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Young Joo Lee 2 Articles
The Relation between Social Support and Loneliness in Migrant Workers
Soon Hee Lee, Shin Jeong Kim, Young Joo Lee, Sook Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(1):67-74.   Published online March 31, 2009
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the actual condition of social support and loneliness and to examine of the relation between social support and loneliness in migrant workers.
One hundred and thirty migrant workers were sampled from two churches located at Seoul and Gyeonggi-do in order to collect basic data onmigrant workers from August to December, 2007 using a questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test and ANOVA test.
1) The average scores of social support and loneliness were 3.73 +/- 0.31 and 2.57 +/- 0.31, respectively. 2) With respect to the general characteristics of subjects, there was no statistically significant difference in social support, but there was a significant difference in loneliness according to religion (t=2.586, p=.001). 3) The correlation coefficient between social support and loneliness was not significant (r=-.010, p=.929).
Social support should be considered in nursing intervention to decrease the level of loneliness in migrant workers. More studies are needed to identify variables influencing social support and loneliness in migrant workers.
A Study of Andropause Symptoms and Life Satisfaction among Middle-aged Men
Jung Hee Kim, Young Joo Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(2):186-195.   Published online June 30, 2005
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This study aims to understand andropause symptoms and life satisfaction among middle-aged Korean men.
The subjects were selected among men in their middle age who visited one of two university hospitals or a convalescent center in Seoul. Korea. Eight items were used to measure their andropause symptoms. Life Satisfaction Index-Z was used to measure life satisfaction.
Major symptoms related andropause. in the order of frequency, include memory loss, muscle weakness. powerlessness and impotence. Among the subjects. 62.5% smoked and 70% drank alcohol. and life satisfaction was generally moderate in the participants. Current smokers and alcohol drinkers reported a low level of life satisfaction. Diabetic patients and subjects who had powerlessness and hot flashes of andropause symptoms experienced a low level of life satisfaction. Muscle weakness was more frequent in current smokers, and powerlessness more in alcohol drinkers.
This study's findings indicate that and ropause is one of major health concerns among middle-aged men. It reminds us of the smoking and alcohol drinking issues among middle-aged men. These findings show the necessity to improve strategies for nursing intervention in andropause symptoms and health risk behaviors.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing