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Min A Kim 2 Articles
The Effect of the Delivery Format on Teaching Presence, Learning Presence, and Learning Outcomes in Distance Learning of Nursing Students: Synchronous versus Asynchronous Learning
Min A Kim, So Eun Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2022;33(3):312-320.   Published online September 30, 2022
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This study was performed to explore the effect of the delivery format on teaching presence, learning presence, and learning outcomes in distance learning of nursing students. Methods: A descriptive survey was conducted to understand teaching presence, learning presence, and learning outcomes depending on the delivery format of distance learning. Quota sampling methodology was used to recruit 295 nursing students from all over the country, and data collection was done from July 27 to September 10, 2020. The first delivery format for distance learning was synchronous learning in which communication between the instructor and students occurred simultaneously. The second delivery format was asynchronous learning in which prerecorded videos were provided and communication did not occur simultaneously. Results: In synchronous learning, teaching presence (especially direct facilitation) and learning presence (especially emotional expression) had a statistical significance that was higher than in asynchronous learning. However, in learning outcomes, there was no statistically significant difference. There were significant positive correlations between teaching presence, learning presence, and learning outcomes, and there were significant positive correlations. Conclusion: It can be suggested that learning outcomes can be improved if presence is improved in the distance learning environment based on the results of this study. It is necessary to add contact with nursing students and instructors to improve teaching presence in the asynchronous learning, and it is necessary to help students express their emotions to improve learning presence.
A Literature Review of the Studies on Cultural Competency of Nurses and Nursing Students in Korea
Min A Kim, So Eun Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2018;29(4):450-466.   Published online December 31, 2018
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  • 1 Citations
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The purpose of this study is to identify trends in research on cultural competency of nursing students and nurses in Korea and to provide suggestions for future studies.
A literature search was conducted with 432 papers published between 1985 and 2016 from five electronic databases and other sources using such key words as ‘cultural competency’, ‘cultural nursing’, ‘multi-cultural competency’, ‘nursing students’, ‘nurses’, etc.
The research design of 86 nursing researches on the cultural competence of nurses and nursing students analyzed in this study was 90.7% in quantitative research, 9.3% in qualitative research, and 2.3% in mixed research. Cultural competence was the most measured concept. A total of 41 papers (47.7%) out of 86 papers were used to measure cultural competence. Ten different tools were used various instruments of cultural competency were used in 41 papers. In 11 experimental studies, new methods such as role playing, case study, four stage 3D puzzle model, newspaper reading, and writing reflection note were used other than traditional method of lecture.
The overall findings of this study suggest that future research should include more well-designed experimental studies, qualitative studies and repeated studies to confirm the effects of findings from previous studies. Development of effective and highly diverse teaching methods is recommended to increase cultural competency. Supporting systems and funding are required to help activate research of nurses.


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    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2021; 32(4): 485.     CrossRef

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing