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Tae Sung Ahn 3 Articles
A study of the effect of health education about AIDS related knowledge and attitude in industrial workers
Tae Sung Ahn
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1995;6(1):114-124.   Published online June 30, 1995
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The purpose of this study was to identify the education effect about AIDS related knowledge & attitude in industrial workers. This study examined the workers' knowledge and attitude at two times. (before education, 3days after education) This study 298 admitted workers on 3 work place who participated in health education by video material. Data were gathered from 1994. 12. 12 to 1994. 12. 22. The results were as follow: 1. The level of knowledge about AIDS; The correct answer mean score of knowledge before education was 13.7 out of 28. The correct answer mean score of knowledge after education was 17.6 out of 28. 2. The education effect about AIDS related knowledge according to 28 questions; Almost of questions were significantly increased correct answer rate about AIDS related knowledge except 2 questions. 3. The education effect about AIDS related knowledge according to workers' general characteristics: The significant general characteristics of health education effect that impact on the knowledge score were women, the teenth, the twentieth, unmarrige state, lower senior high school graduated, sexual experience had or not, over five occupational career, education time, health education experience had or not. 4. The education effect of AIDS related attitude: Significant change of attitude related AIDS were found 7 out of 9 questions.
A Study of Industrial Workers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Occupational Health Management and Services: Kyung In Area
Tae Sung Ahn, Dong Ran Jo, Myung Soon Kim, Bok Hee Lee, Bong Ryeon Ko
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):109-116.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The purpose of this study was to examine industrial workers ; Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of occupational health management and service. The data was collected from Dec 4. 1993 to Jan 21, 1993. The data was collected from 352 industrial workers from 37 companies located in Kyng Ki Province and In cheon city. The measurement tool used in this study was a structured questionnaire developed by the community Nursing academy. The major findings attained from this study are summarized as follows : 1. The level of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of industrial workers of occupational health management and service, were as follows : The total mean score was 72 out of 100. The total mean score of Knowledge was 22.5, out of 30. The mean score of Attitude was 39.2, out of 55. The mean score of Practice was 10. 6, out of 15. 2. The level of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of industrial workers of health management and service according to workers' general characteristics. The significant perceptions of health management as a whole that impact on the Knowledge score were occupational factors such as, age, income, number of workers, educational status, sex, and marital status. The significant factor of Practice which impact on the score was age, number of workers, sex, and marital status.
A Study on the Performance of Occupational Health Services in Kyung In Areas
Dong Ran Cho, Myung Soon Kim, Tae Sung Ahn, Bong Ryeon Ko
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(1):25-37.   Published online June 30, 1993
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This study was designed to identify the performance of occupational health services of 37 industries located in Kyung in area. The data was collected by a structured questionnaire developed by the Academic society of Community Nursing. This analysis had two factors, one was related to six of the industries, and the other was the actual assignment procedures of the health team members. This study was undertaken from December 4, 1992 to January 21, 1993. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The study group was primarily manufacturing industries which employed 300-1,000 employees. 2. The actual assignment state of occupation health team members with the exception of nurses was not kept to the regulations of the industrial safety health law. 3. The following was the analysis of the performance of occupational health services with two factors: 1). The larger the size of the six industries, the more the performance of health education, health assessment, and health screening. 2) The actual. practice of occupational health team members working environmental measurement, was more frequently performed by a nurse other than health team members together. 4. 1) The subscription rate of the laborers for primary health screening was 94%, and of these 10% had the need of secondary health screening. As a results of the secondary health screening the degrees were "A" 45%, "C" 92%, "R" 21%. Of these degrees "C", "R" 4% were follow up cases. 2) 43% of laborers needed special health screening and of these the subscription rate was 99%. The main item of the special health screening was physical factors. After the special health screening 46% required follow up, 30% required medical treatment, only reporting 18%, change work 8%, suspension from work place 2%.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing