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Myung Ha Lee 2 Articles
Effects of Health Literacy and Knowledge on Diabetic Self-care in the Elderly with DM Living Alone
Nan Hui Kim, Young Ran Yang, Myung Ha Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(4):370-379.   Published online December 31, 2016
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of self-care adherence in the elderly with diabetes mellitus (DM) who have lived alone, and to investigate the association between health literacy, diabetic knowledge and self-care adherence.
Descriptive research using the cross-sectional approach was conducted. Data was collected by using a convenience sampling of 201 participants who aged sixty-five years old or more and have lived alone. Statistical analysis was conducted by using an independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
Mean scores of health literacy, diabetic knowledge and adherence of self-care were 4.41±3.54 points out of a possible 12, 6.22±2.55 points out of a possible 15, 58.56±17.28 points out of a possible 112, respectively. Adherence of self-care showed a statistical association with health literacy (r=.26, p<.001) and diabetic knowledge (r=.30, p<.001). Statistically significant factors in the regression model were monthly income, diabetic knowledge and exercise.
The level of self-care adherence in the elderly with diabetes living alone was relatively low. Diabetic knowledge was an important factor to improve the level of self-care adherence for the elderly with diabetes living alone.


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Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Related to Obesity in Elementary School Children
Myung Ha Lee, Hyeon Ok Kim, Hee Kyoung Hyoung, Hee Sun Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(3):469-479.   Published online September 30, 2007
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This study was carried out to investigate the knowledge of obesity and exercise, attitude to dietary habits and exercise, and physical activities and exercise in elementary school children to provide basic data for obese programs.
The subjects were 850 elementary school children of grade 3-6 in C City and data were collected with a questionnaire.
Higher grade, female and overweight children recorded a higher knowledge score than lower grade, male and normal weight children. As for attitude to dietary habit, lower grade and female children had more positive attitude than higher grade and male children. Overweight children were more aware of the seriousness of exercise than normal weight children. In physical activity, lower grade and male children were higher than higher grade and female children. The more interested the children's family were in exercise, the higher score of physical activity they showed.
In planning education for preventing obesity, it should give consideration to lower grade and male children. In addition, education for changing dietary habit attitude must be extended to higher grade and male children as well. It is effective to develop and apply physical activity improvement programs in the cooperation and involvement of their families.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing