A Structural Equation Model on Standard Precautions Compliance of Nursing Students
Hey Jin Ha, Eun A Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2022;33(3):321-331. Published online September 30, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2022.33.3.321
- Purpose
This study is to establish a structural model for standard precautions compliance of nursing students. This conceptual model was based on the IMB (Information-Motivation-Behavioral skills) model of Fisher and Fisher.
Methods: Data were collected from October 12 to December 1, 2020, and the subjects were nursing students from G metropolitan city and J province, and the data of a total of 334 subjects were analyzed. For data analysis, this study used the SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 programs.
Results: The hypothetical model showed a good fit to the data: x 2 =106.46 (p<.001), x 2 /df=2.54, RMSEA=.07, SRMR=.04, CFI=.96, TLI=.94. It was confirmed that the variables that have a statistically significant influence on the standard precautions compliance in nursing students were in the order of self-efficacy, social support, personal attitude, and standard precautions knowledge. The model explained 48.3% of the variance in standard precautions compliance of nursing students.
Conclusion: It is necessary to develop and apply various specialized extracurricular programs that can induce an individual attitude toward observing standard precautions compliance in a positive direction in relationships with teachers and peers and gain their support.