An Analysis of the Research on Effect of Smoking Cessation Intervention
Hye Jin Hyun, Hye Young Ahn
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(3):469-479. Published online September 30, 2008
We reviewed all the articles on effect of smoking cessation intervention to find out the way of improvement of it. METHOD 48 researches were published in Korean journals from 1980 to 2007. The research were analyzed according to: major of first author, subjects, application of theoretical framework, contents of intervention, a term of intervention, the time of evaluation on effect of interventions, research design, dependant variables, and effect of interventions. RESULTS Research on effect of smoking cessation intervention increased rapidly in the 2000's. At this time. 72.9% of research was published. Most of research subject were students. Theoretical framework were applied in 20.8% of articles. The most common intervention was education(39.4%). The effect of combined program on outcome variable was found to be stronger than only education program. Experimental design was used in 29.2% and quasi-experimental design was adapted in 43.8% of articles. 1-6 months intervention was in 35.4%. The long term intervention more than 1month was found to be effective. Health behavior related index was measured as a dependant variable in 62.3%. CONCLUSION Accordingly, long term program to apply to various subject is needed.
Premenstrual Discomforts and Coping in University Students
Hye Young Ahn, Hye Jin Hyun, Hae Won Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(3):289-299. Published online September 30, 2005
This study was carried out to identify premenstrual discomforts and coping patterns and their effects. METHOD The participants of this study were 297 female university students in C area. The Menstrual Discomfort Questionaire (MDQ) and coping method lists were used as measurement tools. RESULTS There were significant differences premenstrual discomforts according to age (F=5.76, p=.003) and according to health condition (F=3.43, p=.034). The mean scores of the sub-categorical factors of premenstrual discomfort were 2.35 points for pain, 2.29 for instability and 2.25 for water retention. The worst symptoms among the subcategories of premenstrual discomfort were as follows: backache (M=2.68) in the pain subcategory, irritability (M=2.53) in the instability subcategory and swelling(M=2.40) in the water retention subcategory. Their common coping patterns were "coping according to menstrual period", "active behavioral coping" and "evasional coping". Frequently used coping methods were "taking a rest and sleep (99.3%)" and "taking a warm shower (86.2%)". Effective coping methods were "taking a rest and sleep (89.5%)" and "taking a warm shower (87.1%)". CONCLUSION Most participants have their own coping pattern. Some methods were very effective to PMS but some were not effective to PMS. To manage PMS, effective coping methods should be encouraged for female university students. To keep up with effective coping, education and counseling should be continued. It is considered necessary to make the same research with a larger number of samples and more specified assessment.
A Correlational Study of Adolescents Behavior and Mothers Childrearing Attitude with Child Abuse Experience of the Adolescents
Hye Young Ahn, Ggod Me Yi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):786-794. Published online December 31, 2002
The aim of th study was to investigate how adolescents behavior is correlated with child abuse they experience and how childrearing attitude of mothers perceived by th adolescents is correlated with child abuse experience by the adolescents METHOD: A convenient sampling strategy was used. A total of 160 adolescents participated in this study. of the 160 responses 116 were used for final analysis. The data were analyzed using K-YSR program and SPSSWIN. RESULT the results were as follows Mild child abuse experiences reported by the subjects were Throwing the object at me (12.9% N=15) Clutching and pushing (12.9% N=15) and slapping on the cheek (14.7% N=17) Severe child abuse experiences reported by the subjects were Kicking pounding and biting (10.3% N=10) Rod stick, belt, broom beating using various objects (41.4% N=38) and Beating all over the body (6.7% N=8) Very severe child abuse experiences reported by the subjects were Burning with cigarette (0.4% N=1) Threatening me with objects such as a knife a hammer an axe or a gimlet (0.8% N=2) Injuring me with the objects (0.4% N=1) and Hospitalized by belting (0.4% N=1) In terms of correlations among the main study variables physical child abuse had significant positive correlations with externalizign problem (r=.271 p=.001) and total behavioral problem (r=.288 p=.002) Physical child abuse also had a significant positive correlation with authoritarian childrearing attitude of mother (r-.363 p=.000) Physical child abuse had significant negative correlations with mother affectionate childrearing attitude (r=-191 p=.050) and active participative chilrearing attitude (r=-101 p=.035). CONCLUSION Mothers childrearing attitude is a salient factor for prevention child abuse. In addition child abuse is an important factor for prevention adolescent's behavioral problem.
Influences of Beliefs in Corporal Punishment to Physical Child Abuse in Elementary Student's Parent
Hye Young Ahn
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(2):482-490. Published online September 30, 2001
I investigated how beliefs in punishment have influence on child abuse. Also, I investigated how socio-demographic variables of parents' have influences on child abuse by parents. Sampling was conveniently and total 160 parents replied to the study. Data analysis was done by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation using SPSSWIN. The results were as follows. Mild child abuse : Throwing the object at me(21.1%)', 'Clutching, and pushing (21.0%)', Slapping on the cheek (19.1%). Severe child abuse : 'Kicking, pounding and biting(4.1%)', Rod, stick, belt, broom beating using a various objects such as(51.7%)', 'Beating all over the body(6.8%)' Very severe child abuse : 'Burning with cigarette(0%)' 'Threatening me with a knife, a hammer, a naxe. a gimlet the objects such as(0.7%)', 'Injuring me with the objects such as(0%)', 'Hospitalized by belting(0%)'.
Correlations of major variables were as follows. Physical child abuse by elementary student's parents has significantly positive correlation with beliefs in punishment(r=.244 p=.003) and has significantly negative correlation with parent's age(r=-.273, p=.001). But physical child abuse has not significant correlations with family income, education. CONCLUSION Beliefs in punishment of parents have influences on child abuse. To prevent child abuse, effective parenting program development is required.