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Development and Evaluation of Eating Traits Scale for Adult in Republic of Korea
Youngwon Kim, Eunok Park
Res Community Public Health Nurs. 2024;35(4):339-350.   Published online December 30, 2024
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The purpose of this study was to develop eating traits scale for Korean adults and verify its validity and reliability.
The initial items were developed based on the literature reviews. The first preliminary scale has consisted of 78 items and the second preliminary scale consisted of 50 items selected by 13 experts who were formed to evaluate the content validity. To review whether they could understand the questionnaires at their reading level, 27 sixth-grade elementary school students were asked to be involved in this study. The questionnaire was revised through the consultation of Korean language teachers, and the final preliminary scale was composed of 50 items. Data were collected from 329 adults aged 19 to 65 years to test validity and reliability of the scale The item analysis and exploratory factor analysis were applied.
Exploratory factor analysis showed 5 factors of 35 items. The factors (No. of items) were ‘Mood states (6)’, ‘Pursuit of health (6)’, ‘Stimulation of food (9)’, ‘Social situations (5)’, ‘Desire satisfaction (9)’. These 5 factors explained 55.04% of the total variance. Eating traits scale developed in this study was established construct validity. The reliability of the scale, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .92 and the factor’s ranged from .77 to .87.
Eating traits scale developed in this study was verified by content validity, construct validity and reliability. It is expected to be useful measuring eating traits of Korean adults in clinical practice and research.
Gender Differences in the Association between Eating Behavior and Depression of Adolescents: Evidence from a National Korean Cross-sectional Survey
Hye Sun Hyun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(2):106-113.   Published online June 30, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between unhealthy eating behavior and depression in adolescents, with confounding variables adjusted.
This study is a secondary analysis of the data collected from the 2013 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBWS). The analysis included 72,435 participants (36,655 male and 35,780 female). The data were analyzed by χ2 test, t-test, and logistic regression analysis using SPSS Version 21 by complex samples analysis.
Compared with male adolescents with healthy eating behavior, those who with unhealthy eating behavior were more likely to suffer depression with other factors controlled (OR=1.37, 1.07~1.75). On the other hand, female adolescents with unhealthy eating behavior were less likely to feel depressed compared with female adolescents with unhealthy eating behavior and with other factors controlled (OR=0.98, 0.64~1.50). However, it was not statistically significant.
Our findings suggest that healthy eating behavior may be a protective factor against depression in male adolescents, but not in female adolescents. Furthermore, our results suggest that the longitudinal associations between mental health and healthy eating behavior and other lifestyle factors are complex.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing