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Ji Hyun Lee 17 Articles
Influential Factors for Happiness of Adolescents Who Use Community Child Centers
Young Mi Park, Jung Yee Kim, En Joo Jo, Ji Hyun Lee, Kyung Mi Woo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2017;28(1):34-43.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to determine factors affecting happiness of adolescents who attended community child centers.
We surveyed 154 adolescents attending a community child center in P City with a structured self-report questionnaire from October 3 to October 15, 2016. Data was analyzed by SPSS 18.0 descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson's correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression.
The mean scores of family strength, friend support, teacher support, and happiness were 3.8±0.84, 3.8±0.98, 3.7±0.84 and 3.7±0.63. There were significant differences in happiness according to the subjects' number of close friends and duration of their stay at the community child center. There were a significant positive correlations among family strength, friend support, teacher support, and happiness. The most significant factors affecting happiness included friend support (β=.40) and peaceable family strength (β=.35). These variables explained 44% of the total variance in happiness.
It is desirable to prepare and support measures to increase friends' support and family strength in order to improve happiness of adolescents attending community child centers. The findings suggest that it is necessary to develop nursing intervention programs to promote friend support and family strength.
The Impacts of Job Stress and Job Embeddedness on Presenteeism among Container Terminal Workers
Ji Hyun Lee, Eun Kyung Choi, Hyang Ok Oh, Hye Kyung Moon, Sang Min Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(1):31-42.   Published online March 31, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to identify the impacts of job stress and job embeddedness on presenteeism among container terminal workers.
The participants were 299 workers at the S Harbor in P City. Data were collected from April 22 to June 5, 2015. The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé's test, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and logistic regression.
These workers on presenteeism were affected by the department of work, annual pay, and exercise of more than 30 minutes per day, revealing a statistically significant difference according to these variables. In other words, when job stress was high, job embeddedness was less, the extent of work impairment was higher, and in turn perceived productivity was lower. Work impairment was 3.11 times higher in workers with above-average job stress than those with lower job stress. Perceived productivity was 2.31 times higher in workers with above-average job embeddedness than those with lower job embeddedness.
To reduce work impairment and increase productivity among container terminal workers, it is necessary to decrease their job stress, to increase their job embeddedness, and especially to do exercise for more than 30 minutes a day.


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  • Structure equation modeling of job embeddedness in general hospital nurses
    Kyoung Mi Kim, So Yeun Jun, Hyeon Jeong Ju, Youn Hyang Lee, Kyung Mi Woo
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2022; 28(2): 204.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Job Demand and Recovery Experience from Job Stress on Job Embeddedness among Workers in the Service Industry
    So Yeun Jun, Youn Hyang Lee, Eun Kyung Choi
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2018; 29(2): 143.     CrossRef
Survey Study of Current Status of and Need for Mental Health Education Enhancing Protective Factors in the Elementary Schools
Ji Hyun Lee, Hyeoun Ae Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(1):9-20.   Published online March 31, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to survey the current status of mental health education and need for mental health education enhancing protective factors in the elementary schools.
We surveyed 10 school health teachers and 328 fifth- and sixth-grade students using 19- and 20-item questionnaires, respectively.
All of the teachers and 65.2% of the students replied that they were either teaching or being taught mental health in school. Topics covered suicide, depression, school violence, and Internet addiction. All of the teachers and 84.1% of the students expressed the need for mental health education enhancing protective factors in school. Both groups replied that two sessions are enough. The teachers preferred role play and discussion as teaching methods, and audiovisual materials and computer as instructional media. The students preferred lecture and role play as teaching methods, and audiovisual materials and smartphone as instructional media. Both groups ranked self-esteem, parent-child relationship, peer relationship, and emotional regulation as the most important topics to be covered in the education.
There is a high demand for mental health education enhancing protective factors. Therefore, it is recommended to develop educational programs enhancing protective factors by enabling formal and informal learning using smartphone.


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  • School Nurses’ Perception of Job Performance Difficulties, Job Stress, Job Identity and Job Satisfaction
    Eun Kyo Cho, Hyun Jung Moon
    Research in Community and Public Health Nursing.2023; 34: 43.     CrossRef
  • The educational needs of alcohol media literacy and related factors among high school students in the Republic of Korea
    Sunhee Park, Junghee Kim, Jiwon Baik
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2023; 40(1): 61.     CrossRef
  • The Relations among Attitude, Competency, and Appropriateness of Work on Student Suicide in Health Teachers
    Jae Soon Yoo, Dallong Han, Chul-Gyu Kim
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2016; 22(4): 473.     CrossRef
The Impact of Marriage Migrant Women's Korean Language Ability, Self-esteem, and Acculturative Stress on Their Family Health: Focused on Mediating Effects of Marital Adjustment
Ji Hyun Lee, Su Jin Jin, Hyeon Jeong Ju, Yeon Sil Cho
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2013;24(1):87-98.   Published online March 31, 2013
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This study was conducted for the purpose of a structural model analysis of family health of women who came to Korea for being married to Korean men.
The data were collected from 260 immigrant women at multicultural centers located in C and B cities from May 10th to 30th, 2012. The variance analysis on the samples was conducted by using the maximum likelihood minimization function with AMOS 7.0. The fitness was evaluated by means of the SRMR, RMSEA, CFI, and TLI with a 90% confidence interval.
First, immigrant women's self-esteem and acculturative stress were found to have significant direct effects on their family health. Second, their self-esteem and acculturative stress have direct effects on their marital adjustment. Third, their marital adjustment was found to have significant direct effects on their family health. Forth, immigrant women's Korean language ability was found not to have significant direct effects on their marital adjustment and family health.
In order to enhance the family health of immigrant women, it is necessary to develop and apply nursing programs in consideration of immigrant women's self-esteem, marital adjustment and acculturative stress.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Multiple mediation effect of coping styles and self-esteem in the relationship between spousal support and pregnancy stress of married immigrant pregnant women
    So-hyun Moon, Miok Kim
    PeerJ.2023; 11: e16295.     CrossRef
  • Acculturative Stress and Life Satisfaction of Immigrant Vietnamese Wives Living in South Korea: The Moderating Role of Intimate Partner Violence
    Nhat Huy Vo, Sang Min Lee
    Journal of Interpersonal Violence.2022; 37(11-12): NP10329.     CrossRef
  • Adaptation to Motherhood in Central Asian-Korean Immigrants to Korea: A Grounded Theory Study
    Su Hyun Kim, Hyang-In Cho Chung
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2019; 49(6): 677.     CrossRef
  • Patriarchal Attitudes and Marital Adjustment of Korean Husbands with Foreign Wives : Testing the Mediating Effect of Acculturation
    In Seon Kim, Hwa-ok Bae
    OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society.2019; 9(2): 1.     CrossRef
  • Social support, acculturation stress, and parenting stress among marriage-migrant women
    Ji-Soo Kim
    Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.2018; 32(6): 809.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a Program to Improve Mental Health Literacy for Married Immigrant Women in Korea
    Yun-Jung Choi
    Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.2017; 31(4): 394.     CrossRef
  • Mental health problems and acculturative issues among married immigrant women in Korea: A qualitative study
    Yun-Jung Choi
    Women & Health.2016; 56(6): 713.     CrossRef
  • Associations among acculturation stress, mental health literacy, and mental health of married immigrant women in Korea
    Yun-Jung Choi, Gyu-Hee Park
    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion.2016; 18(4): 234.     CrossRef
  • Immigrant women’s acculturation stress and coping strategies in Korea: A qualitative analysis
    Yun-Jung Choi
    International Journal of Intercultural Relations.2016; 55: 79.     CrossRef
  • The Relationship Between of Marriage Migrant Women's Oral Health Belief and Self-Efficacy on Oral Health Awareness
    Kyung-Hwan Ka, Seon-Jeong Moon, In-Young Ku
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(12): 8487.     CrossRef
  • A Study on the Oral Health Belief and Oral Health Behaviors of Marriage Immigrant Women in Multi-cultural Family
    In-Young Ku, Hae-Gyum Ryu
    Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science.2015; 3(4): 456.     CrossRef
  • Analyzing Factors Influencing the Quality of Life in Vietnamese Married Immigrant Women in Korea
    Hung Sa Lee, Chunmi Kim, Myung Sook Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2015; 26(3): 268.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Bilingual Socialization of Mothers from Southeast Asia and Korean Fathers on Adolescents' Attitude toward Mothers' Native Culture and Mother-Adolescent Relationship Satisfaction
    Cheong-Ah Huh, Grace H. Chung
    Journal of Korean Home Management Association.2015; 33(2): 103.     CrossRef
  • Study of the health promotion behaviors of immigrant women by marriage and the relationship between their Korean language ability and health status
    Kyoung-Soon Lee, Mi-Yang Jeon, Mal-Soon Kang, Kyung-Suk Chae, Jung-Hee Hwang, Mi-Young Yoo, Hyeon-Cheol Jeong
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2014; 15(9): 5683.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Health Status and Health Behaviors of Immigrant Women in Urban and Rural Areas
    Jae-Ran Lim, Mi Sook Jung
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2014; 15(4): 2244.     CrossRef
The Effects of Regular Walking Exercise on Metabolic Syndrome, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, and Depressive Symptoms in the Elderly with Diabetic Mellitus
Ki Wol Sung, Ji Hyun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2010;21(4):409-418.   Published online December 31, 2010
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This study aimed to estimate the effects of a regular walking exercise program on metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk factors, and depressive symptoms among the elderly with diabetic mellitus (DM) based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA).
This study has randomized and stratified experimental design with experimental and control groups. We developed a regular walking exercise program suitable for the elderly with DM based on the guidance of AAHPERD. The experimental group participated in the regular walking exercise program, which contains walking exercise 3 times a week and 50 minutes each time for 3 months and education on controlling diet and preventing complications once a week and 20 minutes each time for 4 weeks. Post-test was conducted after 3 months to estimate metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk factors, and depressive symptoms.
The regular walking exercise program was effective for decreasing the waist size, the level of fasting blood glucose (FBG) and triglyceride (TG), cardiovascular risk factors and the severity of depressive symptoms among the elderly with DM.
The incidence of complications would be decreased by applying a regular walking exercise program.


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    Yongyeon Choi, Sangshin Park
    Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics.2024; 49(2): 132.     CrossRef
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    Jonghwa Lee, Youngho Kim
    The Asian Journal of Kinesiology.2023; 25(4): 12.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Problem-Based Learning.2022; 9(1): 37.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a Physical Exercise Program on Physiological, Psychological, and Physical Function of Older Adults in Rural Areas
    Sunmi Kim, Eun-Jee Lee, Hyeon-Ok Kim
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(16): 8487.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of a Health Mentoring Program in Community-dwelling Vulnerable Elderly Individuals with Diabetes
    Ki wol Sung, Hye Seung Kang, Ji Ran Nam, Mi Kyung Park, Ji Hyeon Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2018; 48(2): 182.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2016; 46(1): 140.     CrossRef
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    Kiwol Sung
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2015; 26(2): 150.     CrossRef
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    Hee Young Jung, Haejung Lee, Jina Park
    Nursing & Health Sciences.2015; 17(4): 516.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2013; 27(2): 327.     CrossRef
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    Mi Hyun Kim
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2013; 26(3): 515.     CrossRef
The Effects of a Physical Activity Promotion Programs with Telecoaching Negotiation on Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in the Frail Elderly
Yoon Ji Kim, Ji Hyun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(4):391-402.   Published online December 31, 2009
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This study was to show the effects of a Physical activity promotion program with tele-coaching on physical fitness (grip strength, static and dynamic equilibrium) and quality of life in the frail elderly.
Data were collected from May 30 to October 19, 2008. The subjects were divided into 2 groups, an experimental group (n=27) and a control group (n=26). The experimental group participated in the Physical activity promotion program, and the control group did not participate in any Physical activity promotion program.
The results of this study supported the hypothesis that "the experimental group will have higher physical fitness (right grip strength, left grip strength and static equilibrium except dynamic equilibrium) and quality of life than the control group." CONCLUSION: Physical activity promotion programs with tele-coaching are strongly recommended as health promotion for the frail elderly.
The Relationship among Powerlessness, Social Support and Life Satisfaction in the Elderly People
Seong Hee Park, Ji Hyun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(1):65-73.   Published online March 31, 2006
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The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation between the feeling of powerlessness, social support and life satisfaction in the elderly.
The subjects were 158 old people aged over 65 who were attending one of one college and three settlement houses for senior citizens located in B city.
The relationship between the feeling of powerlessness and life satisfaction was in a moderate negative correlation with each other (r=-.433, p=.000). The relationship between social support and life satisfaction was in a moderate positive correlation with each other (r=.410, p=.000). It was found that the higher social support was, the higher life satisfaction was. There was remarkable difference in the form of family (F=2.69, p=.023), the form of residence (F=5.29, p=.002), whether to belong to a group (F=2.26, p=.025).
For the reasons stated above, as the feeling of powerlessness is lower and social support is higher, life satisfaction is higher. The results clearly show that in order to improve life satisfaction of the elderly, we need to ease their feeling of powerlessness and enhance social support to them. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a nursing intervention program to reduce powerlessness and to improve social support for the elderly.
The Effect of the Walking Exercise on Physiological index, Physical Fitness, Self Esteem, Depression and Life Satisfaction in the Institutionalized Elderly Women
Jo Ug Son, Ji Hyun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(1):5-16.   Published online March 31, 2006
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The purpose of this study was to show the effect of walking exercise on physiological index, physical fitness, self-esteem. depression. and life satisfaction in institutionalized elderly women aged over 70. SAMPLE AND METHOD: Data were collected from subjects who consented to participate in this program for eight weeks from the 2nd of July to the 27th of August 2005. The subjects were divided into two groups, 26 subjects in the experimental group who had walking exercise and 30 in the control group who did not have walking exercise. The intensity of the walking exercise allowed 50-65% of the maximum heartbeat.
The results of the experiment supported the hypothesis that the experimental group would have higher flexibility, left grip strength, sense of equilibrium, self-esteem and life satisfaction and lower depression than the control group.
Walking exercise has the effect of decreasing diastolic blood pressure together with improvement in flexibility, left grip strength, sense of equilibrium, self-esteem, depression and life satisfaction for institutionalized elderly women aged over 70. According to the results presented above, walking exercise can be strongly recommended for improving the health of institutionalized elderly women.
The Relationship between Fatigue and Self-efficacy in Patients with Lung Concer
Sue Kyung Sohn, Ji Hyun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):710-718.   Published online December 31, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between fatigue and self-efficacy in patients with lung cancer.
The data was collected from January 21th to April 8th 2001 The study subjects were recruited from K hospital in Pusan Korea Their fatigue was measured using the 22-item Revised Piper Fatigue Scale developed by Piper et al. (1998) and translated by the investigators and self-efficacy was measured using the 10-item General self-efficacy Questionnaire developed by Lee. Schwarzer & Jerusalem. The data were analyzed by SPSS 10.0 program using frequency percentage mean and standard deviation t-test ANOVA post-hoc test (Scheffe's test) and Pearson Correlation Coefficients.
1) The mean fatigue score was 118+/-33.02 (range:22~220) The scores for sub-dimension were 35.40+/-10.06 in behavior/severity 25.98+/-9.06 in affective score 27.88+/-10.06 in sensory score and 29.22+/-8.27 in cognitive/mood The mean self-efficacy score was 28.80+/-5.82 2) There were significant differences in the fatigue of patients with lung cancer on income per month (F=4.651 p=.014) 'present pain' (F=2.601 p=.012) 'change of weight' (F=5.911 p=.005) by general characteristics 3) There were significant differences in the self-efficacy of patients with lung cancer on 'religion'(F=3.732 p=.031) 'past therapy'(F=2.869 p=0.34) by general characteristics 4) There was a significant negative correlation between fatigue and self-efficacy (r=-.528 p=.000).
Patients with lung cancer experience fatigue. Increased fatigue is associated with decreased self-efficacy. Nurses must provide patients with nursing care for the less occurrence of fatigue and interventions to manage self-efficacy for them.
Validity Field Testing of Family Nursing Phenomen in Korea by the Retrospective Method of ICNP
Soon Nyung Yun, Hyun Sook Kim, Yong Suk Kwon, Kyung Min Park, Ji Hyun Lee, Young Ae Ko, Ae Young So, Soon Ok Yang, Young Im Kim, Hee Girl Kim, Jin Joo Oh, Myoung Ja Wang, Soon Lae Kim, Kyung Sook Kang, Ji Yun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(3):423-432.   Published online September 30, 2002
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This study was conducted to test the validity of characteristics of family nursing phenomena in Korea identified in a previous study by Yoon, S. Y, et al.(1999). Data for this study were collected from 355 (first measurement 186, second measurement 169) nurses whose family nursing careers were more than one year using a cross sectional survey method. The distribution per one characteristic ranged between 0 to 5. The phenomena that had two or more characteristics and had a score of 3.0 points or more included 'disturbance in marital role', 'disturbance in family communication', 'inappropriate family coping', 'lack of family intimacy', 'unhealthy life style', 'deficit of financial management skill and support', 'inadequate care management sick member', and 'inadequate home-making'. The essential characteristics of the 8 phenomena presented above included 27 items. Further studies on family nursing phenomena in Korea are needed to support the evidence through surveys of families in the field. A reconfirmation study, as well as qualitative research on the low validity of the characteristics, needs to be more performed in the future.
Relationships among Perceived Life Stress, Self-esteem and Depression in Middle-Aged Women
Geum Ja Park, Ji Hyun Lee, Mi Ok Kim, Boo Kyeong Bang, Su Jung Youn, Eun Ju Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(2):354-362.   Published online June 30, 2002
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This study was conducted to examine the relationships among perceived life stress, self-esteem, and depression in middleaged women.
Data were collected from March 30 to May 25, 2000. The study subjects were 123 middle-aged women living in Pusan. The instruments used for this study were the Perceived Life Stress scale developed by Lee (1984), based on the original scale designed by Yu, et al. (1994), Self-esteem scale developed by Rho, et al. (1997), and the Depression scale developed by Ahn (1988). For data analysis, the SPSS PC+ was utilized, by which frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Sheffe's test and Pearson's correlation coefficients were examined. The reliability of the instruments were tested by Cronbach's alpha, showing the internal consistency of 0.7328 for the self-esteem scale, and 0.8987 for the depression scale.
1) The results showed a relatively low perceived life stress score in the middle-aged women with a mean and standard deviation of 363.18 and 72.92 (range: .00 - 1877.38). 2) The results showed a relatively high self-esteem score in the middle-aged women with a mean and standard deviation of 29.77 and 5.06 (range: 10 - 40). 3) The results showed a relatively high depression score in the middle-aged women with a mean and standard deviation of 39.46 and 9.38 (range: 0 - 61). 4) There were no statistically significant differences in perceived life stress by demographic related factors. 5) There were statistically significant differences in self-esteem by health status (F= 8.930, p= .000) and economic status (t=4.792, p= .010). 6) There were statistically significant differences in depression by age (F=3.770, p= .0261), education (F=4.850, p= .003) and regularity of menstrual cycle (F=13.180, p= .000). 7) There was no statistically significant correlation between perceived life stress, and self-esteem in the middle-aged women (r=-.077, p= .399). 8) There was no significant correlation between perceived life stress, and depression in the middle-aged women (r= .010, p= .916). 9) There was a significant negative correlation between self-esteem, and depression in the middle-aged women (r=- .359, p= .000).
Higher self-esteem was related to a lower depression status. Therefore, it is necessary to elevate the level of self-esteem in order to reduce the level of depression in middle-aged Korean women.
The Demands on Parish Nursing Services by Pastors in Busan
Sue Kyung Sohn, Kyung Ja Kang, Ji Hyun Lee, Young Eun Lee, Choon Hwa Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(1):182-196.   Published online March 31, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to provide the basic resources for developing a parish nursing program. We did this by investigating what demands were made on the parish nursing service by the parishes or churches under review. The subjects of this study were 96 pastors located throughout the City of Busan. NP (New paragraph) >> We conducted our research by utilizing a modified version of the study created by Hwang (2000) and by using the help of prior research and professionals gathered from the parish nurse questionnaire by Djupe (1990). The data in this study were collected from July 1 to Oct. 31, 2001, using the questionnaire method. The Data were analyzed by: (a) frequency; (b) percentage; (c) mean; (d) standard deviation, and chi2-test with SPSS/PC program. The study has found the follows: 1. For subjects making demands on the parish nursing service, 95.8% were in need of using the services of parish nurses. On the demands of parish nursing service for the subjects, 95.8% the necessity of parish nursing services. And they answered by their intention of asking for parish nursing service practice. 2. Of the subjects under review, 71.9% were part-time workers and 28.1% were full-time employees 71.9% of part time and 28.1% of full times duty. In terms of the method of pay for work, 41.8% were pay free or freelance while 51.2% were on salary. And engagement intention of parish nurse as preacher was 88.5%. 3. The demand for nursing services in various categories were as follows. (a) hospice care : (4.02 1.11), (b) health screening : (3.98 1.09), (c) home visiting : (3.97 1.16), (d) group health education : (3.81 1.12), (e) organization of volunteer groups : (3.75 1.12), (f) individual health education : (3.75 1.14), (g) advice on choosing hospital or hospital consultation : (3.69 1.21) and (h) individual counseling : (3.51 1.31). 4. In terms of the specific services rendered by parish nurses, our study found that services were needed for the following: physical symptom management; preparation before death in spiritual preparation for death, blood pressure check in health examination, home visiting where the patient makes phone call, management of chronic disease in group health education, disease management in individual health education, advice on choosing hospital, or ,hospital consultation: and physical problems in individual counseling. 5. With respect to whether there was a correlation between what church a pastor came from and the types of demands made, there was NO significant difference found. 6. In relation to the characteristics of the subjects and their church and the hope demands (duty pattern and method of payment and engagement intention of parish nurse as preacher) for parish nurses, these had non significant differences. In conclusion, the perception of parish nursing service is very high. Moreover, we found that there is a great demand for well ordered parish nursing services to promote the health of each congregation. Before doing so, it would be better to make things known and to consider the relevant characteristics shown in the researched results.
The Effect of Self-Efficacy Promotion Smoking Cessation Program for Middle School Students
Ji Hyun Lee, Eun Sil Kang, Myung Hwa Lee, Young Eun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):716-731.   Published online December 31, 2001
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The purpose of this study was to test the effect of a self-efficacy promotion smoking cessation program for middle school students. This program was redesigned on the basis of Shin Sung Rye(1997)'s Self-Efficacy Promoting Program for this study. The design of this paper was quasi-experimental, equivalent control group pre-post test, time series design. The subjects of this study were 53 smoker adolescents in D Middle School in the city of Busan. The results were summarized as follows: 1) The Hypothesis 1 was accepted : The self efficacy of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group after 1 week (expected efficacy t=2.20, P< .05, expected outcomes t=-2.58, p< .05) 4 weeks after education (expected efficacy t=- .19, P< .001, expected outcomes t=-2.586, p< .05). 2) The Hypothesis 2 was accepted : The amount of smoking of the experimental group was reduced more than that of the control group after 1 week (t=2.05, P< .05) and after 4 weeks (t=2.03, p< .05). 3) The Hypothesis 3 was accepted : The positive urine cotinine of the experimental group was less than that of the control group after 1 week after education(chi2=8.57, P< .01) after 4 weeks (chi2=22.49, P< .001). In conclusion, a self-efficacy promotion smoking cessation program for middle school students was an effective smoking cessation program and then it will be valuable for stopping the smoking among the adolescents.
Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Elderly People
Bo Sun Huang, Yu Sun Shin, Suk Ok Yun, Ji Hyun Lee, Kyung Yim Jung, Jung Soon Kim, Lee Soon Kim, Bok Yong Kim, Young Mee Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1995;6(2):133-160.   Published online December 31, 1995
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The purpose of this study was to understand the structure of the lived experience by poor elderly people. The research question was "What is the structure of the lived experience of life of a poor elderly people." The sample consisted of 21 single poor elderly persons in Pusan. The unstructured interviews were audio-recorded and analyzed using the Van Kaam method. This study was 368 responses which yielded of descriptive expressions and priority classifications. The result generated 74 common elements, 18 syntheses of hypothetical definitions and 5 identifications of the structural definition. The structural definitions and hypothetical definitions were as follows; 1. physical discomfort ; complaints of severe pain ; dysfunction of physical organs 2. emotional cognition ; despair ; resignation ; attitude toward death 3. support system ; interaction with family ; thinking about God ; economical difficulties ; expectancy of social services ; opinions about health service ; leisure ; interaction with neighborhood ; dissatisfaction due to inadequate environment 4. past reminiscence ; negative reminiscence of one's past ; past regret ; positive reminiscence of one's past 5. desire ; desire of unrealization life ; self satisfaction The significance of this study for nursing are; Comprehension of the lived experience of client and identification' of nursing approach method concerning the lifestyle of client.
A Study of Industrial Workers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Health Care Services in Busan City
Bo Sun Huang, Yu Sun Shin, Suk Ok Yun, Ji Hyun Lee, Jung Soon Kim, Lee Soon Kim, Bok Yong Kim, Young Mee Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):100-108.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The purpose of this study was to identify the workers the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of industrial health care services. The study was conducted from Dec 10, 1992 to Jan 20, 1993. The data was collected from 849 workers in 56 companies in Busan City. The data was analyzed by using the mean, S.D>, T-test, ANOVA. The tool for measuring the degree of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of industrial health care of workers was developed by community health nursing academy and the reliability an of the tool was 0.82810. The results were as follows : 1. The general characteristics of workers : Distribution of workers consisted of laborer(55.0%), office workers(45.0%), in an age range from 25-39(55.0%), male employees were(69.7%), married employees were(62.4%), the educational level with the highest percentage was high school graduates(54.2%). The present work force had a career for 7 years or more with an income of 300-700 thousand won monthly(43.2). 2. The degree of Knowledge Attitude and Practice about industrial health care services of workers : The total score of the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice was 49.09 points out of a possible 80(mean Score=2.46) 1) The total score of the Knowledge was 15.73 points out of 24. (Mean score=2.62) The following are the Knowledge scores: The necessity examination of occupational disease was(3.34) The knowledge of occupational disease was (3.12) The knowledge of health education was(1.29) 2) b. The total score of the Attitude was 26.01 point out of 44(mean score=2.36) The following are the Attitude scores: The necessity of health education for health examination was (3.14). The importance of health examination was(3.08) The necessity of measurement for working environment was(2.99). The satisfaction of the content in the periodic health examination was low(1.81). 3) The total score of the Practice was 7.35 points out of 12(mean score=2.45) The following are the orders of Practice scores: The participation in health examination was higher than in health education(1.33). 3. The general characteristics and the degree of knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of workers of industrial health care. 1) The level of worker's knowledge was significantly related by working part(t=2.54 P=0.000), marital status(F=4.35 P=0.029), educational level(F=3.91 and P=0.020), monthly income(F=2.98 P=0.029) 2) There were no significant difference between the general characteristics and the attitude of workers. 3) The practice was significantly related with working part(T=2.52 P=0.012), sex(T=2.28 P=0.23), marital status(F=4.25 P=0.012), monthly income (F=2.76 P=0.034) 4) The total score had a significant difference with working part(T=2.39 P=0.017), sex (T=3.84 P=0.000), marital status (F=3.18 P=0.032). Educational level (F=3.20 P=0.033), and monthly income(F=3.05 P=0.022).
A Study on The Periodic Medical Examination, and Health Care Management Programs of Industries: Busan City Province
Bo Sun Huang, Yu Sun Shin, Suk Ok Yun, Ji Hyun Lee, Jung Soon Kim, Lee Soon Kim, Bok Yong Kim, Young Mee Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(1):14-24.   Published online June 30, 1993
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The Purpose of this study was to explore the condition of periodic medical examination and the health care services of industries in order to offer some basic data on developing industrial nursing care. To achieve this goal a self - administered questionnaire (developed by the academic affairs of community health nursing) was provieded to the nurses in 56 industries from Dec. 10, 1992 to Jan. 20, 1993. The statistical computer package, SPSS, was used to manipulate the data along with T-test and ANOVA. The results were as follows : 1. General characteristics: The greater part of the industries were manufacturing company, and below 300 employees of industry were 55.4%. The shift system was mostly one shift(66.1%) and three shift(23.2%), and 50.0% them organized the Industrial Safety and Health Commitee. Average a number of employees was 631 person. 2. Periodic Medical Examination: Most of the workers were receiving periodic medical examination from the designated hospital (95.71%). From the about 12.89% were gone through a colse medical examination. In colse medical examination 58.41% were decided 'C' and 36.73% were decided 'D'. About 6.23% off those who had any clinical findings were work-time shortening(7.84%), work-transition(8.12%), recoverating at home. The majority of the workers receive the result of the periodic medical examination individually (78.5%). 3. Special medical examination: The rate of those who are receiving special medical examination were 76.82% and about 8.24% were decided 'C' and 1.23% were decided 'D' Those who had any health problems were receiving follow-up checking (9.10%) and medical treatment while working (15.04%). The health managers in the company can consult (85.7%) those who had any suspicious sign and symptoms of occupational disease. 4. Health care services: The average score of health care services were 17.57 point out of 28 point, and the score was lower in health assessment and environmental hygiene than medical diagnosis and health education. There were significant differences in environmental hygine (F=3.72, P=0.017), health care services(F=3.94, P=0.013) according to the size of the size of the industries The other's significancy is not shown by any type of industrial nurse. The level of health care services were higher in the wokers who had better health and showed no singificant differences(T=-0.73, P=0.470).
A Study on the Distribution of Industrial Nursing Personnel in Korea and the Conditions of Industrial Nursing Service Delivery
Sun Rye Kim, Ji Hyun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1989;1(1):186-237.   Published online February 28, 1989
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This study tried to grasp the conditions of the distribution of industrial nurses working at businesses over the whole country, analyze their job contents based on their functions, and clarify the conditions of workers' use of medical rooms. For this purpose, the current researchers first identified industrial companies from August 1 to October 30 1986, and visited there to have interviews with industrial nurses with a questionnaire and examine medical room journals. Data were also collected from the industrial nurses' own documentation for a week period, and then we yielded the following results. 1. Conditions of the distribution of industrial nurses A total of 282 industrial nurses working for some industrial companies were our subjects, and the number of companies employing them was 272. The actual number of workers per nurse was 1,766. As for the sizes of the companies employing them, 38.6% of the companies employed 1,000 or more workers. The rate of industrial nurse distribution among the industrial companies nationwide is 0.25%. 73% of the nurses worked full-time, 12% held the job as an additional position, and 12% worked part-time. Manufacturing business accounted for the greatest proportion, 73.1%, of the companies. Their average age was 28, and 80% of them graduated polytechnic colleges. 56.8% of them had 1~5 years of experience, and were generally satisfied with their jobs. Their average monthly salary was 350 thousand won and 78.3% of medical rooms were independent. 71.9% of the health managers worked part-time, and most of the employers were positive about industrial nursing. 17.1% of the companies did not have a designated hospital. The accident rate in their companies was 23.8%. 2. Function-based analysis of job contents As a result of the investigation of performance ratios of job contents based on industrial nurses' functions, which were classified into four types, nursing service delivery jobs were most frequently performed with a score of 0.61, which was followed by nursing service running (0.53), environmental management jobs (0.37), and welfare jobs (0.33) in that order. As for nursing service delivery jobs, 100% of them participated in physical examination, health observation, and individual consulting, 97.4% in health status explanation, and 97.1% in emergency treatment and blood pressure measurement. On the other hand, As for performance rates in collective health education, the education of poisonous materials in household medicines was low (41.2%), but the establishment of provision was the lowest (34.3%). As for industrial classification, the performance level was highest in service businesses, which were followed by manufacturing companies, constructions, and financial businesses in that order. With respect to company sizes, businesses employing 300~less than 1,000 workers showed high performance levels. The average daily working time was 9.8 hours, the greatest portion of which was assigned to nursing service delivery (6.1 hours). As for week days, they worked for the longest time on Friday (10.8 hours), and it was Tuesday when they worked for the shortest time (9.6 hours) among other week days. 3. Conditions of Industrial Nursing Service Delivery The monthly frequency rate of medical room use was highest in April and December (8.7%), but lowest in February. The annual frequency of medical room use per worker was 14.9 times maximally and 3.2 times minimally. The average frequency was 4.8 times. As for medical room use frequencies based on company sizes, the tendency was that the smaller a company's size, the more reduced the annual medical room use frequency per worker was. There were no clear features observed on the base of types of businesses. As for week-day based frequencies of medical room use, the workers most frequently use medical rooms on Monday with Saturday and Sunday put aside, and similar aspects were observed among other week days. There were no clear features observed on the base of types and sizes of businesses. Of the main symptoms of workers with health problems who had used medical rooms for the week of investigation, dyspepsia accounted for 14.6%, which was followed by cold (11.4%), traumas (10%), and headache (9.2%) in that order. Even based on business sizes, most of the symptoms included dyspepsia, cold, traumas, and headache in that order. However, with respect to business types, traumas occupied the first place in construction, transportation, and warehouse businesses, and cold ranked first in financial and service businesses. The rate of referral to hospitals for the week of investigation with the patients using medical rooms was 5.5% at the highest estimate and 0.0% at the lowest estimate. The average referral rate was 1.4%. The weekly rate of referral to hospitals based on business sizes was highest in companies with 300~less than 500 workers (2.6%), and lowest in companies with 2,000 or more workers (1.2%). As for business types, the weekly rate of referral to hospitals was highest in construction (5.5%), and lowest in wholesale and retail sales (0.0%).

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing