A Study of the Index Measurement for School Health Promoting Behaviors
Young Im Kim, Young Im Park, Jee Young Ahn
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(1):173-182. Published online June 30, 1999
- The objectives of this study were to measure the index of school health promoting behaviors and to identify the influencing factors in performing these behaviors. School health promotion indexes were composed of 6 areas developed by the WHO.
The data were collected by questionnaires from June to September, 1998. The subjects were 199 elementary school nurses and data were analyzed by a SAS - PC program.
The results of this study were as follows: 1) The total mean of the elementary school health promotion indexes was 3.45 with school health service being the highest score at 3.68. Other scores were 3.58-personal health skills and 3.03-community relationship.
2) There were significant relationships between school health promoting behaviors and independent variables. The important variables influencing to the school physical environment were school health budgets and the career of school nurses. Also the educational background and the career of school nurses were significant variables in school health service.
From these results, it is recommended that a comprehensive school health promoting program including the 6 areas of health promotion be developed. A training program for school nurses in health promotion is necessary.