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Hwa Jeong Heh 1 Article
The effects of Ki on the Elderly with Chronic Illness
Kyung Hee Yang, Hey Sook Jang, Myeong Soo Lee, Hwa Jeong Heh
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(2):412-421.   Published online December 31, 1999
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The purpose of current study was to investigate the effects of Ki-therapy which improves mood state and relieves pain on the elderly with chronic illness. The subjects were 42 elderly and convenience sampling(incidental sampling) was used to prevent contamination to the control group. Frequency, %, chi2, t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA by SPSS PC + program were used to analyze the data. The mean age of subjects was 72.95(Control group), 73.10(experimental group). Number of complains was 2.45(control group), 2.65 (experimental group). All of demographic characteristics of subjects. that is, age, weight. number of complains. educational background. family type. economic state, perceived health state were homogeneous. There are many difficulties in ADL & IADL. 14.2% in shopping, mode of transportation, ability to handle finances. 11.9% in ability to use telephone. continence, 7.1% in bathing, food preparation, transfer, and housekeeping. As the result of this study. slight improvement of mood state and pain relief were found. Although 3 improved items of "clear-headed", "lively", and "nervous" were statistically significant. the pain relief was not statistically significant. It requires repeated treatment and measurement. And suggested case study or qualitative study in further studies because manufacturing of environment(i. e. rain) is very difficult in community people.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing