PURPOSE The aim of this study is to identify factors of Korean female workers' childbirth plans and to establish measures to improve the childbirth plan. METHODS Study subjects were selected part in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th year surveys of the Korean Longitudinal Panel Survey of Women and Families. The selection criteria were as follows: women who had a spouse; were salaried workers currently employed for the last one month; belonged to a childbearing age; and had less than 3 children. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to investigate factors associated with childbirth plans. RESULTS Childbirth plans by female workers decreased each year. The analysis of associated factors revealed that age, number of children were associated factors in all years. In addition, education, satisfaction about dividing household chores with the husband, and satisfaction about working environment were associated with the lack of planning for childbirth in female workers in the 1st survey year. Satisfaction about dividing household chores with the husband, family-work conflict, and satisfaction about the potential for personal development were associated factors in the 3rd survey year. Finally, family-work conflict, satisfaction about employment stability, and satisfaction about job task at work were associated factors in the 5th survey year. CONCLUSION It is important to know the measures focusing on the lack of planning for childbirth, and hence these factors can be improved by assessing in general, family, and occupational characteristics. Additionally, employer policies regarding women employees who are pregnant or have children at home need to be reviewed.
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Factors Associated With Pregnancy and Childbirth Among Married Couples: A Longitudinal Analysis Using the 2012–2018 Korean Health Panel Juhyeon Moon, Boyoung Jeon Cureus.2024;[Epub] CrossRef
Adult Perceptions of Healthy Pregnancy: A Focus-Group Study Hae Won Kim, Duck Hee Kim, Hyang Yuol Lee, Young Jin Lee, Hye Young Ahn International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 17(7): 2460. CrossRef
PURPOSE The study has been conducted to identify factors affecting the participation in leisure activities by elderly women living alone. METHODS Data were collected through a questionnaire survey among 150 elderly women in Seoul and Gyeong-gi Province. The measurement tools that were used include participation in leisure activities, perceived health status, Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form-Korea (GDSS-K), psychological well-being scale, and loneliness scale. The data were analyzed by using the Pearson correlation coefficients, t-test, analysis of variance ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression with the SPSS/windows version 21.0 program. RESULTS The analysis shows that the affection for participation in leisure activities of the elderly women living alone who participated in the questionnaire survey is significant (F=14.6, p < .001). The value of the adjusted R2 is 0.55, which accounts for the explanatory power of 55.4%. The predictor that has been found to have the greatest influence on the participation in leisure activities by the elderly women living alone include perceived health status, followed by monthly allowance (10,000 won), psychological well-being, economic status, religion, depression, family structure, and loneliness. CONCLUSION The results suggest that in developing nursing interventions and practice for the participation in leisure activities by elderly women living alone, perceived health status, psychological well-being, depression, and loneliness should be considered.
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Cross‐cultural Adaptation, validity, and Reliability of the Turkish Version of Health Promoting Activities Scale Feride YARAR, Fatih TEKİN, Emine ASLAN TELCİ, Fatih ÖZDEN Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences.2023; 7(1): 345. CrossRef
PURPOSE This study was conducted to examine the factors associated with meaning in life among elderly female community dwellers aged 65 or older who were living alone. METHODS A quota sample of 222 elderly female living alone was recruited. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Welch's test, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression using the SPSS 22.0 program. RESULTS The factors associated with meaning in life included age, education level, perceived economic status, perceived health status, social support, and loneliness. This regression model explained 66% of the variance in meaning in life. CONCLUSION Based on the results, comprehensive nursing intervention programs for enhancing meaning in life are required.
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A Review on Community Care for Chronic Disease Management Based on Digital Health Care: For Elderly Living Alone Yu Jeong Park The Journal of Korean Diabetes.2023; 24(1): 48. CrossRef
Mediating Effect of Health Behavior between Meaning in Life and Happiness Related to Aging among Commuity-dwelling Older Adults During COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study Eun-Ju Mun, Jin-Hwa Park Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2022; 24(3): 311. CrossRef
Factors Influencing Life Satisfaction in Middle-Aged Women Hee Kyung Kim, Hae Kyung Chang Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2022; 29(3): 326. CrossRef
Influence of the Meaning in Life, Depression, and Social Support on the Suicidal Ideation of Old Adult Hemodialysis Patients Jinhee Shin, Hyebeen Sim, Eunhee Cho Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(3): 279. CrossRef
Effects of Social Support on Health Promotion Behavior through the Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy in Older Women Living Alone Ji Hyun Oh Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2018; 20(3): 177. CrossRef
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to examine dry eye syndrome and ocular fatigue according to the status of contact lens wearing and management among female university students. METHODS The subjects were 195 female university students wearing contact lenses. Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) and Virtual Reality Symptom Questionnaire (VRSQ) were used to determine the level of dry eye syndrome and ocular fatigue. The SPSS/WIN 21.0 program was used for analysis of data. RESULTS Significant differences in the level of dry eye syndrome were observed according to the period of case solution change (F=3.36, p=.037) and the reasons for the change of lens (F=4.56, p=.004). In ocular fatigue, significant differences were observed according to the price of lens (F=3.53, p=.031), rinse in storing lens in a case (t=-2.57, p=.011), and learning about contact lens (t=-2.01, p=.046). A significant positive correlation was observed between dry eye syndrome and ocular fatigue in the subjects. CONCLUSION The results of this study show that some subjects have problems in wearing and management of contact lenses. Therefore, an education program related to contact lenses should be provided to contact lens wearers to improve the status of wearing and management of contact lenses.
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Tear Film Break-Up Time before and after Watching a VR Video: Comparison between Naked Eyes and Contact Lens Wearers Hyunjin Kim, Minji Gil, Hyungoo Kang Electronics.2024; 13(13): 2448. CrossRef
The Analysis of Relationship between Soft Contact Lens Wearing, Care and Inconvenient Symptoms Kyong-Seo Choi Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society.2019; 24(4): 411. CrossRef
Evaluating Factors Affecting Ocular Fatigue of College Students Kyung-Hee Hong, Lee Hyun-Joo, Se-Jin Kim The Korean Journal of Vision Science.2017; 19(4): 541. CrossRef
Evaluating the Effects of Dry Eye Syndrome on Ocular Fatigue and Attentiveness Kyung-Hee Hong, Lee Hyun-Joo, Se-Jin Kim The Korean Journal of Vision Science.2017; 19(4): 533. CrossRef
The Actual State of Wearing and Caring for Cosmetic Colored Soft Contact Lens in Female High School Students Mae-hun Ko, So Ra Kim, Mijung Park Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society.2017; 22(1): 11. CrossRef
The Effect of Fatigue and Stress on Dry eye Hye-Won Park, Tae-Hun Kim The Korean Journal of Vision Science.2017; 19(3): 323. CrossRef
Factors Influencing the Cognitive Degree of Dry Eyes in Nursing Students Mi-Kyoung Cho, Jeong Eun Ga, Da In Kim, Myeong Jin Kim, So Yeon Kim, Soo Ji Kim, Seung Han Kim, Gwang Bum Choi Perspectives in Nursing Science.2016; 13(2): 110. CrossRef
PURPOSE This study was carried out to find factors affecting weight-control behavior intention in female college students based on the theory of planned behavior. METHODS The subjects were 453 female students from everywhere other than the Gangwon Province and Jeju Island. Data were collected by using a questionnaire. RESULTS The factors affecting weight-control behavior intention in female college students within 2 weeks were attitudes and subjective norms. These two factors accounted for 20.0% of weight-control behavior intention. Also, when body shape satisfaction and BMI were added to variables of the theory of planned behavior like attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control, these 5 factors accounted for a total of 34.1%. CONCLUSION Due to their distorted perception in preferring skinny body shapes, female college students are likely to attempt at inappropriate weight control behavior. Through intervention with such factors as attitudes and body image satisfaction, which have been derived from the results of this study, healthy weight control behavior should be pursued in practice.
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An Explanatory Model of Weight Management Behaviors During Pregnancy: A Cross-sectional Study Sehee Kim, Sukhee Ahn Asian Nursing Research.2024;[Epub] CrossRef
Understanding Body Image and Appearance Management Behaviors Among Adult Women in South Korea Within a Sociocultural Context: A Review Kathy L. Lin, Vaishali V. Raval International Perspectives in Psychology.2020; 9(2): 96. CrossRef
Self-Control, Depression and Eating Attitude according to Weight Control Behavior in College Women Sunkyung Cha, Geunmyun Kim, Eunmi Lee Stress.2019; 27(2): 152. CrossRef
The Relationships among Experiences of Traumatic Events, Post-traumatic Stress and the Needs for Health Promotion Programs of 119 Paramedics Mi Suk Kang, Young Im Kim, Hyo Geun Geun Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2017; 28(4): 524. CrossRef
Body Weight Control Behavior and Obesity Stress of College Women Yang-Hee Kang, Kyung-Hee Kim The Journal of the Korea Contents Association.2015; 15(2): 292. CrossRef
Associations between Weight Control Behavior and Health Behaviors in Korean Young Women: 2013 Community Health Survey Jae-Hee Kim Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(7): 4734. CrossRef
Predictive Factors on Blood donation Intention and Behavior in College Students: Base on the Theory of Planned Behavior Yu-Jeong Kim, In-Hee Choi Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2014; 15(6): 3789. CrossRef
PURPOSE This study was to describe and develop the female university students' healthy dieting. METHODS The data were collected from 9 female students sampled from two universities. The grounded theory of Strauss and Corbin (1990) was applied. RESULTS As a result, 40 concepts, 16 subcategories, and seven categories were deduced from open coding. Emerged seven major categories were as followings: (1) Recognizing of general health condition, (2) Try to actively participate on social activities, (3) Searching for continuous healthy exercising methods, (4) Utilizing of social support system for healthy dieting, (5) Making an individual healthy rhythms, (6) Exhibiting abilities of self-control, (7) Charging self-confidences. The periods of process were divided into 4 stages, the phase of facing self-health, the phase of searching living conditions, the phase of developing individual strategies, and the phase of forming self-confidence. The core variable, "discovering self competencies" incorporated the relationship between and among all categories and explained the process. CONCLUSION This study had described the process of healthy dieting of female university students in Korea. These findings have important implications for health promotion of the female university students and can be utilized as material for developing health programs.
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Differences in body image, dieting behavior, and self-esteem regarding the weight-loss experience of the Republic of Korean workers Bohee So, Ki Han Kwon Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.2025; 35(1): 58. CrossRef
The influence of diet behavior on self-esteem according to the body image of workers in Republic of Korea: Mediating role of diet behavior Bohee So, Ki Han Kwon Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.2024; 34(4): 584. CrossRef
Weight Loss Experience of Highly Obese Young Adult Who Underwent Bariatric Surgery Hoim Lee, Hyoju Jeong, Suhye Kwon Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2023; 53(2): 260. CrossRef
A qualitative study on the failed weight-loss experiences of college students with obesity and overweight Sook Youn Lee, Keum Bok Ko, Nahyun Kim Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2020; 37(2): 43. CrossRef
Analysis of Health-Related Behaviors of Adult Korean Women at Normal BMI with Different Body Image Perceptions: Results from the 2013–2017 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHNES) Seyeon Park, Jieun Shin, Seunghui Baek International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 17(15): 5534. CrossRef
Relations of Advertising Regulations and Consumer Damages: Focusing on Weight-Loss Food Advertisements on the Internet Hye Jin Kim, Seung Sin Lee Family and Environment Research.2016; 54(1): 27. CrossRef
Experiences in Healthy Dieting of Male College Students with Obesity in Korea Jeong Soo Kim Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives.2015; 6(1): 59. CrossRef
Experiences in Appearance Management With Esthetic Treatment of Female College Students Jeong Soo Kim Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2014; 28(2): 359. CrossRef
Development of Health Dieting Competency Scale for College Students Jeongsoo Kim, Yumi Lee Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2014; 26(3): 300. CrossRef
Ethnographic Analysis on Health-related Behavioral Patterns of Male College Students in a Weight-control Program Jeong Soo Kim Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2013; 27(2): 241. CrossRef
Experiences in Self-dieting Program of Obese Male College Students Jeong Soo Kim Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2013; 25(5): 504. CrossRef
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to identify difference in gender stereotype between female nursing students and humanities students. METHODS A descriptive comparative study was done. The subjects were 300 nursing students and 114 humanities students who were selected by convenient sampling. Data were collected from September 2008 to October 2008 using a constructive questionnaire with 30 questions, which was prepared for this study by modifying the instrument about gender stereotype developed by Kim. The data were analyzed through ANCOVA, factor analysis and Chronbach's alpha using the SPSS program. RESULTS 1) Of the six subcategories of gender stereotype, five were higher in the nursing students than in the humanities students, but occupational gender stereotype was not. 2) Age affected total, familiar, social, external, and intellectual gender stereotype. 3) Self-satisfaction and major satisfaction affected social gender stereotype. 4) In the analysis of difference in gender stereotype with controlling age, self-satisfaction and major satisfaction, the nursing students showed statistically significant higher scores in intellectual stereotype than the humanities students. CONCLUSION Because female nursing students tended to show high gender stereotype, nursing educators need to develop programs for helping nursing students escape from gender stereotypes and increase their self-satisfaction.
PURPOSE This present study has been conducted on female workers' shorter working hours in order to look into their fatigue level and the correlation between fatigue and working hours. METHOD We surveyed 237 respondents using a questionnaire from June 1st to June 20th, 2005. RESULTS The means of total fatigue complaint was 3.45. The fatigue level was significantly higher in the lower age group, unmarried group, manager group and shorter working duration group. And the fatigue level was significantly correlated to working hours and work intensity. In the results of stepwise multiple regression, factors affecting the fatigue level were the change of work intensity, age, regular diet habit, working hours and the type of occupation. CONCLUSION It is necessary to prepare the health promotion programs, which can reduce female workers' fatigue level and relieve the intensity of their works.