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Kyung Ae Park 1 Article
A Study on BSE - related Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Junior Nursing College Students
Kyung Ae Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(2):381-394.   Published online December 31, 1997
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This study was conducted to investigate breast self examination ( = BSE) - related knowledge, attitudes and practice of junior nursing college students in Kwangju.Chonnam province. The subjects were 161 nursing students in 3 junior nursing colleges among 10 colleges in K city and Chonnam province. The data was collected from Nov. 16, 1997 to Dec. 16, 1997 and analyzed by an SAS program for t or F test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results were as follows: 1. The mean score of BSE - related knowledge was 18.2, that of BSE-related attitudes was 29.1 and that of BSE-related practice was 3.1. 2. The first advantage of BSE-related practice was the early detection of breast cancer. Reasons for not practicing BSE were difficulty in practicing(33%), and indifference to practicing(29%) in that order. 3. In the relationship between BSE-related characteristics and the scores of BSE-related knowledge, groups having breast cancer history in relatives or neighbors tended to have higher scores than groups not having them significantly(t=2.07, p=0.042). In the relationship between BSE-related characteristics and the scores of BSE-related attitudes, groups practicing BSE(t=1.67, p<0.10) and groups not receiving breast examinations from doctors(t=-1.83, p<0.10) tended to have significantly higher scores than those of others. In the relationship between BSE-related characterestics and the scores of BSE-related practice, the group having a breast cancer history in relatives or neighbors tended to have significantly higher scores than those of others(t=2.05, p=0.04). 4. In the correlation among the scores of BSE-related knowledge, attitude and practice, there was slight or little correlation between the score of BSE-related knowledge and that of BSE-related attitude(r=0.30) ; as well as between attitude and practice (r=0.18).

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing