3 brothers group may have higher knowledge the physical complications in abortion(F=4.022, p<.019).
6. Correlation between regions of the major variables and knowledge, attitude variables. There was no significance in the statistics.
A Study on the Knowledge and Attitude about Emplyee's Health Management in the Provinces
Eun Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1995;6(2):299-318. Published online December 31, 1995
- This study was conducted in order to grasp the condition of the Worker's knowledge and attitude about health management.
And to offer the basic materials for the health promotion in industrial field.
The objects were comprised 336 of volunteered who work in E.shoemaking factory.
The material of this study was the questionair (chronbach alpha=.8871) suited to the purposed of this research which has been made through studying references.
All the guestionaire were collected inmediately without explanation.
The data collected from 18th September to 1st Octover.
Analysis of the data was done utilizing SAS program for percentage, mean, ANOVA.
The result are as follows: 1. General features of the objects of study. Male was highest (58.6%), mean age was 30.07 years, graduated high school was highest(59.2%), producer in present place of employment was highest (76.2%), mean career was 7.45 years.
2. The conditions of attitude about health man agement.
Correct answer of health examination was 77.8%.
Having experience of health examination was 69.5%, among them have regularity was 70.9%.
Think it too much trouble to do not health examination was 69.7%.
Have got to do health examination was 95.6%.
The reason of set up health clinic was emergency care 58.9%, health education 22.1%.
Using health clinic was 70.4%, by monthly was 53.0%.
The reason of think it too much trouble to use not health clinic was 65.2% The need of health clinic was 96.4% 3. The conditions of knowledge about health management.
When 5 points was given to "very affirming" and 1 point was given to "very deny", the total average was 3.67, the range was 2.96-4.54.
Exactly, company must given to employee put in operative health examination was highest, worked 34 hours per week on harmful worked place was lowest.
And knowing about kind of harmful work was 2.86, dangerous work was 2.90.
4. Correlation between the general features and attitude variables.
Female group may have more knowledge on reason of health examination.
Over 50 years aged group, middle school graduated group, white colored group, less then 1 year career group may have more knowledge on health examination.
White colored group may have more attitude on health examination(chi2=5.210, P<.07).
High careered group may have more using on health clinic (chi2=12.08, P<.007).
5. Difference between the general features and knowledge of health management.
High educated group were highest score in knowledge (F=5.214, P<.002).
White colored group were highest score in knowledge (F=23.019, P<.000).
6. Difference between the attitude and knowledge of health management.
Needing of health examination group were highest score in knowledge. (t=2.54, P<.011).
Using of health clinic group were highest score in knowledge(t=190, P<.048).
Needing of health clinic group were highest score in knowledge(t=5.13, P<.000).
A Study on the Knowledge and Attitude about Tuberculosis on Elementary School student in Seoul
Eun Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1994;5(2):181-202. Published online December 31, 1994
- This study was conducted in order to grasp the condition of the student's knowledge and attitude about tuberculosis. And to offer the basic materials for the prevent tuberculosis in elementary school. The objects were comprised 395 of volunteered 6th grade students who study in two elementary schools. The material of this study was the questionaire(chronbach alpha=.9016) suited to the purposed of this research which has been made through studying references. All the questionaire were collected immediately without explanation. The data was collected from 13rd to 25th of May on 1994. Analysis of the data was done utilizing SPSS for percentage, mean, ANOVA and pearson-Correlation Coefficient.
The Result are as follows; 1. General features of the objects of study. Sex distribution was similar.
Salary of 1000-1500 thousand won were highest (40.2%), nuclear family was highest (87.1%), fathers of graduated high school were the highest(44.0%), mothers of graduated high school were the highest(56.8%). And there was nobody about tuberculosis patient in one's close relatives were highest(95.4%).
2. The conditions of attitude about tuberculosis. Having experience of tuberculin test were highest(59.0%). Less than 9mm indulation among the tuberculin tested group were 85.1%, more than indulation were 14.9%. Have a B. C. G. injection among the less than 9mm indulation were 83.2%. Leave alone among the more than 10mm indulation were 56.0%. Think it too much trouble to do not tuberculine test were 63.0%. Do not take a chest X-ray in the past were 60.3%. And take a chest X-ray in the past were 39.7%. Health educated group was 74.3%. If tuberculosis sign was developed, notified to parent was 73.8%.
3. The condition of knowledge about tuberculosis.
When 5 points was given to "very affiming" and 1 point was given to "very deny", the total average was 3.54. And symptom of tuberculosis secion was 3.67, vaccination of tuberculosis section was 3.66, tuberculine test section was 3.56, epidemiology of tuberculosis section was 3.54, infection of tuberculosis section was 3.38. And every section showed affirmative correlation(P<.001).
4. Correlation between the general features and attitude variables.
High incomed group may have more attitude on tuberculin test than low incomed group(chi2=16. 190, P<.01). High educated group may have more attitude on tuberculin test than low educated group(Father : chi2=28.530, P<.001, Mother: chi2=26.060, P<.001). High educated group may have more attitude on health education than low educated group(Father: chi2=20. 767, P<.000, Mother: chi2=10.639$, P<.05). Nuclear family may have more attitude on notify to parent than others(chi2=51.45, P<.000). Tuberculosis patient in one's close associates have more attitude on notify to parent than others(chi2=51. 45, P<.000).
5. Difference between the general features and knowledge of tuberculosis.
High incomed group were highest score in knowledge (F=3.99, P<.01). High educated group were highest score in knowledge(Father : F=8.81, P<.000, Mother: F=9.09, P<.000).
6. Difference between the attitude and knowledge of tuberculosis.
Tuberculin tested group were highest score in knowledge(t=9.88, P<.000). Taken chest X-ray group were highest score in knowledge (t=2.07, P<.05). Received health education group were highest score in knowledge(t=6.83, P<.000). Notified symptoms to teachers and parent group were highest score in knowledge(F=3.89, P<.01).
A Study on the Distribution of Health Teachers in Korea and the Conditions of Health Teachers' Work
Eun Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1989;1(1):379-411. Published online February 28, 1989
- 1. CONCLUSIONS: This study tried to grasp the conditions of Korean health teachers in individual schools, and get basic data for school nursing job performance.
The subjects of the study were 1,082 health teachers who understood the purpose of this study and allowed their participation, out of a population of 2,577 health teachers who worked for elementary, middle, and high schools in cities and provinces as of 1986. The former figure accounted for 42.0% of the whole health teachers.
As the research tool, a questionnaire composed on the basis of the review of the literature by professors in the research group of the Academic Society of Community Nursing was used.
Data collection was done from August to October 1986. After copies of the questionnaire were distributed under the cooperation of the 13 city/province boards of education, the subjects filled them up on their own, and then sent them by mail. The results of the study are as follows.
1) Conditions of the current schools: Nationwide, health teachers were distributed 27.8% of the schools as of 1986. The distribution rate was highest in Seoul (92.9%), which was followed by Busan, Incheon, Daegu, Gyeonggi, Chungbuk, Jeonnam, Chungnam, Jeonbuk, Gangwon, Gyeongbuk, and Jeju in that order.
On the other hand, each health teacher turned out to be in charge of 3.6 schools, 68.3 classes, 3404.2 students, and 95.3 teachers nationwide.
In the case of elementary schools, each health teacher turned out to be in charge of 3.4 schools, 58.0 classes, 2565.4 students, and 66.6 teachers.
In the case of middle schools, each health teacher was in charge of 4.1 schools, 82.3 classes, 4989.8 students, and 126.9 teachers.
In the case of high schools, each health teacher was in charge of 3.9 schools, 97.4 classes, 5203.1 students, and 184.9 teachers.
2) General characteristics of the health teachers: The subjects were most greatly distributed in the 25-29 age group (37.7%), and 37.5% of the whole health teachers had work experience for 4 or less years.
As many as 41.3% of the health teachers reported that they had no past clinical experience except health teacher jobs, and even 79.1% reported they had no experience in the health service area.
As for their backgrounds, 73.4% graduated from a nursing college, 78.2% were married, and 65.1% had a religion.
Also, 93.5% worked at national or public institutions, and 84.4% carried out their jobs independently.
3) Conditions of School Health Service Resources: Nationwide, 18.4% of the schools had 501-1000 students, 43.0% had 21-40 classes, and 34% had 41-60 teachers. Those figures represent the most common rates.
Also, only 46.8% knew of school health budgets, and the ratio of health budget to whole school budget was known only to 34.1%.
On the other hand, as for the total annual school health budget, 40.3% of the schools had 290 thousand won or less, and this figure represented the highest frequency. Of this amount of budget, 39.8% was used for medical tests, and 38.6% was for medication management. As for the total expenditures, schools in Seoul and Incheon turned out to spend relatively great amounts of money. Only 30.7% of the schools had a health department.
As for places of school infirmaries, 45.3% of the schools had one in the center, and 72.7% had one on the ground floor. As for the conditions of school infirmary use, 79.0% adopted the exclusive use, and 68.7% had an area of 10 peyong for an infirmary.
4) Conditions of school nursing jobs: Nationwide, the average number of monthly infirmary users was 101-200 persons, which represented 33.3% of the schools and the highest frequency. 1872.4 persons used a school infirmary annually, and as for infirmary users based on their purposes, 32.3% (the figure represented the highest frequency) of them visited their school infirmary for the reason of digestive problems, which were followed by respiratory problems, skin diseases, muscular skeletal problems, consulting, oral/dental problems, otolaryngological problems, neuropsychiatric problems, circulatory problems, and urinogenital problems in that order.
The frequency of annual newsletter sending was about 13.0, and of them 32.0% were about health education, which represented the highest frequency, followed by vaccination, parasite tests, notification of physical examination results, and things about physical examination in that order.
On the other hand, as for the average monthly rate of time spent for school nursing jobs, 26.2% of the whole amount of time (the highest frequency) was used for school infirmary management, which was followed by health care, health education, service planning and evaluation, school environment/sanitation management, chores, class for relevant subjects, and organizational administration of school health services in that order.
5) Confidence in school nursing job performance: The subject teachers' confidence in school job performance was compared by a four point scale consisting of 4 points for 'very confident,' 3 points for 'confident,' 2 points for 'unconfident,' and one point for 'very unconfident.' As a result of the measurement of health teachers' school nursing jobs by dividing them into 6 areas, the whole score was 2.75. The score of confidence in infirmary management was highest (2.93), which was followed by confidence in health education planning and evaluation, in health care, in environmental control, and organizational administration of school health services in that order.
As for the highest region-based score of confidence, the health teachers from Jeonnam received 2.98 points.
In the area of service planning and evaluation, the score of confidence in performance of school health service planning turned out to be the highest (2.91), and the health teachers from Jeonnam received the highest score of confidence in performance (2.98).
In the area of infirmary management, the score of confidence in performance of student consulting appeared to be the highest (3.13), and the health teacher from Jeonnam received the highest score of confidence in performance (3.04).
In the area of health education, the score of confidence in performance of understanding of contents turned out to be the highest (3.00), and the health teachers from Jeju received the highest score of confidence in performance (3.05).
In the area of environmental management, the score of confidence in bathroom maintenance appeared to be the highest (2.86), and the health teacher from Jeonnam received the highest score of confidence in performance (2.93).
In the area of organizational administration of school health services, the score of confidence in performance of engagement in local society's health service activities turned out to be relatively high (2.48), and the health teachers from Chungbuk, Jeonnam, and Jeju received a relatively high score of confidence in performance (2.55).
In the area of health care, the score of confidence in emergency treatment appeared to be the highest (3.00), and the health teacher from Jeonnam received the highest score of confidence in performance (3.01).
6) Performance levels of school nursing jobs: The subject health teachers' performance levels of school nursing jobs were compared by giving 2 points for "do" and one point for "don't do." As a result of the measurement of health teachers' school nursing jobs by dividing them into 6 areas, the whole score was 1.73. The performance level of infirmary management was the highest (1.87), which was followed by infirmary management, health service planning and evaluation, health care, in environmental control, and organizational administration of school health services in that order.
As for the highest region-based performance level, the health teachers from Chungbuk received 2.98 points.
In the area of service planning and evaluation, the performance level of school health service planning turned out to be the highest (1.95), and the health teachers from Jeonnam received the highest score of performance level (1.88).
In the area of infirmary management, the performance level of infirmary running appeared to be the highest (1.96), and the health teacher from Chungbuk and Jeju received the highest score of performance level (1.88).
In the area of health education, the performance level of understanding of contents turned out to be the highest (1.96), and the health teachers from Jeju received the highest score of performance level (1.98).
In the area of environmental management, the performance level of safety control appeared to be the highest (1.89), and the health teacher from Chungbuk received the highest score of performance level (1.81).
In the area of organizational administration of school health services, the performance level of engagement in local society's health service activities turned out to be relatively high (1.41), and the health teachers from Chungbuk received the highest score of performance level (1.55).
In the area of health care, the performance level of stomachache treatment appeared to be the highest (2.00), and the health teacher from Chungbuk and Chungnam received the highest score of performance level (3.01).
2. SUGGESTIONS: The current researchers make the following proposals after their survey on the distribution of health teachers in Korea and the conditions of their work.
1. Health teachers themselves should be positive in improving their merits for promoting the school population's health.
2. Political supports should be sufficient that are required to keep the school population's health.
3. As this study has just investigated the conditions of a few factors working as common variables, deeper and more improved research and data should be further supported by local research reports and future investigations.