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Jeong Hee Lee 3 Articles
Self Role Perception of Health Teachers in Elementary Schools
Jeong Hee Lee, Byoung Sook Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2010;21(4):398-408.   Published online December 31, 2010
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The purpose of this study was to describe and understand elementary school health teachers' role perception in their own perspectives.
Data were collected from three focus groups composed of five participants for each group. Each focus group had an interview for two and a half hours on the average. The main question was "What is your perception on the roles of health teachers in elementary schools?" Qualitative data from transcribed notes and field notes were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.
Five main roles were identified from the participants. The participants perceived themselves as 'an expert of health education in school and community', 'a health service provider for school members', 'a health guardian for school members', 'the coordinator of healthcare related works in school', and 'the leader of school health'.
The participants have multiple role identities, which are very important for health management of school members. And the roles such as an expert of health education and a leader for school health are recently emphasized. The findings of this study can provide useful information to design orientation programs for newly appointed health teachers and continuing education programs for enhancing role performance of health teachers in elementary schools.


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A Study on Need Assessment in Health Promotion Programs for Developing Nursing Centers: Breast Self Examination
In Hyae Park, Hae Young Kang, Jeong Hee Lee, Hyun Sook Ryu
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(1):21-36.   Published online June 30, 2000
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The purpose of this study was to assess the needs of breast self examination education (BSEE) programs for developing nursing centers. A first, we reviewed the literature of activity and management-related factors of nursing centers: and, second. we used a questionnaire to discover the degree of knowledge, attitude, and practice on breast cancer, as well as an individual's intention to participate BSEE program. 1. Reviewing the literatures of nursing center activities. Nursing centers which were administered by a professional nurse are an ideal site for faculty and student practices. With the use of nursing models of health. professional nurses in nursing centers diagnose and treat human responses to potential and actual health problems and offer holistic, client-centered health service. In nursing centers professional nursing services include health education, health promotion, and health-related research. A nursing center is comprised of the advisory and exacutive commitee; the advisory commitee serves consultants and links community needs to the nursing center, while the director of the exacutive commitee identifies the potential resources to generate funds, support, and facilitate the activities of staffs in a nursing center. Nursing centers mobilize various financal resources for reimbursement of services from college and insurance companies, collect minimum service fees from the client, and further collect fees for providing programs to community groups, this also includes membership fees, and donations. The services provided by nursing centers focus on services related to primary prevention, health maintenance & health promotion, direct nursing care for acute & chronic diseases, and holistic care for actual and potential health problems. The client satisfaction for the services was high. Students also showed positive reponses for their clinical experiences and independent working conditions. 2. The degree of knowledge, attitudes, and practices for breast cancer. and an individual's intention to participate in the BSEE program. The subjects of this study were 308 females in K-city in the Republic of Korea. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The mean age of the respondents was 35.0 years old. Those who already participated in the BSEE were 64.9%, and those who had support and encouragement to practice BSE from significant others were 25.1 %. Clients intent to participate in the BSEE were 37.0%. The mean score of knowledge(2.4 out of 5 points) and practices(1.8 out of 5 points) for breast cancer were quite low, but the mean score of attitudes was relatively positive04.5 out of 20 point) for breast cancer. Those who already had BSEE showed significantly high scores in knowledge(t=6.48, p<0.01), attitudes (t=10.54, p<0.01). and practices(t=57.07, p<0.001) for breast cancer than those who had not participated in the BSEE. In all age groups no intention to participate in the BSEE was higher than who the intention to participate. These findings suggest some strategies should be developed to increase the awareness of breast cancer's early detection.
A study on the degree of perceived powerlessness of the elderly
In Hyae Park, Jeong Hee Lee, Ki Sun Kang, Hye Jin Kwon, Kyung Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(1):61-73.   Published online June 30, 1997
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The purpose of this study was to identify the degree of perceived powerlessness and the factors which influence the powerlessness of the elderly. Data were collected by self-reported structured questionnare from 210 subjects living in Kwang-Ju and Che-Ju cities on 5th to 17th February 1996. Data were analyzed using statistical package SAS. The findings were as follows : 1. The mean scores of the degree of perceived powerlessness of the subjects were 58.90 out of 85. The elderly people in Kwang-Ju city perceived more powerlessness than elderly people of Che-Ju city. 2. The factors which influence the powerlessness of the elderly were age, gender, education level, living standard, spouse, former and present job, health condition, family support, social and recreational activities. From the results of this study, to alleviate the powerlessness of the elderly, with the efforts of health maintenance and promotion various community based social activities and support system should be developed for the elderly.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing