Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic uncovered the fundamental vulnerability of Long-term Care Hospitals (LTCHs) regarding infection control. This study aimed to describe the experiences of nurses who responded to the COVID-19 outbreak on the front lines while working at a LTCH.
Methods This qualitative study was conducted with nine nurses. The data from in-depth individual interviews using semi-structured questions was analyzed thematically.
Results Three themes and 11 sub-themes were extracted. The first theme, “the sudden onset of the outbreak,” included finding themselves desensitized to COVID-19 as the pandemic persisted; embarrassed by the unavoidable occurrence; and worried about becoming a spreader and aggravating the outbreak. The second theme, “physically and mentally worn out,” involved increased fatigue from overtime work; exhaustion from responding to inquiry calls pouring in; tension while monitoring and controlling infection control compliance among nursing assistants, caregivers, and elderly patients with cognitive impairment; and increased discomfort while taking on all the extra work with stifling personal protective equipment. The third theme, “awakened perspectives while responding to the outbreak,” covered increased compassion for patients; paying attention to infectious diseases and having confidence in infection control principles; realization of the need for isolation rooms, supplies, and a full-time infection control nurse; and pride as an LTCH nurse who responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conclusion To enhance the level of prevention and response to infectious disease outbreaks in LTCHs in the future, it is necessary to establish infection control infrastructure, including personnel, isolation facilities, supplies, and continuing education for the LTCHs’ nursing workforce.
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Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in a long-term care hospital in Korea in early 2021 Eun Jo Kim, JaHyun Kang, HyeonSuk Byeon Infection Prevention in Practice.2025; 7(1): 100427. CrossRef
Purpose The purpose of this study was to understand and describe the experiences of patients with glaucoma.
Methods Data were collected from March to April in 2023, through individual in-depth interviews with 10 glaucoma patients. Verbatim transcripts were analyzed using Colaizzi’s phenomenological analysis.
Results Six theme clusters were extracted that described patients’ experiences: 1) The frightening disease unexpectedly discovered; 2) A dismal life gradually trapped in darkness; 3) Fear of the unseen; 4) Following treatment without any other options; 5) Grateful for the help but feeling miserable; 6) Realizing the importance of eyes and health.
Conclusion The results of this study provide a deep understanding and insight into the experience of Glaucoma patients. Glaucoma patients experienced physical, mental, and social pain through the disease process. Therefore, psychological nursing interventions are needed to understand and reduce mental pain along with medical treatment to relieve physical symptoms in glaucoma patients. Furthermore, it will be necessary to prepare institutional support measures to minimize various social restrictions.
Purpose This study aims to describe the structure of the experience related to acceptance of illness among people with early-stage dementia (PWED).
Methods Participants were six people who had Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia. Their clinical dementia rating scores were 0.5 or 1. Data were collected from individual in-depth interviews. The collected qualitative data were analyzed based on Giorgi’s descriptive phenomenological method.
Results The five constituents and eight sub-constituents were derived from the experience related to acceptance of illness among PWED; ‘Facing the changed me’, ‘Facing changes in roles and relationships with others’, ‘Conflict between recognizing and denying dementia in daily life’, ‘Perceiving the limits and accepting dementia’, and ‘Reconstructing daily life for the prolongation of the current health status’.
Conclusion This study contributes to the expansion of the in-depth understanding of the experience related to acceptance of illness among PWED. The results of the study will be helpful as basic data for community health nurses to develop interventions to improve acceptance of illness of PWED.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to find a nursing intervention plan by classifying the body pain areas of the Korean aged and analyzing related factors.
Methods This study performed the latent class analysis, cross-analysis, and one-way ANOVA using the SPSS 25.0, M-plus 7.0 program on 4,388 older adults aged 65 or over using the data from the 2020 Aging Research Panel.
Results As a result of the Latent Class Analysis, participants divided into four groups. Group 1 was the 'shoulder and low back pain group' with high shoulder and back pain, group 2 was the 'upper body pain group' with severe pain in the arms, wrists and fingers and chest, group 3 was the 'lower pain focused group' with high pain in the legs and knees, and finally, group 4 was the 'general low pain group' with low pain overall. The result of the study shows that the group that did not exercise regularly, the female group, and the low socioeconomic status group have more pain in general. The upper body central pain group showed a low level of life satisfaction.
Conclusion This study discusses various nursing interventions for the prevention of chronic pain, especially for the aged female group who has diverse body pain areas, the aged with low socioeconomic status, and the aged who do not exercise.
Purpose To support implementation of comprehensive, person-centered healthcare, this study aimed to explore immigrant women's public health center (PHC) service experiences and needs while considering Photovoice's feasibility for this purpose.
Methods: This qualitative study included 15 marriage-based immigrant women.
Participants were recruited from churches and multicultural family support centers using purposive and snowball sampling. Data were collected through four focus group interviews and were subjected to inductive content analysis.
Results: Five categories of experiences were identified: language barriers, hectic environment, affordable and practical primary healthcare, feeling ignored and discriminated against, and feeling frustrated. In addition, five categories of needs were identified: language assistance services, ease of access, healthcare across the lifespan, expansion of affordable healthcare, and being accepted as they are. This study provides preliminary evidence that the Photovoice approach can facilitate the interview process in a qualitative inquiry involving participants with limited ability to express their perspectives in the researchers' language.
Conclusion: Study findings highlight the need to implement institutional policy and procedural changes within PHCs and to provide culturally competent, personcentered care for South Korea's marriage-based immigrant women and other ethnic minority populations. The findings also provide evidence-based direction for PHC service planning.
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The Evolution of Phenomenology in Korean Nursing Research: A Scoping Review Minjeong Seo, Yunekyong Kim, Jinryung Park, Guiyeon Sim, Youngshim Ko Asian Nursing Research.2024; 18(1): 3. CrossRef
Purpose This study analyzed the retention factors of Korean community health practitioners who sustained over 20 years based on a multi-dimensional framework. This study suggests global implications for nurses working in rural or remote areas, even during a worldwide pandemic.
Methods: The participants were 16 Korean community health practitioners who worked in rural or remote locations for over 20 years. This study identified nurses' key retention factors contributing to long service in rural and remote areas. This is a qualitative study based on the narrative method and analysis was conducted using grounded theory. A semi-structured questionnaire was conducted based on the following: the life flow of the participants' first experience, episodes during the work experience, and reflections on the past 20 years.
Results: First, personal 'financial needs' and 'callings' were motivation-related causal conditions. The adaptation of environment-work-community was the contextual condition leading to intervening conditions, building coping strategies by encountering a lifetime crisis. The consequences of 'transition' and 'maturation' naturally occurred with chronological changes. The unique factors were related to the 'external changes' in the Korean primary health system, which improved the participants' social status and welfare.
Conclusion: Considering multi-dimensional retention factors was critical, including chronological (i.e., historical changes) and external factors (i.e., healthcare systems), to be supportive synchronously for rural nurses. Without this, the individuals working in the rural areas could be victimized by insecurity and self-commitment. Furthermore, considering the global pandemic, the retention of nurses is crucial to prevent the severity of isolation in rural and remote areas.
Purpose This study aims to describe and understand the meaning and nature of community health practitioners’ coping with COVID-19.
Methods In-depth interviews were conducted with 12 community health practitioners from August to October 2021, to describe and understand the nature of their coping with COVID-19. The collected data were examined and described based on Colaizzi’s phenomenological method.
Results 16 theme clusters and five categories were derived from the community health practitioners’ experience of coping with COVID-19. The categories derived were: a war that began without notice, a variety of correspondence tasks assigned, struggling to fulfill given roles, correspondence tasks becoming more systematic, and a fight that has not yet ended.
Conclusion Community health practitioners handled various response tasks related to COVID-19, and faithfully fulfilled their professional roles while performing the primary task of medical care. Hence, attention is required on issues related to the establishment of the national emergency healthcare system and improvement of professional competence of community health practitioners even after the COVID-19 pandemic is over. Furthermore, it is necessary to make ceaseless efforts to address those issues and, in order to do so, social interest and institutional support are needed.
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Exploring the Status and Experiences of School Nurses’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Method Study Hyojin Park, Juyoung Ha Asian Nursing Research.2024;[Epub] CrossRef
Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of public officials working for the Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) response in community health centers in South Korea.
Methods: A qualitative thematic analysis was conducted using data collected from three focus groups and two individual interviews.
Results: The participants performed quarantine tasks in a poor working environment with several problems, such as significant workload, lack of manpower, and inappropriate compensation system. Participants experienced obstacles in performing quarantine works, which had the lack of the detailed quarantine guidelines, work support and cooperation system. Participants suffered from civil complaints. Participants endured sacrifices in their personal lives while partaking in COVID-19 response work without holidays, and subsequently experienced health problems. And also participants said that it was necessary to secure expertise and effective communication for infectious disease management.
Conclusion: The study results suggest that policies are required that are aimed to improve the working environment and the recruitment of experts in infectious diseases. In addition, the job stress related to the COVID-19 response by public officials in community health centers must be evaluated, and the relation of their job stress to physical and mental problems, as well as psychosocial stress, must be examined.
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Infection Control Nurses’ Burnout Experiences in Hospitals during the COVID-19 Pandemic Su-Jin Lee, Seo-Hyeon Kim, Ju-Young Park Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2024; 31(1): 135. CrossRef
Influencing Factors for Work Engagement of COVID-19 Response Workers in Public Health Centers: Based on the Job Demands-Resources Model Songran Park, Yeongmi Ha Research in Community and Public Health Nursing.2024; 35: 64. CrossRef
Current status and development strategies for community-based health promotion programs in South Korea Jin-Nam Kim, Yeo Wool Lee, In-Hwan Oh Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2024; 41(4): 19. CrossRef
Community Health Nursing During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Korea: Consequences, Challenges, and Directions Eunjoo Kim, Ju Young Yoon, Hyori Kim Journal of Community Health Nursing.2023; 40(2): 79. CrossRef
Identifying required competencies for public officials in the public health centers: Results from focus group interviews Kyung Hee Yi, Sookja Choi, Myungwha Jang Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2023; 40(2): 31. CrossRef
Development and Effectiveness of a Basic Epidemiological Investigation Simulation Program of Emerging Respiratory Infectious Diseases for Nursing Students: Application of Standardized Patients Jiyun Park, Gye Jeong Yeom Research in Community and Public Health Nursing.2023; 34: 267. CrossRef
Mental Health and Quality of Life for Disaster Service Workers in a Province under COVID-19 Ji-Won Na, Chan-Mo Yang, Sang-Yeol Lee, Seung-Ho Jang Journal of Clinical Medicine.2022; 11(6): 1600. CrossRef
Awareness of the epidemiological investigation tasks of the nurse in charge of COVID-19 epidemiological investigations Haeng-Mi Son, Won-Hee Choi, Hye-Ryun Yang, Young-Hui Hwang The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2022; 28(4): 433. CrossRef
The COVID-19 Correspondence Work Experience of Community Health Practitioners Jae-Hyun Ha, Hyun-Ju Lee Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2022; 33(2): 139. CrossRef
Student nurse experiences in public healthcare clinical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study Yun-Jung Choi, Youn-Joo Um Nurse Education Today.2022; 119: 105586. CrossRef
Purpose This study was conducted to explore the healthcare experience of residents participating in the CommunityBased Hypertension and Diabetes Registry Program. Methods This study used qualitative content analysis. Data were collected from in depth interviews of fifteen participants, who either participated in the program hosted by the Training Center for Hypertension and Diabetes for more than two years or participated in an intensive one-on-one education program. Results The results showed that the core theme in healthcare of participants was ‘Proactive healthcare with attention and systematic guidance of experts’. The positive reinforcement of staffs and the improvement of self-efficacy through effective close management were found to be positive influencing factors of participation. The theme consisted of the following categories: ‘Participation in the program with positive expectations on healthcare’, ‘Interest in body and health’, ‘Vitality in life’, ‘Confidence in dealing with disease’, ‘Thankfulness for close care and attention’, and ‘Desire for continuous care’. Conclusion When establishing policies on managing chronic diseases, a strategy that reflects the results of the study is required. It is necessary to build up emotional relationship among stakeholders, and expand opportunities for close healthcare such as one-on-one customized training, and mutual cooperation with various organizations in the local community.
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Korean National Burden of Disease: The Importance of Diabetes Management Chung-Nyun Kim, Yoon-Sun Jung, Young-Eun Kim, Minsu Ock, Seok-Jun Yoon Diabetes & Metabolism Journal.2024; 48(4): 518. CrossRef
Factors Influencing Participation in Hypertension Management Education Among Diagnosed Hypertensive Patients in Busan: Utilizing the 2021 Community Health Survey Hye Jung Jun, Kyoung Mi Kim Research in Community and Public Health Nursing.2024; 35: 424. CrossRef
Public–Private Partnership: Participants’ Experiences of the Web-Based Registration-and-Management System for Patients with Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Seonah Lee, Nanyoung Song, Suhyun Kim Healthcare.2023; 11(9): 1297. CrossRef
Community-Based Intervention for Elderly Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: Assessing the Effectiveness of a YouTube Self-Education Program during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic Hyo-Rim Son, So Youn Park, Ye-Jin Ko, Da-Woon Jung, Eun-Sook Won, Aie-Hee Cho, Do Hyun Shin, Chun-Bae Kim The Journal of Korean Diabetes.2023; 24(4): 232. CrossRef
Changes in daily physical activities by income level according to the prevalence of hypertension and diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic: The 2020 Community Health Survey Minsun Yoon, Hyunsuk Jeong, Boyoung Bae, Nayoung Hong, Hyeon Woo Yim Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2022; 39(2): 15. CrossRef
Purpose This study attempted to obtain basic data for developing a global nursing practice education program. Methods The data collection period was from July 2 to 11, 2020. The study participants were professors with experience in design, operation and management of global nursing practice education or experts with experience in international cooperation projects, and 8 people who agreed to participate in focus group interview (FGI). FGI was conducted twice in total and the directed content analysis method was applied. Results The categories of ‘practice design’ are ‘growing as a global nursing leader’ and ‘working together towards one goal’. The categories of ‘practice operation’ are ‘watching, listening, and performing’, ‘self-directed organizing from preparation to finishing’, and ‘learning the value of participation rather than grades’. The category of 'practice management' is 'one's own weight to carry'. Conclusion Global nursing practice education aims one goal - growing as a global nursing leader - and is self-directed course from preparation to an end with watching, listening and performing together. It is about learning the value of participation rather than grades. This can be used as basic data for the design, operation and management of global nursing practice education in the future.
Purpose Various intervention strategies are needed to reduce the suicide rate among late adolescents. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the factors that can help overcome suicidal tendencies in late adolescents from the perspective of case managers. Methods This qualitative study explored the reinforcing factors that can help overcome suicidal behaviors in late adolescents, by conducting focus group interviews with case managers from the local community. Interviews with 10 case managers were recorded and transcribed, and the data were analyzed using the content analysis method. Results The main theme of this study was “a step in a new direction”. Three categories were derived: “inner changes”, “another possibility opened up by the interest of significant others”, and “connecting with community resources to help overcome”. Each category had subcategories that influenced the intention and course of action of behaviors to overcome the suicide crises. Conclusion Our findings, from the exploration of the experiences of case managers, provide an in-depth understanding of the reinforcing factors for overcoming suicide among late adolescents. They provide useful preliminary data for the development of effective suicide prevention programs for the adolescents.
Purpose The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the transition experiences of the elderly from long-term care hospitals to their homes. Methods The participants were eight elderly medicaid beneficiaries, who had been the subjects from the community care project in Korea. The data were collected with one-on-one interviews from April to November in 2020, and analyzed by phenomenological steps. Results The seven themes derived in this study were ‘Space to escape’, ‘Reliable supporter opened the way to discharge’, ‘Comfortable life at home’,‘Obstacles to independent life’, ‘Struggling to live alone’, ‘Fence for community life’, and ‘Energizing in daily life’ Conclusion: The results revealed the positive aspects of Community Care program in Korea. However, it is suggested that active communication between hospitals and community care institutions, and improvement of home environment to live in the community before discharge should be required. And system revision is needed to adjust activity in their home and support health problems of the elderly in the early stage of discharge. The results of this study can be referred to as the foundation of transitional care for the elderly.
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Experiences of Transitional Care for Medicaid Case Managers Yunhee Hwang, Gaeon Lee Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2023; 53(5): 556. CrossRef
Purpose The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the changed parenting experiences of mothers of elementary school kids living in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak in Korea. Methods: From July to August in 2020, 10 mothers parenting elementary school students under the COVID-19 were interviewed in depth. For data analysis, a phenomenological research methodology suggested by Colaizzi was used. Results According to the analysis, the experiences of mothers consisted of four categories: the ‘pain from the uncontrollable COVID-19’, ‘the problem of family relations due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation’, ‘standing firm against the drastic changes’, and ‘accepting the world changed by the COVID-19’. Conclusion The findings in this study vividly represent the parenting experiences of mothers of elementary school students after the outbreak of COVID-19. As the pandemic persists, mothers parenting elementary school students feel complex emotions and experience exhaustion, but in the process, they found family members growing positively and trying to adjust to each other to overcome the crisis. To support positive adaptation to catastrophic situations, an institutional and political foundation is needed to develop a systematic crisis management program customized for mothers and families of elementary school students. The results of this study can be used as basic data when establishing national policies and support systems so that mothers parenting elementary school students can better adapt to and overcome crisis situations.
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The Effects of Stress Vulnerability and Parental Burnout on Mental Health in Women with Early School-Age Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mediating Effect of Spirituality Mijung Yeom, Min Kwon Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2024; 54(1): 106. CrossRef
Latent profile analysis of depression among dual-income couples raising young children before and after COVID-19 Jiwon Bang, Sung-Kyung Yoo Journal of Families and Better Life.2024; 42(1): 43. CrossRef
The Effects of Depression and Fear in Dual-Income Parents on Work-Family Conflict During the COVID-19 Pandemic Gijung Jung, Ji Sun Ha, Mihyeon Seong, Ji Hyeun Song Sage Open.2023;[Epub] CrossRef
Care-related Topic Trends during COVID-19 on an Online Parenting Forum: Topic Modeling by Family Life Cycle You Rok Do Journal of Families and Better Life.2023; 41(1): 29. CrossRef
A Case Study on the Parenting Experience of Mothers with Infants During the COVID-19 Pandemic Minji Lee, Jihyeon Oh The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2022; 33(2): 295. CrossRef
Association Among Mothers’ Loneliness, Cognitive Flexibility, and Children’s Social Competence: Moderated Mediating Effect of Mothers’ Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on Daily Lives Yea-Ji Hong Korean Journal of Child Studies.2022; 43(2): 125. CrossRef
Mothers’ experience of caring for home-quarantined children after close contact with COVID-19 in Korea: an exploratory qualitative study Hyeyeon Lee, Mihui Kim, Ocksim Kim, Sue Kim, Seongmi Choi Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2021; 27(3): 220. CrossRef
Purpose This qualitative study is aimed to explore the factors in the aspect of the community that made it difficult for field experts to conduct counseling and case management.
Methods: A total of four focus group interviews composed of 15 field experts including nurses were conducted.
Results: A theme, six categories and 22 subcategories were derived. As for the theme, it was found that legal, educational, and environmental systems reflecting non-suicidal self-injury of the characteristics in adolescents were insufficient. In the legal aspect, the defect of the parental education legal system, the reality of having to rely on parental consent when supporting adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury; in the educational aspect, the lack of manuals and education for counseling and case management for adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury; in the environmental aspects, the defect of economic burden and support, a lack of information systems for various organizations in the local community, absence of a dedicated support system for adolescent with non-suicidal self-injury and a lack of human and physical resources.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, there needs to be a responsible institution that can comprehensively manage the non-suicidal self-injury of adolescents, and efforts to develop the competence of community nurses.
Purpose As the daily life experiences of community-dwelling people with mental disabilities are closely correlated to mental health recovery, this study aimed to analyze their daily life experiences in depth to determine their significance. Method Participants included eight community-dwelling people with mental disabilities. A total of 12 in-depth interviews were conducted once or twice per participant. The collected data were analyzed using the phenomenological analysis method described by Giorgi. Results The daily life experiences of community-dwelling people with mental disabilities were categorized into the following four components: “encountering shocking reality in the outside world”, “life tied down by the mental illness”, “happiness and gratefulness encountered in daily life”, and “wishing for a change and self-sustaining life”. Conclusion: This study found that the recovery and welfare of community-dwelling people with mental disabilities were promoted and that these patients made necessary efforts to become a member of the local community. These findings could be used as a reference for establishing social welfare policies which enable people with mental disabilities to participate as functioning members of the community that facilitate the prevention of relapse, to promote their integration into the community. Furthermore, the present results will contribute to the development of nursing intervention programs to promote recovery and prevent relapse, to ultimately establish a mental health management system.
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Concept analysis of uncertainty in people with mental disabilities Hyun-Mee Cho, Eun Joung Choi, Hyun-Ju Choi, Eun-Ju Cho Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.2023; 45: 44. CrossRef