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Hye Rim Kim 1 Article
The Characteristics of Smoking Cessation Behavior by the Stage of Change in Industrial Workers
Hye Rim Kim, In Hyae Park, Seo Young Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2010;21(1):63-70.   Published online March 31, 2010
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This study was to identify the stages of change in smoking cessation behavior and factors associated with the stages of smoking cessation behavior according to the trans-theoretical model.
The subjects were 154 industrial workers working at H Industry in N City, Chonnam Province who were currently smoking and had smoked in the past. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and Duncan's multiple comparison test using SAS Version 10.0.
The subjects were distributed among the stages of change in smoking cessation behavior: there were 28 subjects (18.2%) in the precontemplation stage, 71 (46.1%) in the contemplation stage, 21 (13.6%) in the preparation stage, 8 (5.2%) in the action stage, and 26 (16.9%) in the maintenance stage. The amount of smoking per day, self-efficacy, and advantages (pros) of smoking were significantly associated with the stage of change in smoking cessation behavior.
This study suggested that the stage of change in smoking cessation behavior of the subject should be identified prior to the application of intervention programs, nursing intervention strategies should be considered to reduce the amount of smoking per day, and the disadvantages of smoking should be perceived.


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RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing