A Review of the Trends of Journal Research on Dementia and Nursing Interventions for Demented Elders
Kook Hee Roh
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(2):300-309. Published online June 30, 2008
The purpose of this study was to review research trends and show the developmental direction of studies on dementia and nursing interventions for demented elders. METHODS This study analyzed 104 articles on dementia and 23 on nursing interventions for demented elders published until 2007. RESULTS These dementia studies increased in quantity after 1996, mainly in studies on demented elders and their families and in quantitative studies. Nursing intervention methods were music, light, horticultural therapy, reminiscence and complex therapeutic program, etc. There were experimental studies after 1996, but non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was 8(34.8%) of 23(100.0%). The medium sample size was 16.6 for experimental groups, 13 for control groups. The experimental time range was 10-120 minutes a day, frequency was 1-18 a week, and the total frequency was 4-72. The result variables were cognitive function, dementia behavior, emotion, depression, ADL, social behavior, etc. CONCLUSION The findings of this review suggest that studies on dementia have been improved in quantity since 1996, but various and effective research methods should be developed as a way to further improve the quality of studies.