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Sun Mi Kim 1 Article
The Relationship Among Self-Efficacy, Social Support and Depression of The Poor Elderly
Nam Ho Song, Sun Mi Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(1):158-171.   Published online June 30, 2000
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The elderly population will increase from 5.8% in 1996 to 12.5% in 2020. The related problems of health will also become a very important issue in the future. Therefore. it is important to address the problems of geriatic nursing and geriatic health. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among self-efficacy, social support and depression of the poor elderly. The subjects of this study were 42 poor elderly in Tae Jeon city. The data were analyzed by the SPSSWIN computer program and include AONVA. Pearson Correlation, frequency analysis. The Cronbach Alpha of self-efficacy tools was .8297, social support tools was .9187 and depression tools was .8887. The data were collected through personal interviews using a questionnaire from September 27 to October 23. 1999. The conclusion of this study are summarized as follows: 1. There were mean scores for self-efficacy at for social support 86.00+/-18.43 and for depression 60.31+/-15.61. 2. There was a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and social support(r= .361. p<.05) in the poor elderly. There was a significant negative correlation between social support and depression(r= -.640, p<,01), self-efficacy and depression(r= -.182) in the poor elderly. 3. In a significant test in the general characters of the subjects and in the higher social support level. we obtained the following results: living with partner is. have son is. living family members is. the higher economic level is. 4. In a significant test in the general characters of the subjects and in the lower depression level, we can obtained the following results: The old man is. living with partner is. living family members is. the higher economic level is, the higher health level is.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing