Development of A Community-Based Nursing Center Model: Focused on Health Promotion of Infant & Toddler
Won Jung Cho, Ka Sil Oh, Eui Sook Kim, In Sook Kim, J Margaret Storey, Ok Kyung Ham, Gwang Suk Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):795-807. Published online December 31, 2002
The purpose of this study was to develop a community based nursing center model that can provide health promotion for infants and toddlers as well as a research and practice site for nursing faculty and students. METHODS Review of current health care system and health promotion programs and workshops with brain-storming were carried out to identify needy areas of services to be provided by the nursing center Finally the community nursing center model was developed through expert consultation and filed visits. RESULTS The services and programs were developed for infants and toddlers residing in Seoul area. These services and programs include growth and developmental screening environment and health problem assessment infant stimulation and parent education and self-help group Full-time and part time staff nurses and nurse practitioners will provide those services and offer home visiting if needed. Database system health information system and trainers training programs were developed as well. RESULTS The nursing center model developed in this study will ensure clients direct access to nursing care and increase of autonomy and accountability of nursing practices. The nursing center model focused on disease prevention and health promotion will enhance the quality of life of the infants toddlers and their families as well as to decrease national health care expenditure.