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Original Article
Factors Associated with Intention to Quit Smoking in Community-dwelling Male Adult Smokers
Hye-Ran Ahn
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2015;26(4):364-371.
Published online: December 31, 2015

Department of Nursing, Nambu University, Gwangju, Korea.

• Received: October 30, 2015   • Revised: December 11, 2015   • Accepted: December 15, 2015

© 2015 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

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  • Purpose
    This study was conducted to identify the factors associated with intention to quit smoking in community-dwelling male adult smokers in Korea.
  • Methods
    This study was cross-sectional research that used data of 4,010 male smokers. Data from the 2013 Community Health Survey were analyzed through multiple logistic regression.
  • Results
    Of the male adult smokers, 65.64% reported that they had an intention to quit smoking. In the logistic regression analysis, age, amount of smoking per day, previous attempts to quit smoking, exposure to smoking-quitting campaigns, and toothbrushing after lunch were significantly associated with intention to quit smoking.
  • Conclusion
    These factors should be considered in developing policies and population-based smoking cessation programs to increase smoking cessation among Korean men.
Table 1

Intention to Quit Smoking according Sociodemographic Characteristics among Male Adult Smokers (N=4,010)

Characteristics Categories Intention to quit smoking Total p
Yes No
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Age (year) 19~29 256 (75.74) 82 (24.26) 338 (8.43) <.001
30~39 524 (74.54) 179 (25.46) 703 (17.53)
40~49 696 (70.23) 295 (29.77) 991 (24.71)
50~59 551 (62.33) 333 (37.67) 884 (22.05)
≥60 605 (55.30) 489 (44.70) 1094 (27.28)
Marital status Not married 508 (70.79) 210 (29.21) 718 (17.93) <.001
Married 1964 (65.31) 1043 (34.69) 3007 (74.99)
Divorced 105 (58.01) 76 (41.99) 181 (4.51)
Bereaved 54 (52.43) 49 (47.57) 103 (2.57)
Education level ≤Elementary school 397 (51.56) 373 (48.44) 770 (19.21) <.001
Middle school 328 (60.52) 214 (39.48) 542 (13.53)
High school 949 (66.50) 478 (33.50) 1427 (35.60)
≥College 957 (75.41) 312 (24.59) 1269 (31.66)
Monthly income (10,000 won) ≤100 560 (55.78) 444 (44.22) 1004 (25.04) <.001
101~200 533 (62.49) 320 (37.51) 853 (21.27)
201~300 553 (72.29) 212 (27.71) 765 (19.08)
≥301 986 (71.04) 403 (28.96) 1388 (34.61)
Table 2

Intention to Quit Smoking according to Smoking-related Characteristics among Male Adult Smokers (N=4,010)

Characteristics Categories Intention to quit smoking Total p
Yes No
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Age to start smoking <20 1,178 (65.19) 629 (34.81) 1,807 (45.06) .591
≥20 1,454 (66.00) 749 (34.00) 2,203 (54.94)
Amount of smoking per day 1~9 425 (74.82) 143 (25.18) 568 (14.17) <.001
10~19 919 (71.35) 369 (28.65) 1,288 (32.14)
20~39 1,206 (61.88) 743 (38.12) 1,949 (48.63)
≥40 81 (39.90) 122 (60.10) 203 (5.06)
Previous attempts to quit smoking No 578 (43.20) 760 (56.80) 1,338 (33.37) <.001
Yes 2,054 (76.87) 618 (23.13) 2,672 (66.63)
Exposure to quit smoking campaigns No 344 (56.67) 263 (43.33) 607 (15.13) <.001
Yes 2,288 (67.25) 1,114 (32.75) 3,502 (84.84)
Education to quit smoking No 2,391 (64.64) 1,308 (35.36) 3,699 (92.24) <.001
Yes 241 (77.49) 70 (22.51) 331 (7.76)
Table 3

Intention to Quit Smoking according to Health Behaviors among Male Adult Smokers (N=4,010)

Characteristics Categories Intention to quit smoking Total p
Yes No
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Alcohol consumption Never 442 (58.01) 320 (41.99) 762 (19.00) .611
<1 times/month 182 (70.00) 78 (30.00) 260 (6.48)
≥1 times/month 812 (75.96) 257 (24.04) 1069 (26.66)
≥2 times/week 1196 (62.36) 722 (37.64) 1918 (47.83)
Physical activity No 2242 (65.16) 1199 (34.84) 3441 (85.83) .102
Yes 396 (68.66) 178 (31.34) 568 (14.17)
Toothbrushing after lunch No 1324 (60.82) 853 (39.18) 2177 (55.14) <.001
Yes 1272 (71.82) 499 (28.18) 1771 (44.86)
Dental floss and interspace brushes No 2244 (64.24) 1249 (35.76) 3493 (87.11) <.001
Yes 388 (75.05) 129 (24.95) 517 (12.89)
Table 4

Factors associated with Intention to Quit Smoking among Male Adult Smokers (N=4,010)

Characteristics Categories Odds ratio 95% Confidence interval p
Lower Higher
Age (year) 19~29 1 <.001
30~39 0.92 0.65 1.31
40~49 0.83 0.58 1.19
50~59 0.65 0.44 0.94
≥60 0.50 0.33 0.75
Marital status Not married 1 .137
Married 1.31 1.03 1.68
Divorced 1.07 0.72 1.57
Bereaved 1.26 0.77 2.07
Education level ≤Elementary school 1 .591
≤Middle school 1.16 0.90 1.50
≤High school 1.16 0.91 1.48
≥College 1.19 0.89 1.59
Monthly income (10,000 won) ≤100 1 .050
101~200 1.09 0.87 1.35
201~300 1.41 1.09 1.81
≥301 1.22 0.98 1.54
Amount of smoking per day 1~9 1 <.001
10~19 0.79 0.62 1.01
20~39 0.58 0.46 0.73
≥40 0.24 0.16 0.35
Previous attempts to quit smoking No 1 <.001
Yes 4.49 3.86 5.22
Exposure to quit smoking campaigns No 1 .003
Yes 1.35 1.10 1.63
Education to quit smoking No 1 .051
Yes 1.36 1.00 1.84
Toothbrushing after lunch No 1 .004
Yes 1.25 1.07 1.46
Dental floss and interspace brushes No 1 .480
Yes 1.10 0.86 1.39

This study was based on the Korean Community Health Surveys (KCHS) 2013, which was supported by the Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (KCDC),Division of Chronic Disease Control.

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    Factors Associated with Intention to Quit Smoking in Community-dwelling Male Adult Smokers
    Characteristics Categories Intention to quit smoking Total p
    Yes No
    n (%) n (%) n (%)
    Age (year) 19~29 256 (75.74) 82 (24.26) 338 (8.43) <.001
    30~39 524 (74.54) 179 (25.46) 703 (17.53)
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    Middle school 328 (60.52) 214 (39.48) 542 (13.53)
    High school 949 (66.50) 478 (33.50) 1427 (35.60)
    ≥College 957 (75.41) 312 (24.59) 1269 (31.66)
    Monthly income (10,000 won) ≤100 560 (55.78) 444 (44.22) 1004 (25.04) <.001
    101~200 533 (62.49) 320 (37.51) 853 (21.27)
    201~300 553 (72.29) 212 (27.71) 765 (19.08)
    ≥301 986 (71.04) 403 (28.96) 1388 (34.61)
    Characteristics Categories Intention to quit smoking Total p
    Yes No
    n (%) n (%) n (%)
    Age to start smoking <20 1,178 (65.19) 629 (34.81) 1,807 (45.06) .591
    ≥20 1,454 (66.00) 749 (34.00) 2,203 (54.94)
    Amount of smoking per day 1~9 425 (74.82) 143 (25.18) 568 (14.17) <.001
    10~19 919 (71.35) 369 (28.65) 1,288 (32.14)
    20~39 1,206 (61.88) 743 (38.12) 1,949 (48.63)
    ≥40 81 (39.90) 122 (60.10) 203 (5.06)
    Previous attempts to quit smoking No 578 (43.20) 760 (56.80) 1,338 (33.37) <.001
    Yes 2,054 (76.87) 618 (23.13) 2,672 (66.63)
    Exposure to quit smoking campaigns No 344 (56.67) 263 (43.33) 607 (15.13) <.001
    Yes 2,288 (67.25) 1,114 (32.75) 3,502 (84.84)
    Education to quit smoking No 2,391 (64.64) 1,308 (35.36) 3,699 (92.24) <.001
    Yes 241 (77.49) 70 (22.51) 331 (7.76)
    Characteristics Categories Intention to quit smoking Total p
    Yes No
    n (%) n (%) n (%)
    Alcohol consumption Never 442 (58.01) 320 (41.99) 762 (19.00) .611
    <1 times/month 182 (70.00) 78 (30.00) 260 (6.48)
    ≥1 times/month 812 (75.96) 257 (24.04) 1069 (26.66)
    ≥2 times/week 1196 (62.36) 722 (37.64) 1918 (47.83)
    Physical activity No 2242 (65.16) 1199 (34.84) 3441 (85.83) .102
    Yes 396 (68.66) 178 (31.34) 568 (14.17)
    Toothbrushing after lunch No 1324 (60.82) 853 (39.18) 2177 (55.14) <.001
    Yes 1272 (71.82) 499 (28.18) 1771 (44.86)
    Dental floss and interspace brushes No 2244 (64.24) 1249 (35.76) 3493 (87.11) <.001
    Yes 388 (75.05) 129 (24.95) 517 (12.89)
    Characteristics Categories Odds ratio 95% Confidence interval p
    Lower Higher
    Age (year) 19~29 1 <.001
    30~39 0.92 0.65 1.31
    40~49 0.83 0.58 1.19
    50~59 0.65 0.44 0.94
    ≥60 0.50 0.33 0.75
    Marital status Not married 1 .137
    Married 1.31 1.03 1.68
    Divorced 1.07 0.72 1.57
    Bereaved 1.26 0.77 2.07
    Education level ≤Elementary school 1 .591
    ≤Middle school 1.16 0.90 1.50
    ≤High school 1.16 0.91 1.48
    ≥College 1.19 0.89 1.59
    Monthly income (10,000 won) ≤100 1 .050
    101~200 1.09 0.87 1.35
    201~300 1.41 1.09 1.81
    ≥301 1.22 0.98 1.54
    Amount of smoking per day 1~9 1 <.001
    10~19 0.79 0.62 1.01
    20~39 0.58 0.46 0.73
    ≥40 0.24 0.16 0.35
    Previous attempts to quit smoking No 1 <.001
    Yes 4.49 3.86 5.22
    Exposure to quit smoking campaigns No 1 .003
    Yes 1.35 1.10 1.63
    Education to quit smoking No 1 .051
    Yes 1.36 1.00 1.84
    Toothbrushing after lunch No 1 .004
    Yes 1.25 1.07 1.46
    Dental floss and interspace brushes No 1 .480
    Yes 1.10 0.86 1.39
    Table 1 Intention to Quit Smoking according Sociodemographic Characteristics among Male Adult Smokers (N=4,010)

    Table 2 Intention to Quit Smoking according to Smoking-related Characteristics among Male Adult Smokers (N=4,010)

    Table 3 Intention to Quit Smoking according to Health Behaviors among Male Adult Smokers (N=4,010)

    Table 4 Factors associated with Intention to Quit Smoking among Male Adult Smokers (N=4,010)

    RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing