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Hyun Ok Jung 1 Article
A Grounded Theory Approach on Correctional Officers’ Adaptation Process of Job Stress
Hyun Ok Jung, Hee Sook Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(1):73-85.   Published online March 31, 2021
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The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the adaptation process of correctional officers’ job stress.
Participants collected were fourteen officers who had experienced the adaptation process of job stress. Data were collected through individual in-depth interviews until the point of theoretical saturation from May to August, 2017. Transcribed interview contents were analyzed using Corbin and Strauss’ grounded theory method.
A total of 98 concepts, 27 subcategories, and 10 categories were identified through the open coding. As a result of axial coding based on the paradigm model, the job stress adaptation process centering phenomenon of correctional officers was revealed as ‘repeat-mark hardening’, and the core category was extracted as ‘endurance in hardening’ consisting of a three-step process: enduring, understanding prisoner management procedures, and rebuilding. The rebuilding was considered as the key phase to escape the repeat-mark hardening and the participants utilized various strategies such as finding fun elsewhere, restoring confidence, accepting values of the prison officer in this phase.
The results of this study suggest that the adaptation process of correctional officers’ job stress can be a process that endurance the hardening. Therefore, it is necessary to develop systematic practical education and vocational motivation programs.


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RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing