The Relations among ADL, Self-efficacy, Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Korean Elders
Myoung Ja Wang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2010;21(1):101-109. Published online March 31, 2010
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2010.21.1.101
This study was to identify the relations among ADL, self-efficacy, physical activity and cognitive function in elders. METHODS A total of 257 subjects aged between 60 and 92 were selected through convenient sampling. Data were collected with a self-reported questionnaire from January 10 to February 28, 2009. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS/WIN 15.0. RESULTS Differences in ADL, self-efficacy, physical activity, and cognitive functions according to general characteristics were as follows. ADL was significantly different according to age, cohabitation, recognition on health, and successful aging. Self-efficacy was significantly different according to cohabitation, recognition on health, and successful aging. Physical activity was significantly different according to age, educational level, cohabitation, and cognition on health. Cognitive function was significantly different according to age, educational level, job, and recognition on health. The correlation coefficient (r) of the ADL variables was .565 for self-efficacy, .633 for physical activity and .460 for cognitive function. CONCLUSION Findings of this study may be useful in understanding the health status of community-dwelling elders and developing more specific health promotion programs.
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A Study on Characteristic Factors Related to Low Back Pain and Mental Health of Pregnant Women
Myoung Ja Wang, Sang Won Lim, Sun Hye Jun, Nam Hyun Cha
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(3):381-389. Published online September 30, 2009
The study was to explore the level of low back pain and characteristic factors influencing low back pain (LBP) and mental health during pregnancy. METHODS The subjects were a total of 383 healthy pregnant women in S City and K-Do. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation. RESULTS 82.5% of the pregnant women answered the existence of LBP and 19.7% of them had high LBP. The preferred method of controlling LBP was 'Just endure' (42.3%). There were significant differences in pregnancy level (p < .05) and discomfort condition related to pregnancy (p < .01) according to low back pain. There were significant differences in pain intensity according to mental health. The correlation between pain level and pregnancy weeks (p < .001) and BMI in previous pregnancy (p < .001) was significant. The correlation between mental health and age was significant (p < .001). CONCLUSION The majority of the pregnant women experienced LBP during pregnancy. However, they were not offered the best method of controlling the pain. Thus, for preventing LBP during pregnancy, we recommend regular exercises and BMI control.
A Study on Self-Achievements and Related Factors in Elders
Myoung Ja Wang, Eun Ju Seo, Nam Hyun Cha
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(1):23-30. Published online March 31, 2009
This study was to identify the relationship among self-management, economic stability, self-esteem, self-achievement and predictor of the self-achievements in elders. METHODS A total of 294 subjects aged between 60 and 92 were selected through convenient sampling. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaire from May to June, 2008. Collected data were analysed by the SPSS/WIN 15.0 program. RESULTS Self-management, economic stability, self-esteem, self-achievement were positively correlated. The most significant predictor of self-achievement in elders were self-management and self-esteem. CONCLUSION These findings suggest that self-achievement is influenced by self-management and self-esteem and needed for aged well.
The Effect of Oriental Self-help Group Program for the Living Alone-Aged Inhabiting Rural Region
Myoung Ja Wang, Shin Ae Park, Tae Ok Myung, Nam Hyun Cha
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(2):242-251. Published online June 30, 2007
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of an Oriental self-help group program on living-alone elders in rural areas. METHOD A one-group pretest-post test design was used. The subjects of the experimental group participated in the oriental self-help program, health education, feet bathing in hot water, cupping therapy, and foot-reflexology. The obtained data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and Pearson correlation coefficients of SPSS. RESULTS 1) The level of blood triglyceride, SGOT and glucose decreased significantly in the experimental group compared to the control group. 2) The scores of depression and stress decreased significantly in the experimental group compared to the control group. 3) The score of Yangsaeng increased significantly in the experimental group compared to the control group. 4) Depression was higher when the score of stress was high, and the score of depression and stress were lower when the score of Yangsaeng was high. CONCLUSION Considering the results of this research, the program is effective in improving physiological indexes partially, emotional indexes and Yangsaeng. Therefore this program can be implemented as a community-based self-help group program for living-alone elders in rural areas.
Comparative Study on Social Support and Perceived Health between Obese Women and Normal Weight Women
Myoung Ja Wang, Jeong Ah Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(4):587-599. Published online December 31, 2004
The purpose of this study is to compare abdomen-fat rate, life style and social- support between normal weight women and obese women. METHOD 304 women objectives from their 30 to 59 years of age were selected living in Je-chon city, Chung-Buck province and their height and weight were measured from April 1st to June 30th, 2003. Data were classified into low-weight group (18.5kg/m2), normal-weight group (18.5~22.9kg/m2), over-weight group (23~24.9kg/m2), and obese group (25kg/m2) following the Korean Conference of Obesity, 2001, in which 119 people in the normal weight group and 91 people in the obese group, i.e. total 210 people were analyzed in sequence. Using SPSS Win 10.1 Program, frequency and percentile, and by ANOVA, chi2 -test and t-test were treated. RESULTS The average age of obese women was 46.68 distributing 40.7% of forties and 39.6% of fifties while normal-weight women were average 41.73 -year old distributing 53.8% of forties and 34.5% of thirties, which revealed aged in obese women. The body fat rate of obese women averaged 37.52+/-4.17%, in which 98.9% of obese women and 21.0% of normal weight women with a more than 30% of body-fat rate resulted in a higher body-fat rate in obese women. The waists of obese women averaged 88.37+/-8.22cm, in which more than 85cm showed in obese women of 68.2% and normal weight women of 7.6% indicating a higher waist-fat rate in obese women. The abdomen-fat rate of more than 0.85 of waist vs hip-fat showed 74.7% in obese women and 58.4% in normal weight women, indicating a higher abdomen-fat rate in obese women. Obese women and normal weight women showed significant differences in education level, number of children, religion, menstrual status, and mother's weight. Especially, obese women ate hotter or saltier food than normal weight women preferring meat. However, no significant differences appeared in marital status, social economic status, occupation, eating habits, smoking, drinking and physical exercise. Social support levels showed a lower rate in obese women than in normal weight women, indicating a statistically significant difference (p<.05). Observing areas of social support, obese women showed lower rates in attachment/intimacy, social integrity, opportunity of foster and confidence in value except help and instruction, which indicated a statistically significant difference (p<.05). Social support for obese women showed significant differences in age, education level, social hierarchy, religion and menstrual status. Obese women were more negative than normal weight women in health recognition, indicating a statistically significant difference (p<.01). Normal weight women showed higher health recognition when provided high social support and significantly low (p<.01) health recognition when provided low social support. However, there was no significant difference in health recognition in obese women whether high or low social support was given. The health recognition of obese women showed significant differences in age, education level, social hierarchy, number of children, menstrual status, physical exercise, eating habits, eating taste and preference of food. CONCLUSION Obese women showed elder than normal-weight women, higher body-fat rate and abdomen-fat rate, lower social support, and a tendency to more negative health recognition. Therefore, providing weight-control programs for the treatment of obesity and prevention of recurrence for obese women to prevent progressing to adult disease and promote a healthy life, we suggest that better eating habits and the encouragement of regular physical exercise should be included, as well as total approachment on change of health recognition and social support would be needed.
Analysis of Trend in Gerontological Nursing Researches in Korea: Focused on community nursing journals
Myoung Ja Wang, Young Mi Park, Myung Hee Lee, Kyung Wha Chang, Kyung Jae Lee, Sang Hee Chun, Jong Yul Lee, Kyung Hui Yu, Tae Ok Jeong
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(2):228-236. Published online June 30, 2004
This study attempted to see the trend of researches in nursing old people. METHOD We analyzed a total of 105 articles that were published in The Journal of Korean Community Nursing, J. Korean Community Health Nursing Academic Society, The J. of Korea Acad. Soc. of Home Care Nursing from 1987 to June 2003. RESULT 1. It was found that researches on old people nursing had increased every year since 1995 and most largely in 1995~1999. 2. It was known that the majority of researches were designed to be non-experimental and their subjects were old people over 65 living at home. 3. Nursing interventions used in experimental studies were music therapy and various health promotion programs. 4. Major research concepts are physical activities, mental health, physical health, medical management, social health, quality of life and family health. CONCLUSION The number of studies has increased in community nursing journals, but there have been not many studies about polices and management for old people living in community society and suggestions of practical alternatives. Thus it is necessary to carry out more community nursing studies about management and education for old people.
Development of School Health Nursing Phenomena in Korea by Retrospective Method of ICNP
Young Im Kim, Soon Ok Yang, Myoung Ja Wang, Chung Nam Kim, Hyeon Suk Kim, Tae Nam Park, Mi Ja Chung, Hye Jin Hyun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):595-607. Published online December 31, 2002
- The objectives of this study were to identify the phenomena of school health nursing at schools in Korea and to contribute to building a school health domain of international Classification for Nursing Practice.
A retrospective method was used in this study to develop ICNP during the period from July to October 2001.
The procedure of the study involved choosing nursing phenomena using preliminary terms from the reports on the field of school health nursing practice documented by nursing students in 10 different nursing colleages.
The detail procedures of the study were as follows.
1) Choosing nursing phenomena by using preliminary terms 2) Choosing the characteristics of school health nursing practice from the selected nursing phenomena 3) In order to make a consensus regarding the appropriate characteristics of phenomena 15 study group members re-categorized the nursing phenomena through 5 times of cyber meetings and 3 times of formal meetings.
4) To verify each characteristic 5 community nursing faculties and 25 school health nurses participated in procedure to give scores on nursing characteristics.
5) classification of the definite nursing phenomena and characteristics.
Following the 5 step procedures school health nursing phenomena were categorized into human and environmental domains Human domains were classified into human behavioral and functional domains Environmental domains were classified into physical and psychosocial domains. The essential characteristics of each phenomena were selected when it obtains the mean score of 3.0 or over at the related characteristics The human behavioral domain consisted of 7 phenomena including risk for spinal disorder inadequate dietary habit inadequate weight control smoking and substance abuse inadequate stress management inadequate sex related coping strategies and inadequate accident management. The human functional domain consisted of 6 phenomena including inadequate eye care and visual management risk for respiratory disorder inadequate dental health care inappropriate infectious disease control risk for gastrointestinal disorder and lack of sexual identify. The physical environmental domain consisted of 6 phenomena including risk for incident at inside classroom risk for incident at outside classroom risk for incident around school risk for exposure to hazardous facilities around school inadequate garbage and disposal management and inadequate physical environment for learning. The psychosocial domain included impaired social interaction at school. Each phenomenon was composed of 2 to 8 characteristics and all phenomena will include a total number of 85 characteristics. The phenomena of school health nursing in Korea partially confirmed school health architecture of ICNP further study on verification of school health nursing phenomena in Korea needs to be done to support the finding of this study through review of literature on nursing classifications or field studies.
Validity Field Testing of Family Nursing Phenomen in Korea by the Retrospective Method of ICNP
Soon Nyung Yun, Hyun Sook Kim, Yong Suk Kwon, Kyung Min Park, Ji Hyun Lee, Young Ae Ko, Ae Young So, Soon Ok Yang, Young Im Kim, Hee Girl Kim, Jin Joo Oh, Myoung Ja Wang, Soon Lae Kim, Kyung Sook Kang, Ji Yun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(3):423-432. Published online September 30, 2002
- This study was conducted to test the validity of characteristics of family nursing phenomena in Korea identified in a previous study by Yoon, S. Y, et al.(1999).
Data for this study were collected from 355 (first measurement 186, second measurement 169) nurses whose family nursing careers were more than one year using a cross sectional survey method. The distribution per one characteristic ranged between 0 to 5.
The phenomena that had two or more characteristics and had a score of 3.0 points or more included 'disturbance in marital role', 'disturbance in family communication', 'inappropriate family coping', 'lack of family intimacy', 'unhealthy life style', 'deficit of financial management skill and support', 'inadequate care management sick member', and 'inadequate home-making'.
The essential characteristics of the 8 phenomena presented above included 27 items.
Further studies on family nursing phenomena in Korea are needed to support the evidence through surveys of families in the field. A reconfirmation study, as well as qualitative research on the low validity of the characteristics, needs to be more performed in the future.
A Study of Workers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of the Occupational Health Services in Industries Located in Seoul
Yeun Gang Jung, Shin Ae Park, Na Mi Lee, Soon Young Yoon, Young Im Kim, Myoung Ja Wang, Soon Nam Lee, En Hee Kim, Young Ae Ko
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):91-99. Published online December 31, 1993
- This research is undertaken for the purpose of providing basic data to improve the occupational health service for future.
415 workers of 46 firms in Seoul are included in this data points.
Results from this analyzing are the following.
1) The level of knowledge, attitude and practice of workers on the occupational health is moderate.
2) The cognition of necessity about special health examination gains the highest point(3.94), but the understanding of the occupational health educational program gains the lowest point (.85) in the knowledge region.
3) In the attitude region, the highest point is marked by the workers' prudence of expending time on medical examination(3.45). The lowest one by the workers' feeling of satisfaction of the follow-up service after medical examination(1.79).
4) The workers' participation in medical examination is the most active(3.15), and that in occupational health education in the least active(.86) in the practical region.
A Study on the Health Care Management of Industries in Seoul
Yeun Gang Jung, Shin Ae Park, Na Mi Lee, Soon Young Yoon, Young Im Kim, Myoung Ja Wang, Soon Nam Lee, En Hee Kim, Young Ae Ko
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(1):5-13. Published online June 30, 1993
- The objective of this study was to analyze the status of health examination, and the health care management of industries in Seoul. This will provide effective industrial health care services.
46 industries were selected as a sample, and were given self administered questionnaire developed by the academic affairs of community health nursing.
The results of this study are as follows: (1) The general characteristics of industries: The greater part of the industries were manu facturing companies, 300-900 workers, in a one shift system.
(2) The general characteristics of health man ager: 96% of the companies had industrial nurses and the larger industries had comprehensive health managers. 90% of the industrial nurses were full-time employees and 77% of the industrial physician were part time employees. 80% of the industrial physician were age 50 or older, while 59% of the industrial nurses were 25-29 years of age.
(3) Health examination and follow up care: The proportions of the workers who took general health examination was 94%. Of those, 12% took secondary examinations. In secondary examinations, 36% were evaluated at the C-grade, 20% were evaluated at the D-grade. The proportion of the workers who were required to take special examination were 29% and of that, the proportion of the workers who actually took the examination was 88%. 85% of the workers who were recommended for follow up cares were given follow up care while working. The physical agents among the special examination were done the most frequently to detect the examination effects.
(4) Health care services: Industrial nurses performed health examination most frequently and health education was done the least. There were significant differences in health care services according to the size of the industries. Companies with 300 workers or less had higher health care services than other groups.
The three primary reasons of health care management and examinations of workers are: First, industrial nurses are requires to accumulate professional knowledge and experience through continuos' activities. Second, systematic and concert examination for industrial workers should be performed periodically. Third, it needs developing health education strategies that are important workers for health promotion in industries.