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Jee won Park 7 Articles
A Meta Analysis on the Effects of Exercise on Bone Mineral Density among Middle-aged and Older Women
Ji Soo Yoo, Jee Won Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(3):285-295.   Published online September 30, 2009
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This study was to examine the effectiveness of exercise for bone mineral density (BMD).
Four investigators reviewed English articles from Pub Med and CINAHL, selecting randomized controlled trials on exercise programs for middle-aged and older women. Out of 25 studies identified, 14 that satisfied with the inclusion criteria were included in the meta-analysis. The quality of the studies was assessed using recognized methods and the effect size was calculated as a Hedges' g using Comprehensive Meta-analysis Version 2.0. Primary outcomes were changes in BMD at femoral neck, trochanter, and lumbar spine. Subgroup analysis included changes in BMD according to exercise style.
Weight bearing exercise was effective (Q = 20.1, p > .05, ES = 0.32), and resistance exercise was effective in case of comparing to pre and post intervention (Q = 4.15, p = .98, ES = 0.14). At the femoral neck, 9 study groups were homogeneous and the experimental groups demonstrated a positive effect on BMD (Q = 19.5, p > .05, ES = 0.33). In contrast, marked heterogeneity (Q = 33.3, p < 0.01) was apparent in 7 study groups evaluating trochanter.
These findings suggest that weight bearing is effective for BMD of the femoral neck, and is relevant to the non-pharmacological treatment of bone loss for middle-aged and older women.
The Effects of a Self-Management Program on Successful Aging
Jee Won Park, Hye Ra Yoo, Bo Eun Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(4):513-522.   Published online December 31, 2007
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The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge of successful aging for the Korean elderly and to identify the effects of an intervention program on the change of the knowledge.
Data were collected from 134 elders from 3 schools for the elderly in H City. The Successful Aging Scale was used to collect data and modified CDSMP was applied as the intervention. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and ANCOVA were used.
The total score of the knowledge of successful aging among the elderly cohort was 2.44 out of 3, and the scores of the factors making up old age were 2.66 for the success of children, 2.63 for self-control, 2.56 for self-efficacy, and 2.05 for happy marriage. Life satisfaction from the success of children and self-control were strongly correlated(r=0.7036, p=0.000).
The self-management program brought positive changes to the knowledge of successful aging through the self-control parameter, and although it could not change the degree of knowledge of the overall successful aging among the elderly cohort, the program represents the first Korean nursing intervention focused on self-management techniques needed for successful aging.
A Chronic Disease Self-management Program for the Elderly in Korea
Hye Ra Yoo, Jee Won Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(4):404-414.   Published online December 31, 2005
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The present study proposed to evaluate 1st-month and 3rd-month health status, depression, self-efficacy and medical expenses of a community-based health promotive self-management program for old Koreans.
Participants in the CDSMP were selected from elders in a community health center through convenient sampling. The program included a 3-hour session per week for 14 weeks. Outcomes of evaluation in the 1st month and the 3rd month included modified Self-rated Health Status Scale, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Short Depression Scale, Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-item Scale, and 1-item Medical Expenses Scale.
Self-rate health scores increased significantly just after the intervention (16.22), in the 1st month (17.57) and in the 3rd month (19.04) (chi2=32.06, p=.000); Depression scores (reversed) also increased significantly just after the intervention (6.04), in the 1st month (7.75) and in the 3rd month (8.39) (chi2=29.92, p=.000); Self-efficacy score increased significantly just after intervention (12.87) but it decreased in the 1st month (12.73) and in the 3rd month (12.04). But all of the three scores were still higher than those before the intervention (8.65) (chi2=32.42, p=.000): Medical expense score decreased at the end of the intervention (1.57) but the cost score increased in the 1st month (2.48) and in the 3rd month (2.39) (chi2=7.81, p=.050).
CDSMP is effective in increasing self-rate health and self-efficacy and in decreasing depression in the Korean elderly. However, no significant effect of the program was observed in decreasing the medical cost of the Korean elderly.
A Study on the Simplification of Questionnaire for Sasang Constitution Classification(QSCC II)
Jee won Park, Myung ja Wang, Jeong Ah Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(2):334-350.   Published online June 30, 2003
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The purpose of this descriptive study was to evaluate the clinical validity of QSCCII (Questionnaire for the Sasang Constitution Classification), whose high accuracy as a constitutional diagnostic tool has been recognized by medical professionals. The subjects of this study were 568 clients from an A university hospital in Suwon. Of the subjects, 259 were health center visitors and 292 were ambulatory clinic visitors. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaire and were analyzed by X2-test and one-way ANOVA. The results of this study as follows: 1. In 4 types of constitution, Soeumin type was found in 41.5% of the subjects, Taeumin type in 39.2%, and Soyangin type in 19.2%, respectively. There was no Tayangin type found in this study. There were no significant differences on types of constitution by demographic characteristics such as age, sex, marital status, education, religion, and economic status. 2. As for 15 item-selective questionnaire, there were statistically significant differences on the response rate of the 12 items, except items such as A4, A11 and A14, by the types of constitution. When the subjects' own criteria on their constitution were compared to the given constitutional criteria on each item, 4 items such as A6, A11, A13 and A14 were advisable to be excluded from the questionnaire or to be reunited to the other criteria. In the meanwhile, 3 items such as A7, A18 and A15 were desirable to be re-categorized to the other constitutional types and reconstructed to the QSCC II questionnaire. 3. In terms of 106 true-false questionnaire, there were statistically significant differences on the response rate of 46 items by the types of constitution. The 46 items include 15 items (32.6%) of the domain of 'handling something/strength and weakness', 4 items (8.7%) of the domain of 'interpersonal relationship', 9 items (19.6%) of the domain of 'state of mind at ordinary times', 2 items (4.3%) of the domain of 'distinctive emotional characteristics' area, 11 items (23.9%) of the domain of 'specific behavioral trait' and 5 items (10.9%) of the domain of 'physical characteristics'. Therefore, the areas of 'handling something/strength and weakness' and 'specific behavioral trait' mainly contributed to the classification of constitutional type. 4. When the 106 true-false items were simplified to the 46 items, statistically significant differences were found on the rate of items allocated to the 3 types of constitution. The rate of selection assigned to the 3 constitutional types of the simplified 46-item questionnaire was higher than that of the original 106-item questionnaire.
It was concluded that the rate of selection of each lay person about his own constitutional type would be still higher even though the simplified items of QSCC II questionnaire were applied. If more replicated studies are conducted on the diverse population using the simplifying QSCC II questionnaire in the future, a more simplified standardized Sasang Constitution Questionnaire that is available to the public rather than to medical staffs in the clinical settings could be developed. Moreover, the simplified scale will help nurses deliver more efficient nursing care by providing a more rapid way of health assessment.
A Study on the Evaluation of Maternal Child Health Services in Public Health Centers
Yong Soon Kim, Jee Won Park, Kyung Sook Bang, Soon Re Jung, Hea Suk Woo, Hea Jung Lee, Hyeon Soon Jang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(2):280-291.   Published online June 30, 2002
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This study was conducted to evaluate the maternal child health services provided by public health centers in Pyungtaek city.
Data were collected based on multiple sources of official records. A questionnaire survey was obtained from 50 mothers with premature babies, and 89 mothers with full- term babies, in order to compare their demographic factors, and physical, obstetrical, and emotional status. In addition, the investigators collected data on pre and post follow-up care for the remature group to evaluate the effects of home visiting services on them. Moreover, additional data were collected from 135 pregnant women and 315 mothers with infants, to assess their degree of satisfaction for prenatal education course and breast feeding practices.
1) The pregnant women's satisfaction for the prenatal education course, knowledge, and practices on self care were considered to be high. 2) Of the mothers with infants, 62.9% experienced breast feeding, but only 35.9% of them did it for six months. 3) Premature birth rate in the region was 5.6%, and 75.6% of all premature babies received follow-up care. 4) The mothers with premature babies experienced premature rupture of membrane, placenta previa, preeclampsia, and cesarean section more frequently than the mothers with full-term babies. 5) At the pre-intervention data collection point, mothers with premature babies experienced significantly less social support than mothers with full-term babies. In addition, mothers with premature babies reported higher levels of stress and care-giving burdens, and lower level of self esteem, than mothers with full-term babies, although the differences were not statistically significant. 6) In the premature group, stress, care giving burdens, and postpartum depression decreased after the intervention, whereas maternal self esteem, and the husband's support were increased after the intervention. Social support from significant others were somewhat decreased. 7) Satisfaction for the home visiting service in the mothers with premature babies was very high.
These results showed a possibility that the recently started maternal child health services provided by the public health centers may be efficient. Although statistically significant differences were not found, the investigators found a potential for changes in a positive direction. Long-term effects of the health services on maternal child health needs should be addressed in future studies.
Effect of a Resident and Indoor Environmental Characteristics on the House Dust Mites Allergen
Yong Soon Kim, Jee Won Park, Young Shin Song
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(1):79-88.   Published online March 31, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to identify the indoor environment i.e. house type and age, ventilation method, use of bed & sofa, cockroach, ants, etc. on HDM (House dust mites), especially Der fI allergen.
Samples of dust from mattresses, pillows and the floor were collected by using a vacuum cleaner from April, 2000. The amount of Group I allergen(Der. fI) of HDM (house dust mites) were measured by two-site ELISA. Indoor Environmental characteristics were accessed by using questionnaires on 178 house wives living in the Seoul area.
The amount of HDM allergen (Der fI) was higher in sofa using house. There were higher concentrations of HDM allergen (Der Fl) in sofas made from quilt material than for those that were made from leather. Homes that had pets like dogs living in them had higher concentrations of HDM allergen (Der fI) than without dogs.
The photophobic mites thrive in dark, warm and humid environments; Items such as pillows, mattresses, box springs, blankets, carpets, and upholstered furniture should be considered ideal environments for the mite. Therefore, an indoor environmental control program should be carried out to avoid the HDM allergen.
The Comparision of Lifestyle Patterns between Allergy and Non-Allergy People: Food intake, Exercise, Smoking, Alcohol intake
Yong Soon Kim, Jee Won Park, Young Shin Song, Gi Yon Kim, Chul Woo Kim, Jung Won Park, Chein Soo Hong
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(1):269-277.   Published online March 31, 2001
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The purpose of this study was to compare the total lifestyle patterns of allergy and non-allergy group.
The study was carried out to access the lifestyle patterns such as food intake, smoking, alcohol intake and exercise habits by questionnairing the 110 allergy people and 205 non-allergy people living in Seoul area.
1. The proportion of eating stimulatory food materials-mainly hot and salty-of allergy group were significantly higher than those of non-allergy group. 2. In allergy group, the proportion of meat intake was significantly higher than that of non-allergy. 3. In allergy group, exercise habit was higher than that of non-allergy, but not significant. 4. In allergy group, smoking was lower than that of non-allergy, but not significant. 5. In allergy group, alcohol intake was lower than that of non-allergy, but not significant.
Lifestyle patterens such as food intake(salt and meat) were significantly different by prevalence of allergy and allergy type, which suggested that lifestyle patterns of allergy people need to be studied to develop preventive stratagies for allergic reaction.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing