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Geum Hee Jeong 5 Articles
Development of the Cultural Competence Scale for Registered Nurses (CCS-RN)
Kyung Won Kim, Sun Hee Kim, Young Hee Kim, Hyun Kyoung Kim, Hae Sook Park, Sun Hee Lee, Geum Hee Jeong
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(3):281-294.   Published online September 30, 2019
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This study is to develop the Cultural Competence Scale for Registered Nurses (CCS-RN) and to examine its validity and reliability.
The item pool was generated based on related scales, a wide review of the literature, and in-depth interviews with nurses according to Purnell's cultural competence model. Content validity was verified by nursing experts. Construct validity using exploratory factor analysis, convergent validity using correlation coefficients, discriminant validity, internal consistency reliability, and test-retest reliability were examined.
The CCS-RN consists of a 35-item/7-factor solution with 54.1% of the total variance explained. The convergent validity of CCS-RN was supported. Cronbach's α was .94 for the total scale and ranged from .77 to .90 for the seven factors. Test-retest reliability was moderate.
The evaluation of the psychometric properties of the CCS-RN shows that this scale is expected to be a valid and reliable measure of cultural competence among nurses. This scale may be useful for assessing nurses' own cultural competence and thus contribute to strengthening cultural competence.


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  • Development for a concept mapping multicultural education program for Mother and Baby Unit nurses: a quasi-experimental study in South Korea
    Dahae Kang, Soonyoung Shon
    Child Health Nursing Research.2025; 31(1): 52.     CrossRef
  • Effect of a transcultural nursing course on improving the cultural competency of nursing graduate students in Korea: a before-and-after study
    Kyung Eui Bae, Geum Hee Jeong
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2023; 20: 35.     CrossRef
A Study on the Awareness of Importance, Performance Level, and Perceived Competence Level of School Health Promotion Programs
Soon Ok Yang, Myung Soon Kwon, Geum Hee Jeong, Seung Hee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(1):96-104.   Published online March 31, 2009
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The purpose of this study was to provide fundamental materials for improving school health promotion programs by investigating school nurses' awareness of the importance, performance level, and perceived competence level of school health promotion programs in Gangwon-do.
The subjects of this study were 173 school nurses who were working in Gangwon-do. The instrument for this study was a scale for awareness of importance, performance level, and perceived competence level. Data were collected on December 15, 2007 and analyzed using SPSS 13.0 for Windows.
The mean score of awareness of importance was 3.51 (range: 1~4). The mean score of performance level and the mean score of perceived competence level were 3.35 (range: 1~4) and 3.29 (range: 1~4), respectively. The younger school nurses were (F=4.380, p=.014), the higher their awareness of importance was. The performance level was lowest in high school nurses (F=5.013, p=.008). There were significant correlations between awareness of importance, performance level, and perceived competence level in school nurses.
In order to improve the effectiveness of school health promotion programs, training and education programs for school nurses' competencies and technical support systems for school nurses should be provided.
The Effect of a Physical Exercise Program Using Elastic Bands in the Attitude of Physical Exercise and the Degree of Joint Pain
Shin Jeong Kim, Geum Hee Jeong, Soon Ok Yang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(1):79-89.   Published online March 31, 2007
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The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of a physical exercise program using elastic bands in rural area women.
This study adopted a pre-post test design. The subjects were 89 rural area women who were selected from four community health care centers. The physical exercise program was executed 30 times for 10 weeks (3 times a week) from August 23 to October 31, 2003.
There was a significant difference in the attitude of physical exercise (t=-5.517, p=.000). In the degree of joint pain, there were significant differences in the flextion and extension of the shoulder joint (t=2.557, p=.020; t=5.625, p=.000), and there was a significant difference in the flextion of the knee joint (t=4.747, 0=.000) but there was no significant difference in the extension of the knee joint (t=1.795, p=.083).
Physical exercise programs need to be implemented and spread continuously.
Sexual Knowledge and Attitude in Middle School Students
Soon Ok Yang, Seong Sil Kim, Geum Hee Jeong, Shin Jeong Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(2):591-605.   Published online December 31, 2000
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With the improvement of nutritive conditions and the influence of abundant information as well as various cultural aspects imported from foreign countries, puberty develops more rapidly in the body today. This study was conducted to suggest some ideas that are useful in planning sexual education programs in middle schools with ultimate aim being to promote sexual health. The subject of this survey consisted of 534 fifth graders from 4 schools in Hongchon. The major findings are summarized as follows: 1. The degree of sexual knowledge of adolescents showed a low average 31.00 and the degree of sexual attitude showed an average of 62.0. 2. With respect to demographic characteristics, there were statistically significant differences in sexual knowledge according to the following: living with parents (t=5.913. p=.015), father's education(F=3.213, p=.041), economic status (F=5.073 p=.007); and in sexual attitudes. there were statistically significant differences according to father's education (F=3.912. p=.002), and interest in the other sex (F=3.292, p=.038). 3. The level of sexual knowledge and sexual attitude of adolescents was correlated at significant levels(r=.354. p=.000). The findings of this study indicated that a variety of systematic sexual education programs suitable for each stage of adolescence should be developed along with family, society, and the country's higher concern and enlightenment.
Sexual Attitudes and Experience in Middle School Students, Kangwon-Do, Korea
Soon Ok Yang, Geum Hee Jeong, Sung Sook Paik
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1998;9(2):482-501.   Published online December 31, 1998
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As an initial step toward the improvement of sexual education in middle school students, a survey on sexual attitudes and experience was done in Kangwon-Do, Korea. Questionnaires consisted of 68 items distributed to 240 boys and 240 girls from November 1 to December 20, 1996. Answers from 420 students were subjected to an analysis with SPSS. 92.4% of the girls experienced menstruation. Of them, 74.0% showed a negative reaction. 52.0% of the boys experienced night ejaculation. Of them, 81.7% showed a negative reaction. Boys (64.3%) masturbated more than girls (17.6%) (p=0.0000). The understanding of masturbation was higher in boys than in girls (p=0.0000). 87.2% of the subjects wished meetings with the opposite sex. During the meeting with the opposite sex, 12.9% of the students enjoyed drinking or smoking, 8.8% had intercourse. Boys(91.9%) watched porno-graphy or porno-video more than girls(40.5%)(p=0.0000). 83.3% of the girls thought that both males and females should keep their virginity untill marriage. However, only 48.6% of boys thought that(p=0.0000). Of boys who had experienced sexual touch, 34.8% had intercourse. Of the 30 students(26 boys, 4 girls) who experienced sexual intercourse, 22 students had partners of the opposite sex and were friends. First intercourse 63.4% of these students had their in middle school period. The frequencys of sexual intercourse (more than 6times) was written by 12 students (40.0%). 24 students(16 boys and 8 girls) experienced sexual violence. As for dealing with sexual violence, 14 suffered by him or herself whill 7 students discussed it with a friend. There was a significant difference in the sources of information between boys and girls(p=0.000), 36.0% had learned from an official sexual education source, usually from school nurses (74.0%). 92.6% of the students thought that sexual education was necessary. They believed that the appropriate person for sexual education was from a school nurse (53.1%) or from parents (19.5%). According to the above results, the following might be suggested: Realistic and future-directed sexual education material should be developed : Education programs to improve students insight and control sexual desire should be prepared: a systematic approach to activate the role of school nurse in sexual education should be prepared.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing