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Se Young Kim 3 Articles
A Study on Adult Women's Cosmetic Tattoo Experiences and Comparison of Health Concern and Health Practice between the Cosmetic Tattooed and Non-cosmetic Tattooed Groups
Se Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2017;28(1):69-77.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study was conducted to compare the level of health concern and the health practice of adult women depending on their experiences with cosmetic tattooing.
The participants were 396 adult women in Jeonnam and Jeonbuk Provinces and G City. Their levels of health concern were measured using the 5-point-5-item scale designed by Kim. For measuring their health practice, the 5-point-12-item scale designed by Kwak was used.
The percentage of cosmetic tattooed women was 58.8%. The average score of their health concern was 3.12 and that of their health practice 3.54. As for their levels of health concern, no differences were observed between those with cosmetic tattoo experience and those without. However, the group with cosmetic tattoo experience exhibited a higher level of health practice. Also, most members of the cosmetic tattooed group decided to visit their tattoo shops based on the availability of tattoo shapes or prices rather than considering infection risks.
Health education is necessary to increase people's sensitivity to infection. This study shows that urgent attention for the management and regulation of the relevant ministries is required. Also, this study provides foundational information that will serve health education.


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  • “For Asia Market Only”: A Green Tattoo Ink between Safety and Regulations
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    Chang Won Koh, Kyoungjin
    Journal of Cosmetic Medicine.2021; 5(1): 16.     CrossRef
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  • Effects of picosecond laser on the multi-colored tattoo removal using Hartley guinea pig: A preliminary study
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    PLOS ONE.2018; 13(9): e0203370.     CrossRef
Elderly Koreans' Perception of Nursing Homes
Se Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):242-253.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This research aims to understand the perceptions of nursing homes from the perspective of the elderly, explores the themes of such perception and provides supporting evidence for developing nursing intervention that focuses on the subjects of care within nursing homes.
This research is based on qualitative research in a phenomenological methodology. The research participants included elders aged 67~83 living at home in Jeonnam, Jeonbuk Provinces and G City. Data collection methodologies included in-depth interviews and observation of participants. The data were analyzed in the phenomenological methodology by Colaizzi.
As a result of the research, it was found that all significant statements about the Korean elders' perception of nursing homes fell within 3 categories with 9 major themes and 23 minor themes. The three observed categories for the Korean elders' perception on nursing homes were: 'places they do not like to be in', 'places they have to be in' and 'places that makes them feel fortunate as they have a place to go'.
This research provides foundational tools that will provide a steer for changes in nursing environment, physiological support, programs and education so that the needs of the elderly can be met more sufficiently.


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    Jieun Lee
    Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry.2023; 47(4): 898.     CrossRef
  • Person-Centered Care Experience of Nursing Home Workers: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis Study
    Eun Young Kim, Sung Ok Chang
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2022; 24(1): 33.     CrossRef
A Study for Evaluating the Performance of a Community-based Home Care Services Model
Se Young Kim, Sung Ae Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(4):673-683.   Published online December 31, 2008
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This study was aimed to evaluate the performance of a community-based home care services model.
The subjects were 138 patients who have been enrolled during a 6 month's period, nursing records and nursing service bills. The data was collected by self report and chart review. The mean cost per visit was compared with those of hospitalization & clinic visit in the data from National Health Insurance Corporation.
A significant number of patients were bed ridden(63.8%) and unconscious(27.5%), and most of the patients had complex chronic diseases. Except nursing assessment, bed sore care was the most frequent nursing treatment(25.1%) in home care services. The mean cost per visit of home care services was 34,665 won, which was lower than those of hospitalization & clinic visit for medical aid. The patients were highly satisfied with the services by visiting nurse specialists.
Community-based home care services provided cost-effective and satisfied services. Community-based home care services needs systematic supports to expand it's domain for promoting community health.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing