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In Sook Cho 1 Article
Comparison of Perceived Health Status, Health Promoting Behaviors and Depression between Korean and Foreign Students at a Women's University
Eun Young Do, In Sook Cho
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(2):161-168.   Published online June 30, 2009
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This research was conducted to investigate perceived health status, health promoting behaviors and depression level in Korean and foreign students at women's university.
The sample group of this study consists of 100 Korean students at a women's university and 98 foreign students from China and Vietnam who were enrolled at the same university in G City. The research results were analyzed using the SAS program (Version 8.2) with Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and t-test.
1) The Korean students showed a significantly higher score in drinking and smoking than foreign students. Also, age, religion, part time job, stress and allowance were significantly different between the two groups. 2) The foreign students showed a significantly higher score in perceived health status and health promoting behavior than the Korean students. 3) The foreign students showed a significantly higher score in depression than the Korean students.
In the development of health programs for foreign students, it is necessary to focus on reducing depression and to consider the traditions of their own countries. It is desired to conduct further study about health promoting behavior and factors affecting health with respect to the countries where the foreign students originated.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing