The Related Factors on Cervical Cancer Screening Intention among Married Immigrant Women based on the Health Belief Model
Sang Mee Koo, Moon Hee Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2020;31(4):405-415. Published online December 31, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2020.31.4.405
- Purpose
The purpose of this study is to identify the factors of health beliefs, cultural barriers, and intentions of cervical cancer screening behaviors in married immigrant women and provide information for the development of intervention programs. Methods The subjects were 207 married immigrant women living D and S cities, and G and Y counties. The data were collected from April to June 2019, using a self-report structured questionnaire that was translated into English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean, and analyzed by the SPSS/WIN 24.0 program. Results As a result of this study, it was found that the intention of cervical cancer screening for married immigrant women were high when they had a job (β=-.17, p=.014), experience of Pap testing within the past year (β=-.28, p<.001), experience of cervical cancer prevention education (β=-.18, p=.008), and a higher perceived sensitivity (β=.18, p=.016). All of these variables together explained 22% of the intention of cervical cancer screening behaviors in immigrant women married to Korean men. Conclusion In order to increase the cervical cancer screening behaviors in married immigrant women, intervention strategies to increase perceived susceptibility and decrease cultural barriers for immigrant women should be developed.