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Sun Ha Choi 2 Articles
The Effect of Health Promotion Program on Health of the Clients with Arthritis in Primary Health Care Center
Sun Ha Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(2):344-360.   Published online September 30, 2001
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A quasi-experimental study was conducted to investigate the effects of health promotion program on health of the clients with arthritis. In this study, the health promotion program consisted of self appointment and confirmation, discussion, health education, group counsel, and exercise. And the program focused on self - help group meeting. A total of 68 subjects was randomly assigned into either the control group(n=24) or the intervention group(n=44). The results of the study analyzed using a SPSS win, were as follows: 1) In physical function of physical health, there was a significant improvement in flexibility of the shoulder joint(hold the hand upward and downward behind the back), sit and reach, extension of the knee joint in the intervention group, compared to the control group, while no difference in flexibility of the shoulder joint(raising the arm), flexion of the knee joint, and grip strength. There was a significant improvement in physical functional disability in the intervention group, compared to the control group, but no difference in fatigue and pain. 2) The health promotion program resulted in improvement in psychosocial health(e.g. increase of self-efficacy and decreases of social functional disability) in the intervention group, compared to the control group. It was concluded that the health promotion program(weekly session for 6 weeks) employed in this study was appropriate for the clients with arthritis in primary health care center and had a positive effect on health in general.
A Proposal of Health Promotion Program for Overweight Schoolchildren
Sun Ha Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(2):526-537.   Published online December 31, 2000
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This study was conducted to contribute to the expansion of activity areas for school nurses in the field of health promotion services whose importance are increasing daily. To achieve such goals the researcher proposed that health promotion programs for obesity management in overweight schoolchildren conducted by literature review to apply to school settings. In this program, the principal components developed a behavior modification program and an exercise program, which could be educated and managed by a nursing staff during for 9 weeks, three times per week, 60 minutes each. The program consisted of exercise, health education. health counseling, and a direct nursing care. This kind of approach may support the need of behavior modification programs and exercise programs on a regular base via the social organization, which may mean an intentional change of life style. A comprehensive approach to health promotion services proposed by this research would contribute greatly to the effectiveness of school health services and to promote health in overweight schoolchildren.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing