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Young Mi Gwun 1 Article
Elderly people's understanding level of their life style in next generation
Hee Chung Kim, Yeong Kang Chung, Young Mi Gwun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(2):211-224.   Published online December 31, 1997
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The purpose of this study is to find a solution to effectively nurse elderly people in the aging society of next generation by analyzing relationship among the social problem of elderly people in the future society, their preferred life style, and their understanding level of an asylum for the aged. Data for this study were collected by questioning 316 persons(257 visitors at C University hospital and 59 residents in Chun - Ra Nam Do) from December 1996 to March 1997. The results were as follows: The assumption that an individual's preferred life style at old age depends on his /her understanding level of the social problem of elderly people was verified (chi2=9.75, p<0.00). The assumption that one's understanding of an asylum for the aged depends on his /her understanding level of the social problem of elderly people was verified (chi2=4.40, p<0.05). The assumption that one's understanding of an asylum for the aged depends on his/her pre-ferred life style at old age was verified(chi2=34.51, p<0.01). Among those who want to live together with children when they get old, the following differences in their conception were noted: Elderly people who has lost his/her wife/husband should marry again(p<0.01). Children should take care of their parents(p<0.01). Children should live with their parents(p<0.01), A desirable living style for an elderly people. An undesirable living style for an elderly people. Among those who want to live alone when they get old, the following differences were observed: It is okay for children to live separately from their parents as long as they provide financial support(p<0.01). Any child, regardless of the distinction of sex or the order of birth among siblings, can take care of his/her parents(p<0.05), It is desirable for an elderly people to live alone (p<0.01). It is undesirable for an elderly people to live in an asylum for the aged(p<0.05). It was verified that those who view an asylum for the aged in a negative way believe that children should take care of their parents. Also, it was verified that those who view an asylum for the aged in a positive way believe that children should provide financial support to their parents even though they do not live together(p<0.01). Regardless of the subjects' opinions on seriousness of the social problem of elderly people, the assumption that any child, regardless of the distinction of sex or the order of birth among siblings, can take care of his/her parents was verified(p<0.01) (p<0.05). Regardless of the subjects' view on asylum for the aged, the assumption that it is undesirable place for an elderly people to live was verified (p<0.01). The assumption that one's understanding of an asylum for the aged depends on the distinction of sex among general characteristics such as sex, age, educational background, occupation, and religion was verified(t=-2.82, p<0.01). The assumption that an individual's preferred life style at old age depends on the distinction of sex among general characteristics such as sex, age, educational background, occupation, and religion was verified(t=l.68, p<0.l).

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing