The Experiences of Family Caregivers under the Long-term Care Insurance
Eun Young Kim
, Ga Eon Lee , Sam Sook Kim , Chun Yee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):347-357. Published online December 31, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2012.23.4.347
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of family caregivers who care for the elderly under Long-term Care Insurance. METHODS Data were collected using focus group interviews and analyzed using a phenomenological approach. The four focus groups consisted of eight caregivers, two social workers and three nurses in B city, Korea. RESULTS Five themes were identified: 'Obtaining a care-helper certification for employment', 'Taking care of the elderly in their homes', 'Difficulties due to life changes', 'Difficulties due to reduced wages' and 'Dissatisfaction with the Long-term Care Insurance operating system'. CONCLUSION The results of this study demonstrate that the long-term care system for family caregivers faces many systematic challenges in providing care for the elderly harmoniously in their home. To help them succeed in their tasks, Long-term Care Insurance system must offer respite and support programs to family caregivers.
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- Influence of home care services on caregivers' burden and satisfaction
Eun‐Young Kim, Hyun‐E Yeom Journal of Clinical Nursing.2016; 25(11-12): 1683. CrossRef - Effects of family caregivers on the use of formal long‐term care in South Korea
E.‐Y. Kim, E. Cho, N.‐J. Lee International Nursing Review.2013; 60(4): 520. CrossRef
Factors associated with Health-related Quality of Life among Family Caregivers of Elders Receiving Home Care Services
Eun Young Kim
, Jung Hee Yeo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(2):117-126. Published online June 30, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2012.23.2.117
The purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated with the health-related quality of life of family caregivers. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted. This study included 191 primary family caregivers of elders who used home care services (home-visit nursing, home-visit care, daycare) covered by the public long-term care insurance. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires from December 2010 to June 2011. These data were analyzed by using hierarchical multiple regression. RESULTS The majority of the family caregivers were female (79.6%) and daughters-in-law (28.8%). The mean depression score was 6.33+/-6.49 and the mean health-related quality of life score was 0.69+/-0.39. It was found that the factors affecting the health-related quality of life of family caregivers included depression (beta=-.406, p<.001), home-visit nursing use (beta=.296, p<.001), and daycare use (beta=.178, p=.015), which accounted for 36.6% of their health-related quality of life. CONCLUSION Using home-visit nursing and daycare services has a positive effect on the health-related quality of life of family caregivers. To improve health-related quality of life of family caregivers, South Korea needs to fully activate the home-visit nursing and daycare services, and to strengthen family support programs.
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The Effect of a Community-Based Selp-Help Management Program for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Eun Young Kim, Ae Young So
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(3):307-315. Published online September 30, 2009
This study was done to assess the effects of a self-help intervention on clinical, lifestyle and psycho-social outcomes in patients with Type II diabetes. METHODS Eligible adults with Type II diabetes were randomly assigned to either the intervention group receiving the diabetes self-help or the control group receiving usual care. Of the 36 patients who completed the study, 15 were in the intervention group and 21 were in the control group. The self-help group consisted of six weekly sessions covering aspects of diabetes self-care and using continuing education, discussion, and structured social activities. Outcomes included changes in glycemic control, knowledge, self-management behaviors, diabetes-related self-efficacy, and health-related quality of life. Analysis of covariance was used to compare outcomes between the groups, adjusting for baseline measures. RESULTS After the six week intervention, significant improvements from the baseline were observed in the measurements of self-management behaviors, diabetes-related self-efficacy, and health-related quality of life for the intervention group. CONCLUSION The findings provide preliminary evidence that a diabetes self-help group intervention can benefit diabetes patients in self-management behaviors, diabetes-related self-efficacy, and health-related quality of life. However, larger longitudinal studies are needed to determine the most efficacious self-management methods to sustain long-term glycemic control and psychological well-being.
Effects of Community-based case Management Program on Functional Status and Caregiver Burden of Stroke Patients
Eun Young Kim, Jung Hyun Choi, Chang Yup Kim, Jee Yeon Shin, Ggod Me Yi, Kyung Ja June
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(1):18-28. Published online March 31, 2004
The purpose of the study was to analyze the changes in functional status and caregiver burden after a community-based case management program for stroke patients. METHOD This study was designed as a one group pre and post-test. A total of 61 stroke patients and their caregivers were sampled in three urban areas and two rural areas. Face to face interviews were conducted as a pre-test one week before intervention, and a post-test two weeks after intervention. The case management program consisted of four home visits and two telephone counseling sessions for assessment, education and providing information during the eight weeks. The collected data were analyzed with paired t-test. RESULTS First, significant differences in functional status, and specifically mobility and cognition, were found between pre-test and post-test. Second, caregiver burden, in particular, objective burden was significantly decreased after 8 weeks. Third, the positive response for the services increased after 8 weeks. CONCLUSION The community-based case management program was effective to improve the functional status of stroke patients and to decrease the caregiver burden.
Factors Influencing Osteoporosis
Jin Kyung Lee, Eun Ju Kim, Min Hyun Suk, Eun Young Kim, La Il Hwang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(2):253-262. Published online June 30, 2003
This study was carried out to identify factors influencing osteoporosis in women at pre- and post-menopausal state. METHODS The subjects of this study were 52 pre-menopausal and 125 post-menopausal women who were assessed of bone density in one general hospital. The data were collected through review of clinical records and telephone interviews using a questionnaire. RESULTS In the pre-menopausal women, the factors influencing osteoporosis were regular exercise (protective factor) and age (risk factor). Regression analysis showed that the factors attributable to osteoporosis included educational level, weight, age and number of pregnancy, accounted for 41.89% of the total variance.
In the post-menopausal women, the factors influencing osteoporosis were age (risk factor), low educational level (risk factor), low economical state (risk factor), high parity (risk factor), and intake of coffee (protective factor). Regression analysis also showed that factors attributable to their osteoporosis included age, educational level, number of delivery, intake of the coffee, regular exercise, number of pregnancy and duration of oral pill intake, accounted for 37.41% of the total variance. CONCLUSION In pre-menopausal women, regular exercise was one of the most powerful determinant of their bone mass. Therefore, it is necessary to participate in a regular exercise program to maintain peak bone mass density prior to the onset of menopause. In post-menopausal women, increased age was the most influencing factor of their bone mass. Therefore, it is essential to establish early diagnosis and management of osteoporosis after menopause.
Development of a Database System for Home Care Service Based on RAI(Resident Assessment Instrument)
Kyung Ja June, Eun Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(1):75-82. Published online March 31, 2003
- The purpose of this study was to develop an information system for home care service based on RAI(Resident Assessment Instrument). The standardization of service providing process was conducted using the steps of need assessment, triggers, application of CAPs, and care plan. The structure of MDsoft-HC was composed by MDS-CAPS system and system management system. A database on home care clients was accumulated by putting data, respectively, in general information, MDS-item, and MDS-result. Based on this data, the list of CAPs for the client was selected and monthly and annual statistics were calculated by problem result counts. It was suggested that standardization of a care plan would be integrated and short form of need assessment would be developed in the next stage.
The Influences of Visual and Hearing Impairment on Activities of Daily Living for the Community Dwelling Elderly
Eun Ok Park, Kyung Ja June, Eun Young Kim, Hee Girl Kim, Ae Young So, Ggo Me Yi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(2):417-427. Published online September 30, 2001
The aim of this study is to identify the influence of visual and hearing impairment on the activities of daily living of community dwelling elderly. METHODS Data were collected by home visiting interviewers from 452 older people aged 65 years or older living in community. Resident Assessment Instrument MDS-HC(2.0version) was used for data collection. Data analysis for descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and multiple regression was made by SAS 6.2. RESULTS 34.7% of the subject had hearing impairment and 64.3% had visual impairment Among IADL, one half of them were dependent in ordinary house work and meal preparation. In the case of ADL, 13.9% of subjects were dependent in bathing and 8.9% in personal hygiene. There was significant difference in IADL performance by visual and hearing impairment On the other hand, ADL performance showed the significant difference only in the case of hearing impairment. As the result of input of visual and hearing impairment in the process of regression, variances were increased from 3% to 11%. CONCLUSIONS Large proportions of older people living in the community have visual and hearing impairment. It could be confirmed that hearing and vision were significant factors influencing on IADL performance of older people. Intervention and support policy for elderly needs to focus on improvement of visual and hearing impairment.
The Effects of Excercise Program on Cognitive Perception, Health Promotion Activity and Life Satisfaction of Elderly in Senior Citizen's Center
Eun Young Kim, Kyung Ja June
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(1):80-89. Published online June 30, 2000
- This study was designed to investigate effects on cognitive perception. health promotion activity and life satisfaction of elderly. The participants for this study were 292 in senior citizen's center in S-city. The participants were categorized by two groups. one have taken exercise regularly. at least more than one a week for 6 months, the other have not. The measurement tools were the Perceived Benefit Scale developed by Walker, et al. and translated by Kim. Hee Ja(1994), the Life Satisfaction Index developed by Neugarten. etc. and translated by Lee. Ga Ok(1994) and Self efficacy Scale developed by Kim. Hee Ja (1994). The data were collected by personal interviews. which were taken from January 11 to 16. 1999, and analyzed by SAS 6.12. The major results of this study were as follows; 1. Scores of self-efficacy were higher regular exercise group than irregular group. 2. Regular exercise group have taken exercise such as jogging, climbing and the other hands irregular group have not. 3. When the participants were categorized by smoking, other health promotion behavior (weight control. diet), both scores of life satisfaction index were higher smoking group than non-smoking group, other health promotion behavior than non-health promotion behavior. 4. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of perceived benefit, life satisfaction. From these findings, regular exercise program will be able to provide elderly with opportunity to change positively their lives in cognitive perception. health promotion activity.
Literature Review on Community Health Assessment based on the Concept of "Community as Client"
Kyung Ja June, Young Sook Kwon, Jin Ju Oh, Eun Ok Park, Eun Young Kim, Hee Girl Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(1):3-20. Published online June 30, 2000
- The purpose of this study was to compare the concept of community and community health, community health assessment tool, and community health nursing diagnosis based on the concept of "Community as Client". The method for this purpose was to search the articles and textbooks related to community assessment and review the contents by the researchers who were 5 community health nursing faculties and 1 doctoral candidate. The sources of articles were limited in Public Health Nursing and the Journal of Community Health Nursing. As the result, three types of conceptual model were classified: epideiological model. fuctional model. system model. System model by Newman and Helvie included more comprehensive concept of community health than others. Helvie model suggested the most specific indicators among them. The components of nursing diagnosis in the system model had the subjectives. problems and the related factors. It makes the nursing care plan related to the nursing diagnosis. But there was no nursing diagnosis system among the three model. It is needed to compare the nursing intervention based on the concept of "Community as Client". It will be helpful to the community health nursing practice to develop the nursing diagnosis system based on the system model. For the community health nursing education, it is suggested to try the case study by the using three types of model. Finally, it is needed to validate the community assessment tool in Korean setting.
A Study on the Nursing Profession as Stipulated by Health & Medical Laws of Korea
Eun Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(1):116-132. Published online June 30, 1997
- The purpose of the study is to find out how laws related to the nursing profession can be improved by analyzing the rules and regulations concerning nursing. Furthermore, to help settle legal matters in the process of doing nursing work. The data used for the study are the Health and Medical Act, the Maternal and Child Health Act, the School Health Act, the Special Act for Health and Medical Service in Rural Areas, the Industrial Health & Safety Act and the Notice on Nursing Professional Courses analyzed by age and content.
The results of the study are as follows : First, basic nursing practice includes "nursing care for recuperation and assistance in medical treatment and in special areas including the pre-vention of disease, maintenance of health, control of environment, and other therapeutic activities. It is suggested that the phrase "assistance in medical treatment" should be eliminated as it limits the basic nursing practice to the assistance of the medical treatment.
Second, Article 56 of the Health & Medical Act prescribes a special nurse but it does not prescribe a specific job. Accordingly, the new provison concerning the specific jobs of a special nurse should be added or a job guide should be inseated.
Third, it is prescribed that those who have completed the training course after obtaining a license are qualified to be a midwife, a special nurse and a nurse practitioner working in special areas. However, school nurses, occupational health nurses and maternal and health workers are required to obtain a nurse license, but not to take an additional training course. Nurses working in special areas should be legally recognized as nurse specialists. The regulations to control various qualification standards consistently should be established.
Fourth, the qualifications and types of nurses by area prescribed by Article 54 of the Health and Medical Act are not consistent with those of special nurses as recognized by affiliated organizations of the Korean Nurse Association and some hospitals. Accordingly, the qualifications and types of special nurses should be adjusted in consideration of special nurses.
Fifth, as Article 16, Paragraph 2 of the Health and Medical Act does not prescribe the type and scope of first - aid treatment that nurses can provide, the first-aid treatment of nurses might be considered as an unlicensed practice. The specific regulations regarding these matters should be established.
Sixth, the contents of the nursing record, which are prescribed by Article 21 of the Health and Medical Act as a duty, include 1) matters concerning body temperature, pulse, breath and blood pressure 2) matters concerning drug prescription 3) matters concerning input and output 4) matters concerning the treatment and nursing care (Article 17 of the Enforcement Regulations, Health and Medical Act). However, these matters are limited to basic nursing care and assistance in medical treatment. The new recording methods on nursing process are suggested to be adopted legally.
Seventh, the prescription right entrusted to nurses which are prescribed by the School Health Act, the Special Act on Health and Medical Service for Rural Areas, and the Industrial Health and Safety Act are not consistent with the rights of nurses as prescribed by the Health and Medical Act. New regulations prescribing the partial right for medical treatment entrusted to nurses in consideration of the restraint of time and place in emergency situations should be established.