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Hye Ra Yoo 5 Articles
The Effects of a Self-Management Program on Successful Aging
Jee Won Park, Hye Ra Yoo, Bo Eun Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(4):513-522.   Published online December 31, 2007
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The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge of successful aging for the Korean elderly and to identify the effects of an intervention program on the change of the knowledge.
Data were collected from 134 elders from 3 schools for the elderly in H City. The Successful Aging Scale was used to collect data and modified CDSMP was applied as the intervention. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and ANCOVA were used.
The total score of the knowledge of successful aging among the elderly cohort was 2.44 out of 3, and the scores of the factors making up old age were 2.66 for the success of children, 2.63 for self-control, 2.56 for self-efficacy, and 2.05 for happy marriage. Life satisfaction from the success of children and self-control were strongly correlated(r=0.7036, p=0.000).
The self-management program brought positive changes to the knowledge of successful aging through the self-control parameter, and although it could not change the degree of knowledge of the overall successful aging among the elderly cohort, the program represents the first Korean nursing intervention focused on self-management techniques needed for successful aging.
A Chronic Disease Self-management Program for the Elderly in Korea
Hye Ra Yoo, Jee Won Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(4):404-414.   Published online December 31, 2005
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The present study proposed to evaluate 1st-month and 3rd-month health status, depression, self-efficacy and medical expenses of a community-based health promotive self-management program for old Koreans.
Participants in the CDSMP were selected from elders in a community health center through convenient sampling. The program included a 3-hour session per week for 14 weeks. Outcomes of evaluation in the 1st month and the 3rd month included modified Self-rated Health Status Scale, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Short Depression Scale, Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-item Scale, and 1-item Medical Expenses Scale.
Self-rate health scores increased significantly just after the intervention (16.22), in the 1st month (17.57) and in the 3rd month (19.04) (chi2=32.06, p=.000); Depression scores (reversed) also increased significantly just after the intervention (6.04), in the 1st month (7.75) and in the 3rd month (8.39) (chi2=29.92, p=.000); Self-efficacy score increased significantly just after intervention (12.87) but it decreased in the 1st month (12.73) and in the 3rd month (12.04). But all of the three scores were still higher than those before the intervention (8.65) (chi2=32.42, p=.000): Medical expense score decreased at the end of the intervention (1.57) but the cost score increased in the 1st month (2.48) and in the 3rd month (2.39) (chi2=7.81, p=.050).
CDSMP is effective in increasing self-rate health and self-efficacy and in decreasing depression in the Korean elderly. However, no significant effect of the program was observed in decreasing the medical cost of the Korean elderly.
Health Care Management Status of Pre-Schoolers Depending on the Children's Characteristics
Kyung Sook Bang, Hye Ra Yoo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(1):84-94.   Published online March 31, 2004
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The purpose of this study was to examine the health care management status of preschoolers depending on the children's characteristics.
The sample of this study were 212 mothers of preschoolers attending Child-Care-Centers in three cities, Seoul, Daejon, and Suwon, in Korea. A self-administered questionnaire developed by investigators was used to collect data from September 15 to October 31, 2002. Data was analyzed with SPSS 11.5 Win program.
5.7% of the children had not completed their vaccination programs. Children who were second or later birth order showed less complete vaccination rates than firstborn babies. Children who had working mothers showed less complete vaccination rates than those whose mothers did not work. Among the various vaccinations, the DPT and MMR booster vaccination rates were the lowest. Home safety scores were higher when mothers have younger children, higher monthly incomes and reside in apartment type houses. Forty-one(41%) of the preschoolers experienced accidents, and the accident rate was higher in boys and children with easy temperament. The most frequently experienced accident was laceration. Twenty eight point eight percent(28.8%) of the children experienced hospitalization because of various diseases. Most of the mothers perceived their children healthy. However, children who were second or third born were perceived less as healthy. Children in families with less monthly income were perceived as less healthy.
This study provided basic data about preschoolers' health care management status focusing on vaccinations and accident rates. More attention should be paid to preschoolers' health and safety. Related factors found in this study should be considered when providing anticipatory guidance for parents.
Readability of Printed Educational Materials Used to Inform Computer Tomography
Hye Ra Yoo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):670-679.   Published online December 31, 2001
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This study examined the readability of 4 different kinds of patient education handouts about computer tomography tests from 5 different university-affiliated hospitals in Korea. Readability was evaluated in terms of syntax, length of sentence, usage of unfamiliar words, foreign words, Chinese words, abbreviation, and technical jargon. This study found that all of the handouts were very difficult to read. An excessive use of complex and long sentences was found. Unfamiliar words, rarely used in everyday life, were recklessly used. Most of the unfamiliar words were Chinese words and can be exchanged with Korean language. Excessive medical terminologies were used without any explanations. Based on the study results, guidelines to make the handouts easier and more accessible to patients and their family were recommended.
Korean Undergraduate Students' Intention, Attitude, Perceived Control, and Social Pressure for Moderate Drinking Behavior
Hye Ra Yoo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(2):347-357.   Published online December 31, 2000
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The purspose of this study is to examine the undergraduate students' attitudes, salient beliefs, perceived self-control and intentions for moderate drinking behavior of their own. Two hundred and twenty five students in two universities in Seoul and Suwon participated in this study. Questionnaires developed by this investigator under the guidance of the theory of planned behavior were used to collect data, Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA. Pearson correlation coefficients. and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The majority of the students showed positive attitudes toward the moderate drinking behavior. Students perceived conflict messages. however. from their significant others about their moderate drinking behavior. While parents and other family members as sisters and brothers strongly supported the moderate drinking behavior of students, friends and school-mates did not. More than half of the students did not intend to reduce their alcohol consumption in the near future. Students' attitudes and perceived self-control were the predictor variables of the intention while subjective norms were not. Students who intended to reduce their alcohol consumption showed a more positive attitude, subjective norm, and higher perceived self-control scores than who did not. These students who were intent for moderate drinking behavior spent less money for drinking, had less opportunities to drink, and drank small amounts of alcohol Moderate Drinking Behavior programs focusing on students who were heavy drinkers, however, did not intend to reduce their alcohol consumption should be developed focused on their characters. Programs for students who intended to reduce their alcohol consumption also recommended to help the students' positive intention continued.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing