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Koung Hee Yang 3 Articles
A Study on the Health as Perceived by the Aged
Koung Hee Yang, Hey Sook Jang, Young Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(2):229-243.   Published online December 31, 1996
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The purpose of this study was to develop a nursing model for the aged. This study was conducted to measure the physical, psychological and mental health status of the aged and to identify relationships between these health levels and various variables. The data were collected from 172 aged(over 60 years old) by interviews. The tools used for this study was a structured questionnaire which was developed and revised by the researchers. The tool consisted of 22 items on physical health assessment, 7 items on psychological health assessment, 9 items on mental health assessment and 10 items on an ADL evaluation. The major results of the study were as follows ; 1. In physical health, the aged complained of visual disturbance(60.5%), incontinence of urine (55.2%), back or muscle pain(73.3%), dizziness(70.3%) and diarrhea or constipation(44.2%). In psychological health, most aged people felt anger when they got some order from an other person(80.2%). Also, they had depression (69.8%) and felt like dying(64.0%). The ADL level was mostly normal for daily life. 2. The aged man was more healthy than the aged woman in physical and mental health especially the 60-64 year old group. The physical, mental health and ADL level had a positive correlation with age(p>.004), but psychological health had a negative correlation with age. 3. The physical, psychological, mental health and ADL level was positively interrelated with each other. 4. The physical, mental health, & ADL level lowered with inceasing age. Physical & psychological health worsened rapidly from 65-69 years, but for 10-15 years, their health level was preserved. Psychological health level was high in 80-84. 5. The physical health was affected by edu cational level, sex and pocket money (R=.4029, 16.24%). The psychological health was affected by the supportive style and pocket money (R=.5128, 26.30%). And the mental health was affected by education level, age, support ive style, sex and job(R=.4377, 19.16%). As seen above, we suggest the intervention of the young for the old to cope with their life and to maintain their healthy late adulthood. Also, if they have received psychological support in the institution, they will maintain healthy life condition. For further studies should be a search for variables that affect aged health, and should contribut to a nursing program better suited for the aged.
A Grounded Theory Study on Substantials of Stress of Korean Wives
Koung Hee Yang, Ju Yeon Chung, Sun Ho Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1995;6(2):183-196.   Published online December 31, 1995
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The purpose of this study was to construct a substantive theory about the substantials of stress of Korean Wives in the community. The subjects were 10 wives. In the process of data analysis, 'burden' was found to be the core phenomenon. And the properties of burden were 'burden of domestic economy', 'a sence of duty about the esteemed family of her husband', 'role burden in a family and her work place', and 'burden of conception'. Twenty five hypotheses were derived from the integration of categories. It is as follows : 1. The stronger the difference as perceiced by subjects, the stronger the burden will be. 2. The stronger the dissatisfaction, the stronger the burden will be. 3. The stronger the trouble, the stronger the burden will be. 4. The stronger the worry, the stronger the burden will be. 5. The stronger the forcible demand, the stronger the burden will be. 6. The stronger the regret, the stronger the burden will be. 7. The rarer the communication, the stronger the burden will be. 8. The stronger the fatigue, the stronger the burden will be. 9. The stronger the anger, the stronger the burden will be. 10. The stronger the worrisome feeling, the stronger the burden will be. 11. The stronger the unbearable feeling, the stronger the burden will be. 12. The stronger the resentment. the stronger the burden will be. 13. The stronger the sence of insufficiency, the stronger the burden will be. 14. The stronger the estrangement, the stronger the burden will be. 15. The stronger the attachment, the stronger the burden will be. 16. The stronger the personal relations, the stronger the burden will be. 17. There will be differences in the burden according to types of interpersonal relations. 18. The burden will be related to the attitude of acceptance. 19. The burden will be related to the attitude of negligence. 20. The burden will be related to independent approach method. 21. The burden will be related to interpendent approach method. 22. The stronger the independent approach method, the subject will apper the positive settlement. 23. The stronger the interdependent approach method, the subject will apper the positive settlement. 24. The Sunject experiences the burden will appear the positive settlement or negative settlement.
A Study on the Actual Conditions of Health Management, and Health Management Levels According to The Types of Industries
Koung Hee Yang, Young Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(1):45-57.   Published online June 30, 1993
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The study was conducted with 27 health mangers working in manufacturing industries. The purpose of this study was to analyze the health manager's employment status, health examination, and it's follow. up health management level(about the industrial type). The results are as follows: 1. Characteristics of Manufacturing Industries: The ratio of nurse to employees is 1 : 552.6 and the percentage of physician employed was 51.9% All of the physicians were part time except one. 2. Health Examination and Follow Up ; 1) Periodic screening examinations were provided to 92.39% of the employees. Of these 11.56% required a detailed examination. Follow up on routine cases were done for 51.69%. Follow up on intensive cases were done 13.97%. 2) 62% of all employees working in hazardous conditions(noise, artificial light 74.1%) are required to receive a special health examination bi annually. Of these 96.66% were examined. 11.24% of these employees required a detailed follow up examination. 3. Relevancy between health management level, industrial type, and health manager's status 1) Health clinic operated separately except one case. Nursing activity level :. health diagnosis(0.27) Occupational condition (0.97) Health education(0.81) Health assessment(0.74) Health education level is higher at the industries working in environmental technician(P=0.017). The other's significance is not shown by any type of the staff.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing