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In Sook Kwon 2 Articles
Relationship between Problematic Drinking Behavior and the Personalities of High School Students
Won Jung Cho, In Sook Kwon, Gwang Suk Kim, Ku Min Seo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(3):471-482.   Published online September 30, 2004
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This study intended to identify personality factors and related problematic behaviors of adolescents who drink alcohol in order to provide basic data for developing nursing programs.
The data were collected from October to December 2002 from 1,080 high school students in Seoul. The Revised Cloninger's Tri-dimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ) was used to measure their personalities. The alcohol expectancy was measured using the tool revised by Cho (1999) and stress levels were measure using a stress tool revised Cho (1998). The data were analyzed with SPSS Windows using Chi square test, independent t-test, and logistic regression analysis.
1. The percentage of fathers who drank was 79.8%, mothers, 54.3%, and friends, 54.3%. The alcohol expectancy averaged 6.36 while the stress levels were 132.79. 2. It was found that there are significant differences (p<.001) in problematic drinking behaviors according to the following variables: second year high school students among all grade variables, more monthly pocket money for the amount of money variables, the group of students who smoked in the case of the variable related to smoking, spending more time using the Internet for the Internet use variable, and having friends who drink 65.6% for the friend variable. The alcohol expectancy scale of those students who showed problematic drinking behaviors was higher than that of those who did not. There are four family-related stress subscales, and there was a significant difference among them (p<.05). Among the personal characteristics, the group who displayed problematic drinking behaviors seeks new experiences and reward dependence more than the group who did not exhibit those behaviors, and there were significant differences between the two groups (p<.001). 3. When the socio-demographic and drinking-related factors were controlled, the tendency of seeking new experiences increased the risk of problematic behaviors 1.07 times (p<.05). Compared to the non-smoking group, the smoking group was found to have a 5.06 time (p<.001) greater risk of displaying problematic drinking behaviors. In comparison with the non-drinking group, the drinking group was also found to have a 5.31 time (p<.001) greater risk of exhibiting problematic drinking behaviors. The group with high alcohol expectancy scores was significantly different from the group with the no alcohol expectancy, showing a 1.26 time (p<.001) greater risk of problematic drinking behaviors.
Based on these results, the problematic drinking behaviors were connected with alcohol expectancies, friends and personality types. Therefore, we should develop an alcoholic prevention program for adolescence considering the above results.
Development and Performance Analysis of Elementary School Health Promotion Policy Guideline
Chung Yul Lee, Young Sook Chung, Joo Hee Han, Chun Ok Lee, In Sook Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(3):457-467.   Published online September 30, 2003
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This study examined the development and performance of the school health promotion policy guideline that is applicable to Korean school health.
1. The WHO's guideline was translated into Korean and modified by school health experts 2. A questionnaire was conducted to assess the performance of school health policy on 207 nurses in elementary schools in Seoul and Cheonbuk.
The Korean version of the school health promotion policy guidelines were developed including 9 components and 36 checkpoints. Compared to that of WHO, the component 'school nursing teacher' was added and three components were eliminated: 'equitable access to school resources', 'control of helminth', and 'sun protection policy'. The performance degree of first-aid, closure of school in a calamity, and control of HIV/AIDS was very low. The performance degree of a healthy diet, and regular physical examination was quite high. This study was the first that developed the school health promotion policy guideline and examined the performance. Further research is needed to validate the guidelines developed by this study.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing