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Young Ju Son 3 Articles
The Prevalence of Depression and Related Factors among Adults
Eun Ok Park, Moon Doo Kim, Young Ju Son, Hyo Jeong Song, Seong Chul Hong
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(3):277-284.   Published online September 30, 2009
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This study was to investigate depression prevalence and related factors of depression in Jeju Province.
The study sample selected using randomized cluster sampling method, and the unit of cluster was 25 households. Data were collected from 1275 adults in 723 households through home visit interview. The response rate was 89.4%. The instrument used for measuring depression was CES-D, the cut-off score was 21. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test and logistic regression.
The prevalence of depression in Jeju was 18.1%. The significant differences were found with depression prevalence rate by the group of gender, age, inhabited area, marital status, educational status, monthly household income, life satisfaction, socioeconomic status, perceived health status, morbidity during last 2 weeks, perceived stress, perceived fatigue, participation in social activities, and family life satisfaction. The most predictive factors among those variables were perceived fatigue with 17.93 of odds ratio, family life satisfaction with 9.86 odds ratio, and perceived stress with 9.66 of odds ratio.
The prevention and management of depression program development was suggested and mental health promotion program for the prevention of depression was suggested.
A Study on the Health Status and Need of Health Education of the Elderly: Focused on Some Elders Living in Jeju
Young Ju Son, Eun Young Choi, Young A Song
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(2):143-156.   Published online June 30, 2008
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It is important to identify problems in elders' health through health examination as a part of health service for elders and to execute health education so that elders have appropriate abilities to manage and protect themselves. This study was attempted to assess the need of health education in the elderly and to analyze factors affecting the need of health education.
The participants in this study were 354 elderly people living independently in the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province of Korea, and a questionnaire survey was conducted through personal interviews from June 25 to July 26, 2007. The methodology was a descriptive study. Data were collected and analyzed using SPSS Win 12.0.
As for the contents of education, elders preferred most the area of 'prevention and management of elderly diseases.' Detailed education contents preferred by elders were the prevention of accidents, diet habits, exercise and weight management, mental health and stress management, complementary and alternative therapies, management of drinking and smoking, etc.
According to elders' concerns and needs, systemic health education for the elderly should provide right health knowledge, health maintenance, health promotion and setting of appropriate health education.
The Home Care Need and the Burden of a Primary Family Care Giver with Senile Dementia Patients
Young Ju Son, Ki Seon Kang, Soo Jin Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(2):423-440.   Published online December 31, 2000
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This research was conducted to identify the following: the home care needs of patients with dementia and the burden on the primary family care giver: to provide basic data required to develop nursing intervention for the care giver: and to suggest recommendations for medical institutions and social services that could reduce the burden on the families of people suffering from dementia. Subjects of this research were 53 patients of the two Public Health Centers of Cheju Province who are suffering from dementia and their families. The instrument used in the research was Kuen. Jung Don (1994)' s assessment tool of burden in the primary family care giver who has parents with senile dementia and Yoo. Young Mi(1998)'s assessment tool of home care need. modified by the researcher in the questionnaire by a Likert rating scale. The period of data collection was from February 8. 2000 to March 10. 2000. Collected data was analyzed by SPSS, using mean, standard deviation. ANOVA, t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The result of this research was that there was not a significant correlation between the burden on the care giver and the level of dementia, its duration, the patient's ability to perform daily tasks, the period of care giving. and the use of social services, although the lower the patient's ability to perform daily tasks. and the worse the care giver's own health situation, the higher the burden on the primary family care giver. The following suggestions are made based on the results of this research. 1. More than half of the subjects don't use social facilities and services. More publicity and referral efforts are needed about medical institutions. nursing institutions and other facilities that specialize in services for dementia sufferers and their families. 2. Nursing services should include intensive education for the primary care giver in the most important aspects of home care. 3. Further research should be done, and should include data from all parts of Cheju Province.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing