Denver II Developmental Screening Test: A Cross Cultural Comparison
Hee Sun Shin, Kyung Ja Han, Ka Sil Oh, Jin Joo Oh, Mi Na Ha
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(1):89-97. Published online March 31, 2002
The purpose of this study is to explore the validity of the application of the Denver II developmental screening test to Korean children. This screening test, which was developed and standardized in United States, was designed to screen for developmental delay in Korea, and to compare the levels of development of Korean children with the development of children from the U.S. METHOD Quota sampling.
NP To facilitate field sampling, the age range used from 0 to 6 years old, was split into 10 different age groups. Sample size was estimated according to residence. 1,054 children were recruited from Seoul's metropolitan, urban and rural areas.
NP To fill the quota established, the Recruitment and testing of children was done at public health centers, pediatric outpatient clinics of general hospitals and a child care center. The 25, 50, 75 and 90 percentiles were identified by using logistic regression analysis and were calculated as norms. The items in which the ages of both 50 and 90 percent passing differed more than 20 percent by the calculation was identified for comparison.
NP RESULT: There were significant differences found in 45 items between Korean children and the children from the City of Denver as it relates to age differences. 90% of the sample passed items among 125 items from 4 sectors, e.g., personal- social, fine motor adaptive, language, and gross motor sectors. Korean children were found to be advanced in 9 items, whereas there were significant differences found in 38 items in our comparison of the two countries for age differences when 50% of sample pass items. Korean children were found to be advanced in 16 items.
NP CONCLUSION: The result showed that there was a discrepancy in the developmental norms. It could be explained by the differences in the developmental environment, including child rearing patterns and ethnicity.
Therefore, a restandardization of the Denver Screening Test is necessary as it relates to its application on Korean children.
This restandardization is necessary in order to avoid both under and over-referrals of children with developmental abnormality. The modification of items in the language sector is especially suggested.