A Study on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Public Health Management In Industry in Kyeongnam Province
Young Sil Kang, Sun Heoi Woo, Jung Hee Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):146-157. Published online December 31, 1993
- The purpose of the study is to provide basic data on the public health management in the industrial work places, and some implications on the public health education related to workers self care capacity of their own health.
To achieve this purpose a questionnaire was provided to 332 workers during February 11-28, 1993. This was do in Changwon-shi Geojeoi-kun, Chungmoo-shi, Jinjoo-shi, of Kyeongnam province.
Through the analysis of the survey results, a relationship was deduced between worker's general characteristics and basic elements of health management in the work place.
The main results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. In the knowledge area special health screening received the highest score 3.18. While the educational program scored the lowest .85. In the Attitude area the highest score was achieved in the affirmative attitude to the time consumed by health checks (3.28). The lowest by the management of health checks(1.53). In the Practice area, participation in health checking is the most active (3.44) , and public health education is the least active (0.95).
2. The differences of knowledge by workers' general characteristics is statistically significant in the work sector (P<.05), age (P<.05), sex (p<.001), marital status (P<.001), and prior career(P<.01). But in Attitude general characteristics are not significant factors. In the Practice area, did have a statistical significance, work sector (p<.001), age (p<.001), sex (P<.05), marital status (p<.001) and work career (P<.001).
3. The total difference by workers' general characteristics has a statistical significance only in the case of marital status (P>05). The note of married workers is higher than that of single workers.
4. The correlation between any two of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice do have a statistical significance (p<.001).
The Status of Occupational Health Nursing Service of Kyung Sang Nam Do
Jung Hee
Park, Sun Heoi Woo, Young Sil Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(1):77-83. Published online June 30, 1993
- This study was carried out to idedtify Worker's general health diagnosis and specific health diagnosis state and provide the basic data about occupational health nursing services in Kyung Sang Nam Do.
Data was obtained from 36 industry in Chang-won, Jin-joo, Geo-jeoi, Chung-moo area during Dec. 20. 1992-Feb. 18. 1993 through questionaire survey.
Data was analyzed into frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and score sum.
The main findings are as follows : 1) 83.3% of subject was manufactures. The factory which have over 1000 Worker's are 41.7% and 500-999 are 36.1%.
2) Health managers are composed of 5 man power. Doctors occupied in 44.4% of factories, average age of them are 43.9 years, average careers are 4.0 years. Nurses occupied in all factories and their average ages are 27.6, average careers are 3.0 years. Industrial hygienist occupied in 33.3% of factories, environmental hygienist occupied 69.4% of industries, and nurse aids occupied in 19.4%.
3) 99.9% of workers are received general health diagonosis. And 10.8% of workers are received elaborate health diagnosis. Among them 30.9% are C class and 23.4% are D class. Among D class, 50% of workers are treated as work time shortening, work replacement, being under treatment. Total specific health diagnosis' subject are 19.3% of workers but 79.9% of them are received specific health diagnosis. Among them 18.6% are needed follow up treatement. Only 44.9% of them are received follow up treatement.
4) 69.4% of industries have their referral hospital and 97.2% have their clinics. Among Occupational health services, health diagnosis are carried out first. of all and the next, environmental management, industrial diagnosis, health education are carried out.