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Volume 4 (2); December 1993
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Original Articles
A Study of Workers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of the Occupational Health Services in Industries Located in Seoul
Yeun Gang Jung, Shin Ae Park, Na Mi Lee, Soon Young Yoon, Young Im Kim, Myoung Ja Wang, Soon Nam Lee, En Hee Kim, Young Ae Ko
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):91-99.   Published online December 31, 1993
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This research is undertaken for the purpose of providing basic data to improve the occupational health service for future. 415 workers of 46 firms in Seoul are included in this data points.
from this analyzing are the following. 1) The level of knowledge, attitude and practice of workers on the occupational health is moderate. 2) The cognition of necessity about special health examination gains the highest point(3.94), but the understanding of the occupational health educational program gains the lowest point (.85) in the knowledge region. 3) In the attitude region, the highest point is marked by the workers' prudence of expending time on medical examination(3.45). The lowest one by the workers' feeling of satisfaction of the follow-up service after medical examination(1.79). 4) The workers' participation in medical examination is the most active(3.15), and that in occupational health education in the least active(.86) in the practical region.
A Study of Industrial Workers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Health Care Services in Busan City
Bo Sun Huang, Yu Sun Shin, Suk Ok Yun, Ji Hyun Lee, Jung Soon Kim, Lee Soon Kim, Bok Yong Kim, Young Mee Kang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):100-108.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The purpose of this study was to identify the workers the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of industrial health care services. The study was conducted from Dec 10, 1992 to Jan 20, 1993. The data was collected from 849 workers in 56 companies in Busan City. The data was analyzed by using the mean, S.D>, T-test, ANOVA. The tool for measuring the degree of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of industrial health care of workers was developed by community health nursing academy and the reliability an of the tool was 0.82810. The results were as follows : 1. The general characteristics of workers : Distribution of workers consisted of laborer(55.0%), office workers(45.0%), in an age range from 25-39(55.0%), male employees were(69.7%), married employees were(62.4%), the educational level with the highest percentage was high school graduates(54.2%). The present work force had a career for 7 years or more with an income of 300-700 thousand won monthly(43.2). 2. The degree of Knowledge Attitude and Practice about industrial health care services of workers : The total score of the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice was 49.09 points out of a possible 80(mean Score=2.46) 1) The total score of the Knowledge was 15.73 points out of 24. (Mean score=2.62) The following are the Knowledge scores: The necessity examination of occupational disease was(3.34) The knowledge of occupational disease was (3.12) The knowledge of health education was(1.29) 2) b. The total score of the Attitude was 26.01 point out of 44(mean score=2.36) The following are the Attitude scores: The necessity of health education for health examination was (3.14). The importance of health examination was(3.08) The necessity of measurement for working environment was(2.99). The satisfaction of the content in the periodic health examination was low(1.81). 3) The total score of the Practice was 7.35 points out of 12(mean score=2.45) The following are the orders of Practice scores: The participation in health examination was higher than in health education(1.33). 3. The general characteristics and the degree of knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of workers of industrial health care. 1) The level of worker's knowledge was significantly related by working part(t=2.54 P=0.000), marital status(F=4.35 P=0.029), educational level(F=3.91 and P=0.020), monthly income(F=2.98 P=0.029) 2) There were no significant difference between the general characteristics and the attitude of workers. 3) The practice was significantly related with working part(T=2.52 P=0.012), sex(T=2.28 P=0.23), marital status(F=4.25 P=0.012), monthly income (F=2.76 P=0.034) 4) The total score had a significant difference with working part(T=2.39 P=0.017), sex (T=3.84 P=0.000), marital status (F=3.18 P=0.032). Educational level (F=3.20 P=0.033), and monthly income(F=3.05 P=0.022).
A Study of Industrial Workers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Occupational Health Management and Services: Kyung In Area
Tae Sung Ahn, Dong Ran Jo, Myung Soon Kim, Bok Hee Lee, Bong Ryeon Ko
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):109-116.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The purpose of this study was to examine industrial workers ; Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of occupational health management and service. The data was collected from Dec 4. 1993 to Jan 21, 1993. The data was collected from 352 industrial workers from 37 companies located in Kyng Ki Province and In cheon city. The measurement tool used in this study was a structured questionnaire developed by the community Nursing academy. The major findings attained from this study are summarized as follows : 1. The level of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of industrial workers of occupational health management and service, were as follows : The total mean score was 72 out of 100. The total mean score of Knowledge was 22.5, out of 30. The mean score of Attitude was 39.2, out of 55. The mean score of Practice was 10. 6, out of 15. 2. The level of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of industrial workers of health management and service according to workers' general characteristics. The significant perceptions of health management as a whole that impact on the Knowledge score were occupational factors such as, age, income, number of workers, educational status, sex, and marital status. The significant factor of Practice which impact on the score was age, number of workers, sex, and marital status.
A Study on the Knowledge, and Attitude of Health Examination of Industrial Workers: In Kangwon Province
Ae Young So
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):117-130.   Published online December 31, 1993
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There has been a rapid growth in Korea since 1962 because of the success of the 5-year Economic Plan. The number of industrial work and workers has also made had a rapid increase. Consequently, the management of occupational health for the purpose of promoting health in industrial workers is needed especially in the health examination program. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Knowledge, and Attitude among industrial workers of health examination programs. The target population was 402 industrial workers from 4 factories in Kangwon province. A survey was conducted to collect data by a self administered questionnaire from October 29 to November 5. A sixty four item questionnaire was designed to collect data concerning Knowledge, and Attitude of health examination of industrial workers. The data was analyzed by means of percentage, mean, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient. The major findings were as follows : 1. The respondents presented the following picture : The male population was 88%. 57% of respondents were age 25-34 years old. 69.4% of respondents were married. 73.4% of respondents were high school graduates. 80.8% of the respondents were working over 48 hours per week. The respondents with over 10 years on the job were 31.9% of the respondents. Health examination were given to the respondents as: pre-employment health examination 90.5%, general health examination 91.5%, and special health examination 31.5%. 2. The Knowledge level was different in health examination items. 80.5% of respondents had knowledge about hearing test, body weight, visually, chest X-ray like simple things. Below 50% of respondents had knowledge of urine test, liver function test, and career history. 3. Attitude status about health examination showed an average score 36.5(median 33) of satisfaction, 26.93(median 21) of importance, 13.84 (median 21) of content, 10.46(median 12 of reliability on health examination results. 4. The level of Attitude on health examination was significantly different than the Knowledge level. 5. The relationship among stated variables such as satisfaction, the perceptions of importance on health, health examination, the result and follow up after health examination were shown to reflect neither positively nor negatively on each other.
A Study on Workers Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Health Management in Taejon and Chungnam Province
Chun Sil Hong, Hyun Li Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):131-138.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The purpose of this study was to identify K.A.P. of industrial workers on health management. The study was conducted Dec 5, 1992 to March 10, 1993. The results were as follows : 1. The total Score of K.A.P. of industrial worker on the Knowledge of industrial health management was 2.52, the Attitude score was 42, the Practice score 2, 62. 2. The office workers' score on K.A.P.(T=-2. 11, P=.038) Attitude score(T=-2.03, P=.045) were higher than that of productive workers' 3. The K.A.P. score of married worker was higher than that of single workers, and showed significant differences statistically. 4. There are significant statistical differences in the Attitude score of workers according to age(F=2.26, F=.0304). 5. There were statistically significant differences among total Scores of K.A.P. (F=3.1141, P=.0498). Practice score(F=8.4421, P=.0004), Knowledge Score (F=3.5833, P=.0323). Performed 84.7%. 6. The relationship between industrial worker's health level score and industrial health status had reverse relationship(R=-.7689. P<.001) Therefore the companies that performed better health management attained a higher health level.
A Study on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about Industrial Health Care Services of workers: Kwang-ju City and Chonnam Province
He Young Kang, In He Park, Mi Sung Oh, Young Ae Choi, Su Ok You, Hee Jung Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):139-145.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The purpose of this study was to identify the degree and the relationship of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of industrial health care services of workers. This information will provide useful data for an effective industrial health care service. The was collected from 600 data employees in Kwang-ju city & Chonnam province. The data was gathered by questionnaire from Dec 20, 1992 to Jan 20, 1993. The questionnaire was developed by the Academic Affairs of Community Health Nursing Academy. Data was analyzed by using the statistical computer package, SPSS to manipulate the data along with percentages, means, standard deviations, modes, t-test and ANOVA. The results in this study were summarized as follows: 1. General characteristics of workers: Distributions of workers was laborer(76.2%). in the 25-34 age group(50.2%), married(63.3%), males comprised(77.5%), the educational level with the highest percentage was high school graduates (71.1%), with a monthly income of 300-700 thousand won(43.8%), and has been working in the present career over seven years (31.5%). 2. The Knowledge, Attitude and Practice levels of employees about industrial health care services The levels were measured according to a five point scale. The total mean score of knowledge was 2.92 points out of 4. The following are the scores of Knowledge of special medical examination and location of industrial clinic(3.48), periodic medical examination (3.18), occupational disease(3.08), personal protective equipment (2.92), and health education(1.37). The total mean score of Attitude was 2.77 point out of 4. The following are the scores of Attitude in order of working environment (3.35), necessity of periodic medical examination and health education(3.15), the worker's perception influence on the working environment to health was high(3.11). But, the level of satisfaction in the content of periodic medical examination was low(2.19). The total mean score of Practice was 2.70 points out of 4. The scores of Practice in order were, practice of periodic medical examination(3.70), utilization of industrial clinic(2.92), and to participate in health education(1.47). 3. The relationship of general characteristics to Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of workers: Knowledge had a significant difference by sex (P<.01), marital status(P<.01), education level (P<.05) and monthly income(P<.01). Attitude was significantly different with sex(P<.05) and Practice was significantly related to monthly income (P<.01).
A Study on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Public Health Management In Industry in Kyeongnam Province
Young Sil Kang, Sun Heoi Woo, Jung Hee Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):146-157.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The purpose of the study is to provide basic data on the public health management in the industrial work places, and some implications on the public health education related to workers self care capacity of their own health. To achieve this purpose a questionnaire was provided to 332 workers during February 11-28, 1993. This was do in Changwon-shi Geojeoi-kun, Chungmoo-shi, Jinjoo-shi, of Kyeongnam province. Through the analysis of the survey results, a relationship was deduced between worker's general characteristics and basic elements of health management in the work place. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. In the knowledge area special health screening received the highest score 3.18. While the educational program scored the lowest .85. In the Attitude area the highest score was achieved in the affirmative attitude to the time consumed by health checks (3.28). The lowest by the management of health checks(1.53). In the Practice area, participation in health checking is the most active (3.44) , and public health education is the least active (0.95). 2. The differences of knowledge by workers' general characteristics is statistically significant in the work sector (P<.05), age (P<.05), sex (p<.001), marital status (P<.001), and prior career(P<.01). But in Attitude general characteristics are not significant factors. In the Practice area, did have a statistical significance, work sector (p<.001), age (p<.001), sex (P<.05), marital status (p<.001) and work career (P<.001). 3. The total difference by workers' general characteristics has a statistical significance only in the case of marital status (P>05). The note of married workers is higher than that of single workers. 4. The correlation between any two of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice do have a statistical significance (p<.001).
A Study of Health Promotion Activity in Community Health Nursine Areas
Young Im Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):158-169.   Published online December 31, 1993
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Health promotions have been identified as foundamental concepts for nursing practice, especially in community health nursing. Nurses have been regarded as having important role's in health promotion activities. According to a review of literature, the concepts of health promotion consist of prevention services, health protection. Health prevention services have three levels : Primary secondary and tertiary. The objectives of this study are (1) to analyze the health promotion activities in school nursing. (2) to analyze health promotion activities in community health nursing posts. (3) to analyze the health promotion activities in industrial nursing while suggesting future direction for health promotion in community health nursing areas. The major results are first, Prevention services are most actively performed rather than health protection, and health education in three areas: School, industries, and community. Health nursing, secondary prevention services follow emergency care, and ordinary diseases control are especially active. Health promotion can ultimately from changing life be accomplished styles, and health behavior. As a consequence, future directions promoting health in community health nursing are desirable areas. Focusing on health protection, and health education that is not activated presently.
A Study on the Family Planning Program of The Korean Catholic Church Its Acceptability's, and Effctivenes
Shin Ae Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(2):170-187.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The natural growth rate of the Korean population has decreased from 3.0% in 1960 to 1.0% in 1990. This was done with family planning program which was introduced by the government in 1961. The family planning program focused on birth control rather than the characteristics of the individuals and motivations of contraception. People were simply forced to use the method. Whereas, Natural Contraceptive is a method of family planning based solely on the timing of intercourse with the naturally occurring' physiological manifestation of fertilization and in fertilization during the menstrual cycle. This is the combination of self fertility awareness with periodic abstinence. Natural family .planning(NFP) programs in Korea were first started in the Chun-Chen diocese of catholic church by Bishop Thomas Stewart in 1970 In 1975, the Bishops conference launched the Korea Happy Family Movement in the Catholic Hospital Association, to promote the natural family planning. An average of 70,000 people, including adolescents, college students, unmarried and married persons, arid the clergies were trained during a six-year period (1986-1991). 61.5%(24,542 people) of those who completed 3 cycles during 6 year period (1986-1991) became autonomous users and the range was from 48.1% to 78.2%. In 1986, 22.7% of NFP individuals who drooped out of the program because of the desire for conception (23.4%), the difficulty of the method used(25.8%), and the loss of interest(22.8%). During the six-year period the unplanned pregnancy rate at the NFP was 2.9%. The range of the pregnancy rate was at 1.2-9.8%. The rate was decreased as years passed. The major reason for the failure of contraceptive was error by the individuals(61.1%). The percentage of the success of conception was 18.1% of 2.979 for achieving pregnancy. The highest percentage was 58.2% (99 users) in Kwang-Joo diocese and next was 37.1% (10 users) in Chong Joo diocese.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing