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Jin Hee Lee 2 Articles
A Cost Benefit Analysis of Individual Home Visiting Health Care
Jin Hyun Kim, Tae Jin Lee, Jin Hee Lee, Sang Jin Shin, Eun Hee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2010;21(3):362-373.   Published online September 30, 2010
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  • 13 Citations
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the costs and benefits of individual home visiting health care using secondary data and literature review.
The total number of subjects was 1,008,837. A specific program was classified into disease management, care of infant, child and women, or elderly care. The costs and effects of a program were identified from a societal perspective, and the effects were converted into monetary terms or benefits. The total cost was calculated in the way that medical expenses, travel costs and productivity losses were offset by the decrease in benefits and thus only the program budget was included in the total cost.
The total program cost was 47.6 billion won per year and the total annual benefit was estimated at 435.6 billion won. The benefits of arthritis management were the biggest among disease management programs. The net benefit was 388.0 billion won per year and the benefit/cost ratio was 9.16.
Home visiting health care was validated to be economically effective. It made a positive contribution to improving the health status of vulnerable populations and reducing medical expenses. These results suggest that home visiting care should be extended more broadly to vulnerable populations.


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The Effect of Health Promotion Education on the Health Perception and Health Behavior Performance of Elementary School Students
Jin Hee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(2):320-329.   Published online December 31, 1999
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This study has been done for the purpose of testing the effect of Health promotion Education on the Health perception and Health behavior performance of Elementary school student's. The collection data has conducted from June 19, 1999 to August 24, 1999. The subjects for this study were sixth grade of "" elementary school. which is located in "" city a chosen one class experimental group(38) and as a control group(38). The study were designed as nonequivalent control group pretest. posttest. follow test design. In pretest, the general characteristics of two groups, health perception and Health performance were measured, the Experimental group was given health promotion Education for a one week after the posttest, and follow test was done Health performance. for eight week's summer vocation. The instrument used for this study were Health perception scale developed by Ware(l979) were modified by Lee(l984) and Health promoting behavior scale developed by Kim(l997) were modified by No Tae Su(l999). The data analysis was done using t-test, chi2-test, ANOVA. and pearson correlation-coefficient using SAS/PC program. The result of this study are summarized as follows: l) There is on difference between experimental group and control group 2) The hypothesis is factor's are supported "The experimental group which was given health promotion education will shows higher health perception and health behavior performance than control group which given that" (meal habit F=6.40 P<.05. mental health F=8.02 P<.01) 3) In health behavior performance, scale the highest domain was mental health, personal hygiene, meal habit Exercise. The following suggestions are made based on the above results: 1) Replication of the research is needed to confirm effects of health perception and Health promotion education including the elementary school students. 2) Elementary school teachers should make an effort to develop of Health perception progress and carry about continue Health promotion education program for profit stage of growth and development for elementary school students.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing