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Sun Hee Jang 1 Article
Analysis of the Types and Affecting Factors of Older People’s Health-related Quality of Life, Using Latent Class Analysis
Sun Hee Jang, Dong Moon Yeum
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2020;31(2):212-221.   Published online June 30, 2020
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This study aims to identify the types of health-related quality of life (QoL) based on the EuroQoL 5 Dimensions among community older people and predict the factors affecting these types.
This study used data from the 2016 Korea Health Panel Survey, whose participants included 3,848 older people. The data were analyzed using the software jamovi 1.2.17 and Mplus 8.2 for latent class analysis.
The subgroups of the older people’s health-related QoL were identified as three latent classes: General stable type (43.9%), pain-related low type (35.0%), and general low type (21.1%). The types and characteristics of health-related QoL among the latent classes differed. Comparing the difference between the general low type and general stable type, the subjects showed higher probability of belonging to the general stable type when they were men, younger, higher education level, employment, better subjective health, lower BMI and stress level, and no suicidal ideation. A comparison between the general low type and the pain-related low type showed that the subjects were more likely to be classified as the pain-related low type when they were younger, higher education, employment, and better subjective health.
The results showed a significant heterogeneity in the types of health-related QoL among community older people, and the predictors for each type were not the same. These findings present basic data for cultivating nursing interventions that enhance health-related QoL.


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RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing