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Jung Nam Kim 9 Articles
Effect of Spiritual Nursing Intervention on Spiritual Well-being and Depression of Hospice Patients
Jung Nam Kim, Mi Ok Song
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(1):132-144.   Published online March 31, 2004
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The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of spiritual nursing intervention on the spiritual well-being and depression levels of hospice patients.
The data for this study were collected from 62 patients who were admitted to the hospice care unit from July 28, 2002 to October 31, 2002 in D city K hospital. Subjects were 31 members of the experimental group and 31 members of the control group. It was devised with a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The spiritual nursing intervention was given by using the therapeutic use of self, Scripture, prayer, Hymn and music, use of church community involvement and referrals to pastors according to the assessment of patients' spiritual needs for 3 weeks(total 12 times and 1 hour per each intervention). Sangsoon Choi (1990) and Jungho Kang(1996)'s spiritual well-being scale, which was modified from Palautzian and Ellison(1982)'s spiritual well-being scale, was used to investigate patients' spiritual well-being. To investigate the level of depression, OkHyun Song(1977)'s Depression Scale, which was modified from Zung(1965)'s Depression Inventory, was used. Data were analyzed by chi2-test, t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA with SPSS/Win 10.0 program.
1. The 1st hypothesis, 'total spiritual well being score in the experimental group, who received the spiritual nursing intervention, will be higher than the control group who did not receive the spiritual nursing intervention' was supported (F=6.28, p=0.015, Interaction: p=0.000). 2. The 1-1st sub-hypothesis, 'religious well-being score in the experimental group, who received the spiritual nursing intervention, will be higher than the control group who did not receive the spiritual nursing intervention' was supported(F=12.75, p=0.001, Interaction: p=0.000). 3. The 1-2nd sub-hypothesis, 'existential well-being score in the experimental group, who received the spiritual nursing intervention, will be higher than the control group who did not receive the spiritual nursing intervention' was supported(F=6.87, p=0.016, Interaction: p=0.000). 4. The 2nd hypothesis, 'depression level in the experimental group, who received the spiritual nursing intervention, will be lower than the control group who did not receive the spiritual nursing intervention' was supported (F=10.45, p=0.002, Interaction: p=0.000).
From the above results, spiritual nursing intervention was an effective program to improve the spiritual well-being state and decrease the depression levels of the hospice patients. In the future, with spiritual intervention, which the researcher developed, is applied in the nursing field, the hospice patients can have comprehensive well being including spiritual well being and die peacefully.
Effects of Koryo Hand Therapy on Menstrual Cramps and Dysmenorrhea in College Women Students
Young Sim Chang, Jung Nam Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(3):432-444.   Published online September 30, 2003
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No abstract available.
Effects of Assertiveness Training on Assertiveness Behavior, Problem Solving Ability, and Interpersonal Relationships of Nursing College Students
Ik Soo Jang, Jung Nam Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(2):239-248.   Published online June 30, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to evaluated the effects of assertiveness training on assertiveness behavior, problem solving ability, and interpersonal relationships of nursing college students.
A nonequivalent pre- and post-test experimental design was used. this study included 15 subjects in the experimental group, and 15 subjects in the experimental group, and 15 subjects in the experimental group, and 15 subjects in the control group, who were sophomore nursing students recruited from Gachon Nursing School located in Inchon City, The experimental group received 8 series of a ready planned and reorganized assertiveness training course, while the control group did not receive any training. The 120 minute training session was held on a weekly basis . the Maan-Whitney U test was done to identify the changes in scores of assertiveness behavior, problem solving ability, and interpersonal relationships between the experimental and the control groups, after the assertiveness training The data were collected before and after each collection period was from May 7 to July 10, 2001.
1) The assertiveness behavior scores of the nursing students who participated in the assertiveness training were higher than those of the nursing students who did no participate in the assertiveness training 2) The self problem solving evaluation scores of the nursing students who received assertiveness training were higher than those of the nursing students who did not receive the training. 3) The interpersonal relationship scores of the nursing students who participated in the assertiveness training were higher than those of the nursing students who did no participate in the assertiveness training.
The study results showed that the assertiveness training was effective in promoting assertiveness behavior, problem solving ability and changes in interpersonal relationships in nursing college students, It is suggested that well designed strategies are needed in the further studies in order to expand and apply the assertiveness training to other nursing student and nurse coherts.
The Relationship between Family Support and Ego Identity of Young People
Jung Nam Kim, Yun Hee Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(1):124-136.   Published online March 31, 2002
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In the present study we have attempted to explore the relationship between family support that young people receive and the level of Ego Identity that they develop. We started the present study with the purpose of providing parish nurses with some basic data for nursing intervention for family and school nursing, as well as for community health care. We conducted the present study during the period of October 15, 2001 through November 5, 2001. The objects of this study were Inmunge High School students chosen from a school in Daejon. The subject students were selected randomly from each grade in that school. The numbers of subjects selected randomly from each grade in that school. The numbers of subjects selected were 120 boys and 113 girls (total: 233). The research tool that we used to measure perceived family support received by students was on that Ga Eon Lee revised for high school students on the basis of Cobb's theory. To measure the subject students' Ego Identity level we used Bong Yon Sho's 'Ego Identity Scale', that he revised form Dignan's 'Ego Identity Scale' for Korean high school students. Data were analyzed with SPSS Win 10.0 program using statistics of frequencies, percentage, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The findings of the present study indicate that: 1) The mean of family support that subject students feel that they received was 39.99 on the family support scale, and the mean of the students on the Ego Identity scale was 186.16. 2) The support that the subjects received from their own family had a statistically significant correlation with their Ego Identity (r=.93, p=.00). 3) Various factors had a significant correlation with the level of family support perceived by the subjects: the subject's grade (F=3.35, p=.04), the subject's religion (t=6.39, p=.00), the family's economic situation (F=9.14, p=.00) the birth order (F=27.60, p=.00) the father's education (F=23.17, p=.00), the mother's education (F=28.70, p=.00), parental relationship (F=2657.03, p=.00) and the structure of the family (F=-9.65, p=.00). 4) Various factors had a significant correlation with the level of the subject's Ego Identity: the subjects religion (t=6.20, p=.00), the family's economic situation (F=12.56, p=.00), the birth order (F=22.85, p=.00), the father's education (F=10.37, p=.00), the mother's education (F=20.69, p=.00), parental relationship (F=938.73, p=.00), and the structure of the family (F=-8.74, p=.00). 5) Analyzing sources of support within the family, family members whom the subjects trust most (F=3.08, p=.03) and family members to whom they talk most (F=5.85, p=.00) showed the most significant differences. Analyzing sources of support within the family that affect the level of the subjects' Ego Identity, family members whom the subjects trust most (F=3.30, p=.02) and family members to whom they talk most also showed the most significant differences.
A Study on the Occurrences of Accidents among 1st to 3rd Grade Rural Elementary Students
Bok Ju Kim, Jung Nam Kim, Mi Kyung Ryu
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):815-827.   Published online December 31, 2001
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No abstract available.
The Scenario Approach Method for Family Nursing Intervention Based on the Movie "Mabin's Room"
Kyung Min Park, Jung Nam Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):627-638.   Published online December 31, 2001
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A Cross Sectional Study on Elementary Students' Access to Computer Online Pornography
Jung Nam Kim, Hae Ja Woo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(1):150-167.   Published online March 31, 2001
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This cross sectional study was done to find out the situation of computer online pornography access by 4th to 6th grade elementary school students. The subjects of this study were three elementary schools in Andong which were selected randomly and 120 students randomly selected from 4 th to 6th grade for a total of 360 students. The questionnaire was composed with the help of a community health nursing professor and through the reference review. The collected data were analysed by a PC SPAA 10.0 according to school grade and sex and chi2-test was implemented to learn what percent of students have computers and softwear which prohibit the viewing of online pornography access motivation and time content viewed attitude after accessing the contents and opinions about somputer online pornography. The results of this study were as follows: 1. A total of 86.1% of students had computers at home. Most students placed computers in their own room. 78.9% of students had computer online communication experience. Higher grade students tended to have more experience of communications on the internet (P<0.001) Most students used computers more than one hour a day(P<0.05). They used computers according to the following priorities: game studying listening to music communications chatting. 2. Regarding the frequency of going computer online more than seven times per week male students showed a higher frequency than female students (P<0.05) Male students used computers more than one hour a day and female students less than half an hour (P<0.001) Male students mostly used computers to play computer games. On the other hand female students used the computer to study listen to music and chat (P<0.001) 3. Regarding software installation to prevent access of computer online pornography a total of 19.4% of students responded they installed one but 80.6% didn't have any 20.3% of students had accessed pornography 46.6% of students responded they first get to know to the computer online pornography through friends. 4. The reasons for accessing computer online pornography were ranked as follows: curiostiy interest to release stress and sex drive (p<0.05) Obscene contents were found in computer games pictures and video among these pictures were the most common. 5. Regarding students' attitude toward online pornography most students responded that they took much pleasure in the contents(P<0.05). 6. Regarding th question 'Does online pornography degarde morals and cause a sex crime' most students responded as 'no'. They also responded positively to the suggestion that the contents would be effective in preventing sex crimes and to release stress 74.7% of students responded that males'n access of the contents as proper but females' access as immoral. Regarding social efforts to protect students from this harmful environment most replied that those efforts were unnecessary (P<0.001).
Analysis to Recognition of School Health Promotion Applied ACCESS Model
Mal Soon Kang, Jung Nam Kim, Mi Kyung Ryu
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(2):577-590.   Published online December 31, 2000
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This study is basic research for developing health promotion programs in elementary school and is looking at the effect factor of School nurses perception and school health promotion. This study was conducted with the ACCESS model for school health promotion from WHO. The subjects of this study were 28 elementary school nurses located in the west side of Kung-Nam from the 7th of June to the 30th of June by direct interview. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. the score from obesity, dental caries, health counselling, scoliosis, hepatitis B, immunization BCG items are higher in the low grade but showed significant difference in visual disturbance items. 2. the average score of school health promotion perception is 5.04. The list of school health promotion is composed of school health policies(5.39), physical environments (5.38), school health services(5.34), social environments (5.22), personal health skills (4.92), and community relationships(4.64). 3. after an analysis of the perception of school health promotion from school nurses, the relationship between the school health budget and the school health policy and school health service was shown to be significant. 4. after analysis of the effect factor of perception of school health promotion from school nurses, school health policy, school social environment, personal health skills, and school health service were shown to be significant. 5. The factors in school health promotion are the number of classes and students, school budgets, school nurses' final education and age, health education classes per week, and teaching experience. Particularly the school health budget and school nurses of the classes per week are statistically significant. The suggestions of this study are as follows: 1, as a related factor of school health promotion. the generally characteristics of schools and school nurses should be considered for improving the perception of school health promotion. 2, the period of health education for effective school health management and health education should be an on-going program. 3. the scope of school health promotion and perception should be considered for developing health promotion programs. 4. elementary school health promotion programs should be developed and applied to research. 5. computer system programs should be developed for effective school health projects.
A Study on The Status of Health Examination and Health Management of Industrial Companies in the Taegu and Kyungbook Areas
Sang Soon Kim, Jung Nam Kim, Jung Park, Ok Ran Kim, Kyung Mi Cha, Ou Ke Kwak, Kyung Min Park, Yoon Hee Choi, Kyung Shin Bak
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(1):67-76.   Published online June 30, 1993
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The purpose of this study was to find the status of health examination and health management of industrial companies located in Taegu and Kyung book areas. It will provide basic information for the provision of effective health management of industrial workers. 49 companies were selected as a study sample group, and data was collected by using a structured Questionnaire which was developed by the members of the Community Health Nursing Academy of Korean Nursing. The health managers of the companies filled out the Questionnaire. The data was gathered from Dec 20, 1992 to Jan 20. The results of the study was as follows : 1. The Study sample showed 85.7% manufacturing companies having 300 or more workers. 2. All the companies had health managers, and companies which had 1,000 or more workers had industrial physicians and nurses. Only 12.2% of the industrial physicians were full time employees, and almost all industrial nurses were full time employees. Except for industrial physicians and nurses, the proportion of hygienists (6.1%), nurses aids (4.1%), and environmental engineers (22.4%) with full time employment statuss was very low. The mean age of industrial physicians was 49.2 while that of industrial nurses was 27.2. The length of work experiences currently ranges for 1 to 3 years for all health workers: physicians, nurses, hygienists, and environmental engineers. 3. Health examination and follow up care 94.31% took general health examinations. Of those, the proportion of the workers, who were determined as C grade(in need of close examination) was 43.86%. The proportion of the workers who were determined as D grade was 22.19%. 13.28% of the workers evaluated at the D grade were taken as a gauge for temporary leave from work. While 8.7% and .09% of them were taken as gauge for a change in job, and or shortening work hours respectively. The proportion of workers who must have taken special examination was 65.04% and of those the proportion of the workers who actually took, the examination was 98.55%. 75% of the workers who were recommended for follow up care were given follow up care. The special examinations were done the most frequently to detect the effects of physical agents (59.2%). Direct notice to individual workers was used the most frequently as a method of notification after a special examination (61.2%). The length of time taken to receive the result of a special examination was less than 1 month (38.9%) and 36.7% had taken up to two months (36.7%.). Most results of special examination were obtained within 2 months. The referral rate of consulting special examination by health managers was estimated at 95.9%. 4. 89.8% of the companies had. their own company dispensaries and 75.5% of those. had separate dispensaries. 32.7% of the companies designated local clinics for health management of workers. Industrial nurses performed health examination the most frequently(1.4 points). Health appraisal for work places were. done the least(0.83 points).

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing