Factors Predicting Medication Compliance among Elderly Visitors of Public Health Centers
Hyeon Suk Kim, Hee Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(1):5-13. Published online March 31, 2007
The purpose of this study is to investigate compliance with prescribed medication in the elderly visiting public health centers. METHOD Data were collected from 665 elders living in Seoul and the Gyeonggi Province during the period from February 21 to June 30 in 2006. The data were collected through individual interviews and were analyzed using correlation and multiple regression analysis with the SAS 9.1 program. RESULTS The mean of medication compliance was 2.97(+/-.68) on a 5-point Likert scale. Specifically, compliance 3.14(+/-.70) for medication dose, 2.94(+/-.77) for medication frequency, and 2.84(+/-.79) for medication time. The elderly with a higher level of education (beta=.095, p<.001), with health insurance (beta=.208, p=.0009) and with a higher level of family support (beta=.040, p=.0306) showed a higher level of mediation compliance. Female elders (beta=.142, p<.001) kept higher medication compliance than male ones. CONCLUSION These findings suggest that people with low education, low socioeconomic status and less family support need more education before medication. The evaluation of medication compliance needs to be encouraged before starting medication to distinguish those who may not comply with medical prescription. Predictive factors identified in this study must be considered when designing interventions, program development and education for appropriate medication management for the elderly.
Development of School Health Nursing Phenomena in Korea by Retrospective Method of ICNP
Young Im Kim, Soon Ok Yang, Myoung Ja Wang, Chung Nam Kim, Hyeon Suk Kim, Tae Nam Park, Mi Ja Chung, Hye Jin Hyun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):595-607. Published online December 31, 2002
- The objectives of this study were to identify the phenomena of school health nursing at schools in Korea and to contribute to building a school health domain of international Classification for Nursing Practice.
A retrospective method was used in this study to develop ICNP during the period from July to October 2001.
The procedure of the study involved choosing nursing phenomena using preliminary terms from the reports on the field of school health nursing practice documented by nursing students in 10 different nursing colleages.
The detail procedures of the study were as follows.
1) Choosing nursing phenomena by using preliminary terms 2) Choosing the characteristics of school health nursing practice from the selected nursing phenomena 3) In order to make a consensus regarding the appropriate characteristics of phenomena 15 study group members re-categorized the nursing phenomena through 5 times of cyber meetings and 3 times of formal meetings.
4) To verify each characteristic 5 community nursing faculties and 25 school health nurses participated in procedure to give scores on nursing characteristics.
5) classification of the definite nursing phenomena and characteristics.
Following the 5 step procedures school health nursing phenomena were categorized into human and environmental domains Human domains were classified into human behavioral and functional domains Environmental domains were classified into physical and psychosocial domains. The essential characteristics of each phenomena were selected when it obtains the mean score of 3.0 or over at the related characteristics The human behavioral domain consisted of 7 phenomena including risk for spinal disorder inadequate dietary habit inadequate weight control smoking and substance abuse inadequate stress management inadequate sex related coping strategies and inadequate accident management. The human functional domain consisted of 6 phenomena including inadequate eye care and visual management risk for respiratory disorder inadequate dental health care inappropriate infectious disease control risk for gastrointestinal disorder and lack of sexual identify. The physical environmental domain consisted of 6 phenomena including risk for incident at inside classroom risk for incident at outside classroom risk for incident around school risk for exposure to hazardous facilities around school inadequate garbage and disposal management and inadequate physical environment for learning. The psychosocial domain included impaired social interaction at school. Each phenomenon was composed of 2 to 8 characteristics and all phenomena will include a total number of 85 characteristics. The phenomena of school health nursing in Korea partially confirmed school health architecture of ICNP further study on verification of school health nursing phenomena in Korea needs to be done to support the finding of this study through review of literature on nursing classifications or field studies.