An Assessment of the Needs of Crippled Persons Staying at Home
Sook Ja Yang, Hee Jeoung Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1998;9(2):280-290. Published online December 31, 1998
- This study was carried out to idenify the health problems and needs of crippled persons in order to develop a community based rehabilitation service program through public health center. Information on health problems and needs were obtained from 120 crippled persons staying at home by questionaire and a measuring ADL.
The results were summarized as follows 1. Among 120 subjects, male crippled (70.3%) outnumbered female crippled (29.7%). Many crippled persons belonged to the 40-49 age group (33.6%) while others were over 60 years (17.4%). There were 36.8% crippled persons with an elementary education, 26.5% had completed high school, 14.5% had completed middle school. 31% of the crippled persons were employed but most of them had unskilled jobs. 80% of the respondents replied that their monthly income was under 800,000 won.
2. The major causes of their handicap were due to acquired factors(92%) such as accidents, in fectious & communicable diseases and chronic diseases rather than congenital factors(8%). Crippled persons who belong to the first grade of disabilities were 14.8%, the second grade 35.7%, the third grade 21.7%, the forth grade 12.2%, the fifth grade 12.2% and the sixth grade 3.5%.
3. This study measured the degree of the ADL of crippled persons by a modified Barthel Index including 11 items. 73.5% of them were fully independent, 8.5% required minimal help, 2.7% required moderate help, 6.0% required substantial help and 9.4% were unable to perform task. In response to the 11 items of ADL, crippled persons required more help in stair climbing, ambulation and bathing than in other items.
4. In responding to concerning health problems, 10.3% of the subjects replied with incontinence, 8.5% malnutrition, 7.6% fecal incontinence and bedsores 2.6%. Chronic diseases which needs treatment were chronic pain(61.0 %), hypertension(16.5%) and diabetes(16.5%) 5. To the question of what type of rehabilitation services subjects required, chronic diseases management(52.1%) and physical therapy (41.2%) were the highest. The most important social welfare services subjects required were economics support (51.3%) and introductions to job opportunities(42%).