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Heoi Young Kang 1 Article
A Study on the Periodic Medical Examination, and Health Care Management Programs in Industries: Kwang-Ju city and Chonnam Province
Heoi Young Kang, In Hee Park, Young Ae Choi, Mi Sung Oh, Hee Jung Choi, Su Ok You
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(1):58-66.   Published online June 30, 1993
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The purpose of this study was to explore the condition of periodic medical examination, and health care services in industries. This will offer some basic data in developing industrial nursing care requirements. To achieve this goal a self-administered questionnaire (developed by the academic affairs of community health nursing) was provided to the nurses working in 40 industries from Dec 20, 1992 to Jan 20, 1993. The statistical computer package SAS, along with t-test, and ANOVA was used to manipulate the date. The results were as follows : 1. General Characteristics: The greater part of the industries studied were manufacturing company, with over 500 employees. The shift system was used with most companies using one or three shifts, and 75.0% of them were organized with Industrial Safety and Health Committees. 2. Periodic Medical Examination : Most of the workers were receiving periodic medical examination from a designated hospital (96.7%). Of those 15.8% had a close medical examination. In the medical examination 9.4% were evaluated at "C" and 3.8 were evaluated at "D". About 55.0% of those workers received the result of the periodic medical examination individually(95.0%). 3. Special Medical Examination : The rate of those who were receiving special medical examination was 98.4% and about 11.7% were evaluated at "C" and 3.9% were evaluated at "D". Those who had any health problems (54.2%) were receiving follow-up care, 52.4% of them had medical treatment while working. The health care managers in the company consulted 97.1% of them who had any suspicious signs and symptoms of occupational diseases. 4. Health Care Services : The average score of health care services was 13.8 out of a possible 28 point. The score of health education and health assessment, was lower than medical diagnosis and environmental hygiene. There were no significant differences in health care services according to the size of the industries(F=.95, P=.429). The score of health care services was higher in the worker who had better health and showed significant differences (F=4.50, p=.025).

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing