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Eun Young Do 5 Articles
Analysis of Current Status of the Community Health Nursing Practice Education
Yoo Hyang Cho, Eun Young Do, Kyung Sook Kang, Young Me Kim, Youn Kyoung Kim, Farrah Rou, Chong Mi Lee, In Hee Choi, Hee Chung Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2017;28(3):347-356.   Published online September 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to provide basic evidence to improve community health nursing practice education by analyzing the current status of actual operation, program outcomes and evaluation methods, and the level of achieving learning goals.
Data were collected through an e-mail survey from 155 professors teaching community health nursing in April 2016. Out of 45 responses in total, 42 cases were used for analysis (response rate 29.0%).
Community health nursing practice was a 3-credit course in most of the schools (66.7%) and included a practice at public health centers without exception. The most common diagnosis classification system was OMAHA (81.0%). The core fundamental nursing skills evaluated during the practice were subcutaneous injection, vital signs, oral administration, and intradermal injection. Among the subjects of community health nursing practice, the area with the highest potential for achieving learning goals was primary health care provision (4.4/5) and the area with the lowest potential was disaster management (2.4/5).
The results of this study show that there would be active efforts to complement and improve several problems of the community health nursing practice among the community health nursing practice instructors for more effective and qualitative community health nursing practice.


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  • The Current Status of Nursing Management Practicum during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Eun A Kim, Yoomi Jung, Miyoung Kim, Jeong Hee Kim, Myonghwa Park, Kyung Ryu
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2022; 28(4): 471.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Global Nursing Practice Education Experience
    Eun Sil Cho, Myoung Hee Seo, Soo Ok You, Ok Hee Ahn, Myeoung Hi Song
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2021; 32(4): 485.     CrossRef
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    Joo Sung Ahn
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Factors Affecting Alcohol Drinking of Sixth-grade Children in South Korea
Yeon Ran Hong, Eun Young Do
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(1):63-70.   Published online March 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing 6th graders' alcohol drinking.
Data were collected by questionnaires from 524 6th-graders in G City. The data were analyzed using SAS 9.1.3 programme.
Of the children, 63.7% had no education about drinking, implying that drinking prevention education is not done properly in elementary schools. In addition, 70.6% of the children experienced drinking. Among those who had drinking experience, 24.9% experienced the first drinking before entrance into elementary school and this was the highest percentage. Logistic regression analysis showed that the predictors are religion, family type, mother's drinking frequency, and alcohol attitude.
The results of this study suggest that complementing home environment and parenting education would be effective for reducing children's drinking. Also, it is recommended that drinking prevention programs for children should be developed in consideration of various factors affecting children's drinking including the factors identified in the present study, and the effectiveness of those programs should be assessed.


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  • Development of a Scale for Alcohol Drinking Prevention Behavior in Early Elementary School Based on Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior
    Younkyoung Kim, Chong Mi Lee, Seo Young Kang
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2020; 50(2): 210.     CrossRef
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    Hee Jung Son, Won Kee Lee, Young Shin Park, Hae Sook Hong
    Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics.2017; 42(2): 192.     CrossRef
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    Mi Ra Lee
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2012; 13(10): 4619.     CrossRef
Comparison of Perceived Health Status, Health Promoting Behaviors and Depression between Korean and Foreign Students at a Women's University
Eun Young Do, In Sook Cho
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(2):161-168.   Published online June 30, 2009
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This research was conducted to investigate perceived health status, health promoting behaviors and depression level in Korean and foreign students at women's university.
The sample group of this study consists of 100 Korean students at a women's university and 98 foreign students from China and Vietnam who were enrolled at the same university in G City. The research results were analyzed using the SAS program (Version 8.2) with Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and t-test.
1) The Korean students showed a significantly higher score in drinking and smoking than foreign students. Also, age, religion, part time job, stress and allowance were significantly different between the two groups. 2) The foreign students showed a significantly higher score in perceived health status and health promoting behavior than the Korean students. 3) The foreign students showed a significantly higher score in depression than the Korean students.
In the development of health programs for foreign students, it is necessary to focus on reducing depression and to consider the traditions of their own countries. It is desired to conduct further study about health promoting behavior and factors affecting health with respect to the countries where the foreign students originated.
The Effects of the Drinking-Reduction Program Adopting Transtheoretical and Leisure Models on Problem Drinking Behavior and Cognition
Eun Young Do
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(3):363-372.   Published online September 30, 2007
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This study is to examine the effects of the drinking-reduction program that utilizes transtheoretical model and leisure ability model on the problem drinking behavior, alcohol outcome expectancy, and abstinence self-efficacy of problem drinkers at workplaces.
The subjects consisted of 54 male problem drinkers who scored over 12 points in the AUDIT-K with 23 persons in the experimental group and 31 persons in the control group. The research results were analyzed using the SAS program with Chi-square test, t-test, repeated ANOVA, and post-hoc comparison.
1) The experimental group showed a significantly lower score in problem drinking behavior than the control group. 2) The experimental group showed a significantly lower score in alcohol outcome expectancy than the control group. 3) The experimental group showed a significantly higher score in abstinence self-efficacy than the control group.
These results demonstrate that the drinking-reduction program effectively reduces the drinking behavior of problem drinkers at workplaces, reduces alcohol outcome expectancy, and enhances abstinence self-efficacy. Accordingly, it is considered that a drinking-reduction program can be a useful nursing intervention method for problem drinkers at workplaces to reduce drinking and improve the quality of life.
Concept analysis of Addiction
Eun Young Do, Bok Yae Chung, Bok Num Doh
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(1):261-268.   Published online March 31, 2001
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Recently social concerns about addiction problems not only to substances like alcohol and drug but also to gambling or internet have been increasing. Addiction is caused by a combined influence of biological psychological and social factors. However addiction may also occur due to weak will-power or poor education on addiction. Even though addicted behavior provides temporal mood change such as euphoria satisfaction or relaxation it leads to serious physical mental disorder of the addicted person and its family members which possibly results in fatal consequences. Nurses are in an environment to meet and take care of those who are addicted or vulnerable to addiction in order to help the clients to recover or to prevent people from addiction. Despite the importance of nurses role in addiction problems there is a lack of consistency of addiction is often interchangeably used with other similar concepts in the society. In this study a concept analysis of addiction was performed to more cearly and comprehensively understand addiction and to develop effective nursing intervention methods for addicted clients. The analysis is conducted according to a series of processes described by Walker and Avant. The defining attributes of addiction identified in this study are as follows: 1) existence of object, 2) control loss, 3) withdrawal symptoms, 4) continued use despite adverse consequences

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing