A Study on Yangsaeng for Health Promotion of Aged Women in Rural Area
Hee Young Jung, Hyoung Sook Park, Soo Youn Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(1):49-58. Published online March 31, 2009
The purpose of this study was to explore the yangsaeng level in a health management way of an aged women in rural area, and to offer basic material for the development of community's public health service. METHODS The subjects were 144 aged women who participated voluntarily in the questionnaire. The data were collected from January to February, 2008 with a self-administered questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 win program for finding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA and Tukey. RESULTS The average age of workers was 72. Total yangsaeng level was 3.08+/-.33, highest yangsaeng factor was Activity & Rest Yangsaeng of 3.55+/-.46 and lowest yangsaeng factor was Season Yangsaeng of 2.43+/-.75. The total Yangsaeng level was the significant difference in monthly incomes(F=4.046, p=.047). CONCLUSION Considering the results above, the yangsaeng level of aged women is affected by the age, education level, a monthly income etc. Therefore, for health promotion plan of aged women, consider that their age, educational level, economic level ect, and systematic education for promotion of health is necessary.
A Study on the Health Status among the Homeless in Shelters
Hyoung Sook Park, Soon Ja Lyu
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(4):655-665. Published online December 31, 2004
This study was aimed to investigate the physical and psychological health status of the homeless in shelters, and to suggest the basic data for caring them. METHODS Study subjects were 153 homeless people who were registered in the shelters of Dong-gu, Busan, between September 1st, 2003 and March 15th, 2004. Data on their physical health status were collected by measuring weight and height (BMI), taking X-rays (tuberculosis), testing blood (syphilis, glucose, HBsAb and HBsAb). Psychological health status was measured with Rosenberg's self-esteem scale and Beck's depression scale. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, chi2-test, t-test or F-test using SPSS (Win10.0). at alpha=0.05, two tailed test. RESULTS Mean age was 42.8 years old, high school graduated was 43.8%, and 60.8% didn't have medical benefits. Singles were 47.7%, 34.7% had bad family relationships and 39.2% hoped to live with family. 96.1% had a normal in chest X-ray test, and 96.1% had negative syphilis test 92.2% were negative for hepatitis antigen, 51.0% were antibody, 25.5% had hypertension, and 60.8% had a normal BMI test, and 84.3% had a normal blood sugar test. 39.2% were severely depressed, and 75.8% had a normal self-esteem level. CONCLUSION Physical health status of the homeless was relatively good. However, depression levels were high and self-esteem was low. Therefore, it is necessary to take an action to improve the psychological health status for the homeless.