A Review of the Korean Nursing Research Literature with Focus on Quantitative Measurement of Caring
Jeong Hee Kim, Young Sook Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2018;29(2):155-169. Published online June 30, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2018.29.2.155
The purpose of this study is to review the quantitative research literature on measuring caring in order to identify overall trends in measuring caring. METHODS Fifty three papers were selected from four databases including RISS4U, DBpia, KISS, and Korea Med. RESULTS The number of measuring caring papers has increased since 2000. Approximately 60 % of the total papers were descriptive and correlative design researches with convenience sampling. Jean Waston's theory was the most popular conceptual framework, but much of the research tended to be conducted without any conceptual framework. In that kind of research, ‘caring’ terms were used without definition. The most frequently used term for the concept of caring was nurses' caring behaviors. Also, ‘nurses’ was one of the most popular subjects. Thirty six measuring caring instruments were used. Twenty were developed in foreign countries and translated into Korean. The others were developed originally in Korean. Interpersonal Caring Technique - Communication Skills Scale, based on the interpersonal process model, was the most frequently used tool. Among the translated instruments, Coates' Caring Efficacy Scale was the most popular. Some instruments were used without validation. CONCLUSION These results provide basic data on measuring caring and indicate directions for further research. In particular, validation studies of measuring caring instruments are needed.
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- Defining Caring Efficacy for Nursing Students in South Korea: A Mixed-Method Analysis
Hyun Ju Choi SAGE Open Nursing.2024;[Epub] CrossRef - Analysis of Korean Nursing Studies Applied in Interpersonal Caring Theory
Heeyoung Kim Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2020; 27(2): 116. CrossRef
Effects of a Comprehensive Lifestyle Improvement Program for Middle-aged Women with Cardio-cerebrovascular Disease-related Risk Factors
Mi Kyoung Park, Jeong Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2013;24(2):111-122. Published online June 30, 2013
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2013.24.2.111
This study was conducted to evaluate effects of a comprehensive lifestyle improvement program for middle-aged women with cardio-cerebrovascular disease (CVD)-related risk factors. METHODS The research adopted a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The number of participants was 18 in the experimental group and 16 in the control group sampled among middle-aged women who had CVD-related risk factors residing in a community. The experimental group participated in a four-session comprehensive lifestyle promotion program, which consisted of lectures, demonstrations, small-group meetings and telephone-counseling. The effects of the program were evaluated by measuring knowledge, attitude, health behavior, and self-efficacy for CVD prevention. RESULTS The experimental group showed a significant increase in self-efficacy for CVD prevention compared to the control group. There was no significant increase in knowledge, attitude, and health behavior. CONCLUSION The results suggest that the comprehensive lifestyle improvement program was effective in improving self-efficacy for CVD prevention. There is a need to develop more effective lifestyle improvement programs designed to improve knowledge, attitude, and health behavior for CVD prevention. In further research, a follow-up evaluation is also needed to investigate any delayed effects on targeted variables among which no significant differences emerged immediately after the completion of the program.
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An Analysis of Studies of Workers Stress conducted in Korea from 1981 to 2000
Jeong Hee Kim, Soon Nyung Yoon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):618-628. Published online December 31, 2002
- The purpose of this study were to identify patterns and trends of nursing studies of workers' stress conducted in Korea over the last two decades and to suggest the direction of future research activities Research studies of workers' stress were collected from the abstract and the title lists of studies using internet search. The total number of studies used for this study was 118.
The analysis of these studies showed that the studies of workers' stress have increased rapidlly since 1995 but most of them were non-experimental design studies. They tended to be conducted more on nurses. and used confusedly in stress terms Instruments developed by the authors were the most popular Morever the organizational variables of the stress-related concept were barely used except nurses' stress. Therefore it was needed to identify and clarify the terms of stress among the authors and to develop the workers' stress management programs and examine their effects. Especially studies that include the organizational variables of workers' stress need to be done in the future.
A Descriptive Study on the Health Status of University Students and School Personnel for the Development of a University Health Promotion Center
Eun Joo Lee, Jeong Hee Kim, Jung Hee Yeo, Eun Ok Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(2):306-320. Published online June 30, 2002
The purpose of this study was to identify health problems and health behaviors of university students and school personnel based on the PRECEDE model, which will be used as basic data for developing a health promotion center. METHOD Data were collected from a convenient sample of 878 university students and school personnel at C-university located in Jeju. The data were collected from May to June 2001 using a self report questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. RESULT 1. 17.2% of the school personnel and 36.7% of the university students reported that they were not satisfied with their life.
2. 44.0% of the school personnel and 42.1% of the university students described that they consider themselves healthy in terms of perceived health status.
3. The smoking and drinking rates of the school personnel were 30.4% and 78.5%, respectively. For university students, their smoking and drinking rates were 27.3% and 89.9%, respectively.
4. 91.3% of the school personnel and 88.8% of the university students responded that they were distressed. CONCLUSION The findings of this study showed that the university students and school personnel had various types of health problems, and poor health behavior practices, despite their satisfaction for life. They were vulnerably exposed to unhealthy practices. Therefore, it is suggested that a health promotion program should be provided for university students and school personnel in order to help them maintain healthy lifestyles.
Occupational Stress of the Workers in a Electronic Manufacturing Factory
Jeong Hee Kim, Soon Nyoung Yun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(1):239-246. Published online March 31, 2001
- This paper attempts to identify the occupational stress-related factors among the workers at the manufacturing industry and to provide the basic data concerning development of stress management program focused on the manufacturing industry. The subjects exhibit significantly highest level of 'the characteristics of task and participation in decision making factor'. And the mean score of 'the avoid coping strategies' was higher than 'the control coping strategies'.
The main factor that affected the occupational stress responses was 'the physio-environmental factor' and it was explained 15.6% out of the total variance of the stress responses. Also, it would be explained 29% out of the total variance of the stress responses with 'the characteristics of task/participation in decision making factor', sex, social support, and 'extra-organizational stressor'.
In conclusion, For developing the stress management program in workplace, 'the physical environmental factor' and 'the characteristics of task and participation in decision making factor' should be considered. Also, It should be identified the direct and indirect paths among factors that significantly related factors to the occupational stress of workers further more.
The Middle-aged's Health Problems and Health Behavior in an Urban Area
Soon Nyoung Yun, Jeong Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(2):486-498. Published online December 31, 2000
- The purpose of this study is to identify health problems and health behaviors of the middle-aged residing in urban areas and to plan and implement health promotion programs based on their health needs.
The subjects' age ranged from 30-64 years in 1.040 middle-aged residing in an area of Kangbook-ku in Seoul. The data were collected from September 1998 to February 1999 with structured questionnaire using face-to-face or telephone interviews. The data were analyzed by SPSS-PC+ and identified by chi2 test and ANOVA. The results were as follows: 1. 35.4% of the males and 27.8% of the female responded that they were healthy regarding their perceived health status. In the order of chronic illness prevalence in the case of males was hypertension, diabetes, and digestive disorders and. in the case of females, was digestive disorders, hypertension, arthritis, anemia, and diabetes.
2. Male and female's smoking rates were 7.3% and 3.6% each and marked the highest rate of 30 to 40 years: drinking behavior was 66.9% in males and 32.2% in females.
3. The younger males had the worse dietary habits and had the lowest frequency of regular exercise. The older the females were, the more their weight increased.
According to the results, health promotion programs by sex are recommended, especially in the target population of 30 to 40 years. and focused on the strategies for promoting self-care and actual health practice: it is strongly suggested that health promotion programs for adolescent and school-aged children before middle aged health behavior begins.
The Relationships between Job Stressor, Coping Strategies, and Stress Responses of Manufacturing Workers
Jeong Hee Kim, Soon Nyoung Yun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(2):387-399. Published online December 31, 1999
- The purpose of this study is to identify the relationships of job stressor. coping strategies. and stress responses of manufactoring workers.
Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires from 262 of the manufacturing workers in a local electronic company from July to August. 1999. For data analysis. Cronbach's alpha. Factor Analysis. Descriptive statistics. ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficient with SPSS/PC+ 7.5 version program were used.
The results were as follows: 1. Regard to the stress responses and coping strategies by sociodemographic variables. 'the overall stress responses' showed significant differences by sex. age. marrital state. The use of 'control coping strategy' showed significant differences by sex and the type of work. The use of 'avoid coping strategy' showed significant differences by sex. age. married state. year of career. and income.
2. The average scores of 'the job characteristics and participation in decision making factor'. 'the physical environmental factor'. and 'the role and leadership factor' were 2.66. 2.59. 2.59 in order. The average scores for 'the avoid coping strategy' and 'the control coping strategy' were 3.03. 2.97. The average scores for 'the overall. psychosoical. and physical stress responses' were 2.18. 2.18. 2.23.
3. The 'control coping strategy' was negatively related to 'the job characteristics and participation in decision making factor'. 'the role and leadership factor'. 'the psychosocial stress responses'. and 'the overall responses'. 'The control coping strategy' was positively related to all of 'the job stressors'. 'the physical stress responses', and' the overall stress responses'. 'The physical environment factor' was positively related to all of 'the stress reponses'. 'the role and leadership factor'. and 'the job characteristics and participation in decision making factor'.
According to the results of this study, the suggestions were as follows: 1. The coping strategies of manufacturing workers in the specific job stress situation should be considered to future studies.
2. In order to applying the stress management program in the workplace. The organizational intervention focused on 'the job characteristics and participation in decision making' will be needed.
3. To support and use of 'control coping strategy' of the workers. the organizational efforts should be required.
Health Behavior of the Obese Adult - Based on the Johnson's Behavioral System Model
Jeong Hee Kim, Soon Nyoung Yun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(2):277-288. Published online December 31, 1997
- The purpose of this study is to identify the behavioral subsystems of the obese adult and contribute to the utility of Johnson's Behavioral System Model.
The subjects were 167 obese adults in out-patients clinics of 2 hospitals and health clinics for 4 companies. These data were collected by a structured questionnaire with 52 items from July 1 to Sep. 30, 1995. The instrument used for this study was modified from the DBSM-self reporting instrument (1983) and Grubbs(1980)'s. The reliability of this method was cronbach's alpha=.8476 and the construct validity of it was accepted by using a factor analysis. These data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, factor analysis, pearson's correlation coefficient, Kruskal-Wallis with an SPSS PC+ Program.
The results of this study were as follows: 1. The 9 behavioral subsystems of the obese were indentified : sex-related, attachment-affiliative I(social), dependency, ingestive, eliminative, restorative, aggressive-protective, attachment-affiliative and II (familial), an achievement behavioral subsystem.
2. Out of 9 subsystems, the highest significant positive correlation between dependency and acheivement subsystem was found(r=.5357, p<.01), The next, attachment-affiliative I and attachment-affiliative II subsystem was correlated significantly (r=.4526, p<.01). Significant positive correlations among sex-related, achivement, attachment-affiliative I, II, dependency, restorative, and aggressive-protective subsystems were found. But, ingestive and eliminative subsystems were not correlated with the above seven subsystems significantly, only the positive correlation between the ingestive and eliminative subsystems was found.
3. The explained variance of the 9 subsystems was explained as 56.1% out of a total of one. The sex-related subsystem was the first factor explaining 16.3% of the total variance and then the next 8 factors which resulted in 39.8%.
According to the results of this study, the suggestions were as follows: 1. In the nursing practice, nursing assessmentand intervention of the obese should be in cluded not only in ingestive and eliminative subsystems but also in sex-related, attachment-affiliative I, dependency, restorative, aggressive-protective, attachment -affiliative II, and achievement behavioral subsystem.
2. Concerning instruments, some items to measure the eliminative, dependency, and aggressive-protective behavioral subsystems with relatively reliability are needed.
3. Johnson's concept of a dependency subsystem should be clarified.
4. Correlation among the 7 subsystems, and the ingestive and eliminative subsystems should be clarified.