The Effect of Copayment on Medical Aid Beneficiaries in Korea
Jin Joo Oh, Jeong Myung Choi, Hyun Joo Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2015;26(1):11-17. Published online March 31, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2015.26.1.11
This study was to ascertain whether there are differences in health care utilization and expenditure for Type I Medical Aid Beneficiaries before and after applying Copayment. METHODS This study was one-group pretest posttest design study using secondary data analysis. Data for pretest group were collected from claims data of the Korea National Health Insurance Corporation and data for posttest group were collected through door to-door interviews using a structured questionnaire. A total of 1,364 subjects were sampled systematically from medical aid beneficiaries who had applied for copayment during the period from December 12, 2007 to September 25, 2008. RESULTS There was no negative effect of copayment on accessibility to medical services, medication adherence (p=.94), and quality of life (p=.25). Some of the subjects' health behaviors even increased preferably after applying for copayment including flu prevention (p<.001), health care examination (p=.035), and cancer screening (p=.002). However, significant suppressive effects of copayment were found on outpatient hospital visiting days (p<.001) and outpatient medical expenditure (p<.001). CONCLUSION Copayment does not seem to be a great influencing factor on beneficiaries'accessibility to medical services and their health behavior even though it has suppressive effects on outpatients' use of health care.
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- Impact of co-payment for outpatient utilization among Medical Aid beneficiaries in Korea: A 5-year time series study
Ki-Bong Yoo, Hong-Uk Ahn, Eun-Cheol Park, Tae Hyun Kim, Sun Jung Kim, Jeoung A Kwon, Sang Gyu Lee Health Policy.2016; 120(8): 960. CrossRef
Family Functions Characterized by the Industrial Accident Disabled
Jeong Myung Choi, Jin Joo Oh, Hye Jin Hyun, Hyun Joo Lee, Soon Nyung Yoon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(3):488-495. Published online September 30, 2003
This study was attempted to provide the basic data in order to develop a supportive system for the family by investigation of the general and disability-related features of the industrial accident disabled and their family function. METHOD Three hundred and forty six industrial accident disabled were randomly selected among those who resided in the Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi areas, and who were confirmed as disabled according to its severity from the first to fourteenth grade from January, 1998 to December, 2000. The data were collected for one month from August 1 to August 31, 2001. Each study team consisted of two members out of 20 researchers and they interviewed the disabled individually by visiting their homes. Collected data were analyzed using frequency, percentages, t-test, ANOVA, and Correlation, etc. RESULTS The average score for family function was 102.60. The adaptability represented the highest score among the concepts dependent on the family function. The concepts were cohesion, adaptability and communication, which scored as 33.59, 35.38, 33.34, respectively. The family function was significantly different in education, marital status and subjective health status. In particular, the family function was excellent from the industrial accident disabled who had graduated from middle school, was married, and felt healthy. Depression and quality of life were other factors, which were also correlated significantly with the family function. The lower the degree of depression and the better the quality of life, the better the family function. CONCLUSION The industrial accident disabled who had been in poor health or faced with difficulties in daily activities even after the therapy for the disability was completed. In particular, their family always had a great burden to care for the disabled and to take financial responsibility. Therefore, the rehabilitation program for the disabled should be family oriented.
The Use and Needs on Community Rehabilitation Service of Industrial Accident Victims at Home
Jin Joo Oh, Hyun Joo Lee, Jeong Myung Choi, Hye Jin Hyun, Soon Nyung Yoon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(2):179-189. Published online June 30, 2003
This study described the features of home-bound industrial accident victims and their needs for rehabilitation services. This study was also aimed to find a future direction of development of community rehabilitation programs that are suitable for their needs and demands. METHODS This study is a descriptive study. Data were collected through two phases using structured questionnaire. In the first stage, surveys were performed via telephone interviews. In the second stage, surveys were performed via home visiting. Subjects in the first stage included 2203 industrial injured victims staying at home, of whom, 368 individuals complaining of post-traumatic complications became the subjects of the second stage. RESULTS This study showed that the home-bound industrial accident patients were complaining of complications from the injury even after receiving treatment by IACI. However, they were neglecting their health problems without any intervention. Even if they use health care services, the treatment is mainly focused on acute medical care, which may not effective for them. Furthermore, they had unstable employment status and suffered from financial burden for health care costs. The Labor Welfare Organization has established a plan to remove barriers of industrial accident victims in reinstatement, and has been preparing various programs in order to establish an all-embracing service system for industrial accident victims from accident occurrence to reinstatement. However, these rehabilitation services can be truly helpful only when the injured are able to obtain enough information about them. The current restrictive system is also not appropriate for solving health problems of the industrial accident victims. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a plan that can provide industrial accident victims high-quality rehabilitation services so that they can use those services in the community without being dependent on hospitals. This study proposes visit nursing services as a way to provide various health services within community for the industrial accident victims.