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Hee Kyoung Jang 1 Article
Elder Abuse Perception and Caregiving Stress of the Adult Caregivers
Hee Kyoung Jang, Hye Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2013;24(3):358-367.   Published online September 30, 2013
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This study was conducted to identify the relationship of the elder abuse perception with the caregiving stress of adult caregivers and to investigate influencing factors on them.
Data were collected from 398 adults aged 30-65, and analyzed with the SPSS/WIN program.
In the elder abuse perception, there were differences in age, marital status, education, job, person to be taken care of, age of elderly mother, duration of caregiving, economic status and health status of elderly parents. As for the caregiving stress, there were differences in age, marital status, income, health status, relationship with the elder, person to be taken care of, economic status and health status of elder parents. Influencing factors on the elder abuse perception included caregiving stress, education, marital status, health status of elders, and economic status of parents (30%). On the caregiving stress, elder abuse perception, economic status of elders, and relationship between caregivers and elders were influencing factors (24%).
The results of this study suggest that it is needed to develop a nursing program to prevent elder abuse and to decrease caregiving stress in caregivers. In addition, it should be considered in tandem with significant influencing factors that were found in this study.


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RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing